From the desk of Elijah “The Realist”
Subj: The Ways of the REAL World
What you’re taught in school isn’t REALLY the way the world actually works.
There is SO much more to know and Uncle Elijah is here to teach you the ways of the REAL world.
Here they are…
1) It’s OK to be white
In our modern education and media systems, white men are the creators of ALL the BAD things in the world.
These are LIES.
They lie because they want to demoralize you and make you dependent on them.
The reality is that the white race is responsible for nearly ALL of the great things that currently EXIST in the world.
White men are NOT the slave owners, white men were the FIRST in the history of the world to say that slavery is WRONG and abolish it.
Slavery STILL exists in nearly ALL non-white countries to this VERY day.
Women were NEVER oppressed by white men.
White women have ALWAYS played a prominent and very important role in the life of white people.
Women are ALWAYS treated with RESPECT in the white world…
it is ONLY in other areas of the world that women are treated as property and as slaves.
EVERYTHING they say about whites is an absolute LIE.
Don’t listen.
White guilt is a CURSE they teach you in school, it isn’t REAL and natural.
There is NOTHING to be GUILTY about.
White men are NOT the oppressors… they are the liberators.
Racism isn’t a REAL issue… It’s a made-up issue designed to DIVIDE PEOPLE because when people are divided they are very easily CONQUERED.
2) College is an impediment to your success
Universities are brainwashing facilities, they are NOT institutions of higher learning.
When you go to university you are taught to HATE.
Hate is not inborn in us, love is.
When we go to universities we learn that white men are evil oppressors and they teach you to LIVE with HATE.
They teach blacks to hate whites…
Women to hate men…
and whites to hate themselves…
Universities pretend to be “anti-hate” but they are the REAL, true, actual creators of HATE.
Stay way from them and you will ALWAYS be happy and smart.
Universities also do NOT teach you to be successful, they teach you to parrot whatever it is that they say.
You don’t LEARN in college, you mimic.
This helps you to become a good economic slave, get a “good job”, and live your life as a debt slave.
3) Travel is a GREAT teacher
Travel is the BEST teacher you will ever know…
…Especially if you are American.
The problem with America is that we live in intense propaganda from the time we are born (from the media and the school systems).
When you visit other countries you see just how bamboozled we have been by our OWN country.
When you go to other countries you see them eating natural food, and smiling, being happy, and you can see the lies that you were taught.
Travel is a REAL great eye-opener.
Traveling is NOT as expensive as you think it is.
Tickets can be had for cheap…
You can sleep in hostels for damn near cheap…
Local food is ALWAYS cheap…
and you will have much MORE fun with the LESS money that you actually spend…
The MORE money you spend… the much LESS fun you will undoubtedly have.
Traveling to other countries is VERY important and it will give you a much BETTER education than any university ever will.
4) Debt is slavery
As an American you are taught form birth to be a consumer.
Consume, consume, consume!
Nearly EVERYTHING you see, read, and hear is advertising designed to get you to BUY something.
You are taught that to be successful, you must have “stuff”.
But actually, buying stuff is a fool’s errand that 100% ALWAYS ends in debt slavery.
You even go into DEBT to go to the brainwashing facilities called universities.
Your ENTIRE life is designed to get you into debt and to get you so greedy that you will always… STAY in debt because you want to ALWAYS buy more stuff.
“Stuff” doesn’t make you happy, all that it does is enslaves you.
Be happy with LESS and NEVER ever go into debt for any reason whatsoever… ever.
5) Equality is a very sick joke
There is NO SUCH THING as equality.
How can a man who is 6 ft tall be equal to a man who is 5 ft tall?
The answer is that they cannot ever be “equal“.
There is NO SUCH THING as equality in the REAL world.
They teach you “equality” ONLY because… they want to TAKE… EVERYTHING from YOU.
If you think “equality” is REAL… and if you believe you have some “imagined privilege”… then you are happy enough to give up EVERYTHING to the so-called “oppressed”.
The reality is that the race for equality is a race… straight to the bottom.
People are NOT equal… and cannot ever be equal… and when you try to make people equal the ONLY thing you do is drag everybody down to the bottom to be EQUAL with the lowest common denominator.
