In Napoleon Hill’s best book Think And Grow Rich, he mentions transmutation of sexual energy as the vital ingredient in achieving BIG monumental SUCCESS.
So many people have read that book but STILL do NOT understand what transmutation of sexual energy is AND they fail to understand how to actually do it.
Transmutation of sexual energy = using your sexual energy as FUEL to create great work or do great business.
In this article I will show you WHAT transmutation of sexual energy actually is, but more importantly I will show you HOW TO cultivate sexual energy in the first place.
If you do not have a big sexual energy, how could you ever harness your sexual energy to create great work?
That’s a great question and here’s the answer: you couldn’t.
More important than transmuting sexual energy, is cultivating the sexual energy that you will use as fuel for your great work.
Many times a person’s sexual energy is abused and wasted by having TOO MUCH SEX, or it is discarded by not having ANY sex and becoming domesticated.
Great work is NOT created by killing your sexual desire and great work is also NOT created by constantly exercising your sexual desire.
Great work is created by cultivating a VERY high sexual desire and letting this desire energize you.
To use intense sexual desire as the fuel for your great work, a balance has to first be created.
So let’s create that balance and teach you how to transmute your sexual energy.
Sexual energy is made up of only ONE key major ingredient…
Every GREAT Business Genius says the EXACT same thing about building their business.
They say building their business requires WHAT?
They always say passion is the KEY ingredient to achieving SUCCESS.
But how do they actually define passion?
They always give you a watered down, clean, suburban definition of passion that takes all of the danger away.
Their definitions of passion are always fake, meek, and 100% WEAK.
For passion to manifest, an element of danger HAS to be included. To take the danger out of passion is to take the whole entire meaning out of passion.
No danger = no passion = NO GREAT WORK
Here is the definition of passion. Pay close attention to the words…
Without passion you are without fire, you are without fervor, you are without lust, you are without obsession, you are without a temper, you are without intense desire.
With passion you are strong and barely controllable.
Another word for passion is lust, and you will see, you will see, you will see that lust is the #1 KEY…
Lust is a very important trait to cultivate.
Business gurus always talk about desire, don’t they?
You should take them literally and cultivate intense desire in the form of lust.
Without lust and desire, you are nothing but grey.
Did you ever have a colorful friend who was once full of fire and life energy?
Maybe you didn’t see him for a while and when you did, his life energy was seemingly gone?
In the time you didn’t see him, maybe he got married, had a child or two, and when you saw him again he seemed to have shrunk in both size and in spirit.
He went from being tall and strong and bursting with light to being short, hunched over, and grey in spirit.
So many once vital men get married, have kids, become domesticated, and they seem to shrink in height and in their demeanor.
The color drains from their souls. Their once bright personalities turn grey.
Why does this seem to happen to men over and over again?
This is what happens: lustful men become domesticated, and their sex drive completely disappears.
With their sex drive goes their vitality.
Vitality is a KEY ingredient to achieving BIG success.
What is vitality?
Vitality is high sexual energy.
Vitality: the state of being strong and active; energy.
When a man GETS what he was after, in this case a wife and family, what does he NEED to have any drive for?
In most cases, NOTHING.
Without an object of your lust, your sexual energy will be GONE… most of the time INSTANTLY.
This is why domesticated family men do not create great work. They do not have the energy, nor the required vitality, to create the great work.
To a married family man, chasing skirts becomes changing diapers and ideas of creating great work turn to ideas of just simply taking a nap.
When the man was chasing his wife, his vitality was through the roof, and he was bursting with vital energy.
But when he got her, and she domesticated him, his fire burned out and left him without any vital energy.
There is a VERY simple reason for that…
Getting married and having kids calms you down.
Calm is the opposite of PASSION.
Being calm doesn’t help you create your great work, it only helps you to tolerate domestic life, which helps to totally KILL any vital energy that you might possibly have left.
Marriage/family life is NOT the problem, domestication is the problem. (The married man who maintains his vitality is the man who still lusts after his wife.)
