Advice from friendly friends and family members is not meant to help you succeed.
It’s meant to help you not break waves and go too far beyond the ordinary.
It isn’t their fault, they aren’t mean or deceitful, they really are trying to help – but only in the way they can imagine will help.
They can’t crawl around in your brain and see your vision, drive, or passion. They can only see their own lack of it.
You should NEVER listen to advice from friendly friends and family. You can hear it, but you should never listen. Following their advice is akin to deflating a balloon.
You’re doing something out of the ordinary because you don’t want to live an ordinary life with a 9-5 job, mortgage, two car lease payments, monthly cell phone plan, and credit card payments.
The friendly friends and family went the normal route, their advice to you is “This is how you go the normal route”.
The REAL advice, the good advice, isn’t pretty, it isn’t nice, it’s usually the opposite of ‘popular opinion’ and it’s how 100% of successful men got that way.
They didn’t follow the baloney rules that friendly friends and family follow.
They made their OWN rules and turned a deaf ear to friendly advice from friendly friends and family.
Friendly friends and family will all give you the same advice independently of each other.
You’ll say “Yeah, that’s what everyone says”.
But take a look at their lives. They aren’t enviable, they are pitiable and if you take their advice, it’s exactly where you are headed.
Advice should make you THINK. It shouldn’t make you say “Yeah, I know what I should do….”
The advice that matters should make you say “Wow! I never thought of that! Everyone else says the opposite.”
The Be/But… Advice from friendly friends and family:
Be proud but don’t be arrogant.
Be money conscious but don’t be greedy.
Be courageous but don’t be insane.
Be strong but don’t be a meat-head.
Be passionate but don’t be obsessed.
Be adventurous but don’t be crazy.
Be disciplined but don’t be strict.
Be smart but don’t be a wise-butt.
Work hard BUT… take some time to relax.
It’s ok if you fail, we’ll be here waiting for you with open arms.
The BE advice from FRAUDS & LIARS:
Be Proud.
Be Obsessed.
Be Crazy.
Be Selfish.
Be Strict.
Be after Money.
Be after Freedom.
Be Deaf to Bullshit.
BUT nothing…
Here it is and I’m going after it with EVERYTHING I’ve got. All the friendly advice in the world isn’t worth a dime to me.
Go after what you want and don’t take baloney advice from anyone who hasn’t succeeded in doing the exact same thing you are trying to do.
You can never fail because you will NEVER give up.
Even if you die trying.
Moderation is NOT the key to success, it’s the key to mediocrity.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”