You cannot raise EVERYBODY to the level of the GREATEST in society, with “equality” it is ONLY possible to lower EVERYBODY to the level of the WORST.
Belief in “equality” is a farce designed to ROB YOU of your money, your birthright, your morality, and your soul.
NEVER preach “equality” and NEVER believe in “equality” because it will result in your total and absolute destruction.
Feminism, SJWism, Liberalism are ALL lies designed to take away FREEDOM from you.
NOBODY is equal and YOU will be judged by YOUR “deeds” alone.
6) Political “correctness” is FORCED political indoctrination
Political correctness is FORCED political indoctrination.
It is NOT a scheme to look after everybody’s feelings… it is 100% a Complete SHAM, Lie, and Fraud.
Political “correctness” is used to make sure that you do NOT call out politicians on their evil, sadistic, and traitorous behavior.
Political correctness teaches you to believe in the EXACT opposite of reality.
Because you believe in the opposite of reality… YOU are very easily controlled.
YOU live in a virtual world and deny the existence of the REAL world.
To believe in political “correctness” is to deny reality.
It forces you to LIE and lying is a crime against yourself.
Lying will cause you to become mentally ill and unstable, which is why SO many Americans are on anti-anxiety medications.
For superior health you must NEVER lie.
A superior moral constitution keeps you ABOVE the level of those lowest animals who LIE for a living.
7) The BEST diet for your health is the meat-only diet
Most of our sickness in this world is a result of eating food we are NOT meant to eat.
The food we are NOT meant to eat are carbohydrates.
We are hunters by nature and the food we are meant to eat is MEAT and organs from animals.
Sickness isn’t “genetic” and it doesn’t come from NOWHERE.
Sickness always has a cause and 9 times out of 10 the cause is eating the WRONG food.
Nearly ALL ailments will completely and almost instantly disappear when you follow the zero-carb carnivore diet.
Saturated animal fat and cholesterol do NOT harm your health, they are vital to your health.
Vegetables, grains, and fruits CANNOT be digested by humans and do NOT provide us with the vitamins that we need.
8) You MUST choose the right wife (like a business decision)
Women want you to marry them so that they have security in the future.
Typically, in the modern world women want to marry YOU so that you can provide for them for a few years and then they can divorce you and get child support/alimony for many MANY more YEARS.
In the modern world…
Women can divorce YOU for ANY reason and you are STILL forced by the courts to PAY for HER.
You have to hold up YOUR end of the bargain, she doesn’t.
The BEST way is to just NEVER get married.
There is NO benefit for YOU at all to get married.
Marriage ONLY ever benefits the woman.
It benefits the women by taking EVERYTHING from YOU, including your manhood.
Look at ALL of the people you KNOW who are married and look closely at the MAN.
Is he anything other than the economic SLAVE of his wife?
If you do get married you have to treat it like a business decision and pick the right wife.
However, this is a double-edged sword because it is vitally important to have children and a family.
Without children today, there is no future tomorrow.
Therefore, you MUST understand the problems you are up against so that YOU may overcome them.
9) Entrepreneurship is the REAL path to FREEDOM
The ONLY way you will ever get RICH is by building your OWN business.
Going to college and getting a “good job” will NEVER make you rich and will almost always END in you becoming a debt slave.
You NEVER make enough money at your day job, no matter how much you make, because in that world you’re always taught to WANT a better house, a better car, and you’ll take loans to get them.
Not to mention…
They tax your paychecks SO MUCH that it doesn’t matter HOW MUCH you make pre-tax…
Because they take MOST of it AWAY from you BEFORE you ever even see it.
When you’re an entrepreneur you can write off your business expenses and KEEP more of the money that you have rightfully earned.
Not to mention…
When you have a job you have to refer to another person as “boss” and keep a straight face (while NOT laughing behind their back!).
Become an entrepreneur, make your OWN money, and you will achieve ultimate FREEDOM.
10) EVERYTHING they’ve told you in School is a LIE
I HATE to keep bringing up this SAME subject but it is SO important to know – what they teach you in school ISN’T reality.