Married life robs your vitality if you allow yourself to become domesticated.
A domesticated dog is a broken dog.
That is all domesticated means … BROKEN!
How can create you great work if you are broken?
You CANNOT create great work if you are broken like a dog…. ever.
How to transmute your sexual energy?
To transmute your sexual energy, you must first HAVE a lot of sexual energy in the first place!
Before you can use sexual energy as fuel, you have to have A LOT of sexual energy to actually USE.
If you’re a broken dog, you must fix yourself and return to a healthy level of sexual desire.
To create the great work, you must be brimming with vitality and sex drive.
WITHOUT a high sex drive, you will NEVER have the energy to create great work. This is where all great work comes from.
Sex drive is the energy that drives, the fire that burns, the light that shines. Cultivate it, embrace it, accept it, love it.
Great work comes with an element of danger.
What is dangerous? A high amount of sexual energy is dangerous.
You must be a little (or a lot) dangerous with your sex energy.
Remember all of those bad words in the definition of passion? Words like lust, obsession, fanaticism, infatuation, craze, mania.
These are the REAL WORDS of success, forget any weak and meek definitions of passion. Only those big, bad words are real.
All of those big, bad words like lust and infatuation will be aimed at one person…
Your muse is the object of your fire and deepest darkest desire.
The muse is the actual true way you transmute your sexual energy into great work.
Muse = a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
You use the fire you have for your muse and you let it drive you to do your great work. The muse is the key to everything.
No muse = No great work
You always do better work when you work for something more than yourself.
Some work for their kids, some work for their God, some work for their wife, but all the best have a muse they work for.
You do not have to be sexual with your muse, but the energy is always sexual.
Pent up sexual energy is the best because you can release that energy into the work.
Rather than releasing the energy into the object of your desires and getting nothing but short term thrills, you can let your desire build to a crescendo and you can release that energy in a volcano of great work.
The muse can be anyone. It can be a long lost love that you will never see again or a new lover you cannot wait to see again.
It doesn’t matter who the muse is.
The object of your desire does not matter. Their reality does not matter.
Your muse is the object of YOUR desire.
You use your muse as fuel to get what you desire.
Can women transmute their sexual energy?
Sex is the source of all creation on earth. Sex is the genesis of all creativity. It matters not if you are male or female.
True living creation comes from sexual union. Babies are the literal form of creation. If you can create one thing (a baby) you can use this energy to create another thing.
You can use the same sexual energy to create your great work.
High sex energy does NOT mean always having sex!
Having a high vitality or sexual energy does not mean being a sex freak obsessed with sex.
Transmuting sexual energy and cultivating sexual desire is not the same thing as being a sex addict.
Not even close.
Your sexual energy has to build up and it cannot build up if you constantly use it.
If you have too frequent sex it will dissipate your energy. After many years your body will be so sick, tired, weak, and you will be mentally ill as well.
You cannot be focused on sex all the time, you have to focus your desire.
Sex energy is fuel, sex is not the end goal, creation is the end goal.
The goal of sex is not to have sex, it is to create a baby. The goal of transmuting your sex energy is not to have sex, it is to create your great work.
Build your sex drive, cultivate a high sexual energy, be obsessed with your muse, and use your sexual energy as fuel for creation.
There is no right or wrong way to use your sexual energy. You do not have to live like a monk and you do not have to live like a sex freak.
What you have to do is build a fire and then maintain it.
After you have built a raging fire, does it require constant supervision? Not really. Just stoke it every now and again.
Passion is the path to creation.
What is passion?
Passion is a crazy high sexual energy.
To succeed BIG, you MUST cultivate a high sexual passion and use that energy as fuel.
It is as simple as this: have sexual drive, use it as fuel to drive you to greater and greater heights.
Have a big libido. Be dangerous. Embrace both your inner scumbag and your inner monk.
Remember, you do not need to ACT on your desire but you do need to have desire.
When you do have a big desire, you will find that the world is more than willing to get on it’s knees to please you.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”