Usually they teach you the complete opposite of reality.
They want to KEEP YOU stupid and greedy.
They want you to NOT know the truth of WHO YOU ARE.
They want YOU to be a simple-minded consumer who does whatever he is told.
They don’t teach you to THINK, they make you repeat whatever it is that they tell you.
They tell you college is the answer.
If college is the answer…
What purpose does 12 years of schooling have?
Those 12 years of schooling teach you to work a 40 hour per week job.
School is ONLY a way for YOU to become a worker-bee economic slave, it is NOT a REAL education… at all.
Nearly ALL self-made millionaires and self-made billionaires are college dropouts.
11) Karma is the law of cause and effect
Karma is REAL but it has EVERYTHING to do with you and YOUR actions.
Everything YOU do will cause SOME sort of reaction.
NOTHING is out of your control, EVERYTHING is in your control.
If you eat food your body isn’t meant or supposed to EAT you will experience “bad karma” and get sicknesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Everything that happens to YOU is a direct result of something YOU did.
You are in charge of YOUR life… you can NEVER displace any responsibility.
Everything YOU do has consequences, good or bad, and there is NOTHING that happens to you that is NOT a direct result of something that YOU did.
THIS is karma – the law of cause and effect.
If you do this, you can expect that to happen…
There is no such thing as original sin, there is no such thing as white privilege, you are born as a perfect being and it is ONLY the modern life (and modern lies) that cause and create sin.
12) There is NO man on THIS earth who HAS authority over YOU
Authority is nothing but a BELIEF.
You believe they HAVE authority over you and that precisely gives them authority over you.
But when you realize that ALL men on this earth are just men, and NOT gods, you then realize that they do NOT have any authority over you whatsoever.
YOU are the creator of YOUR life and you must live life on your terms.
YOU must not give others authority over you because they will almost always harm you.
They will always TAKE FROM YOU… to GIVE TO… themselves.
Instead, you must NOT ever allow authority to EXIST in your mind.
You are BORN free and you shall remain FREE.
13) Alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes are poison
It is always BEST to have a clear mind.
People use these drugs to escape reality, but to be a successful man in this world you must face reality head-on.
All of all these addictions are very EASY to BREAK if you understand how addictions actually WORK.
ALL addictions cause the problems that “ONLY they” can FIX.
Cigarettes cause the anxiety you get when you don’t have a cigarette… then you smoke a cigarette and temporarily cure this anxiety.
Soon, you get the anxiety AGAIN and need a cigarette to cure it.
It is the act of smoking cigarettes in the FIRST place that causes the initial anxiety.
The same method is how ALL the other addictions in the world works too.
ALL narcotics poison your mind, they do not “open your mind”.
They are poisons.
Look at every person you know who uses drugs to see absolute PROOF.
The BEST mind is a NATURAL mind FREE from intoxicants.
Marijuana does NOT open your mind, it is a poison that KILLS your drive and your testosterone.
14) Masturbation KILLS your vital energy
Masturbation is the WORST thing you could ever do for your health, vitality, and energy.
Masturbation constantly releases your vital energy.
All great men in the world sublimated their sexual desires to build their great business.
That means that NO great men in the world masturbates, instead they use their strong sexual drive and desire to build a business.
They do NOT release this powerful energy into a napkin, they build UP this great energy and let it drive them to success.
The more you masturbate…
The further you will be from SUCCESS…
The further from happiness you will be…
and the further from strength you will ALWAYS be.
Sex is fine, healthy, and GOOD.
Masturbation is mental and physical poison.
JUST Follow the No-Fap Movement for LIFE.
15) Spend time in the mountains
Your smartphone will kill your eyes and your concentration.
You should spend little to no time on your smartphone and little to no time on social media.
It will KILL your concentration and your happiness and you will ALWAYS believe that OTHER people have MORE than you do and you will then become very envious and jealous.
Social media only shows the best angle from anyone’s life, it never shows the real them.
The BEST thing you can do for your health, wealth, and happiness is to go spend time in nature doing natural things.
We as humans are meant to live in nature we are NOT meant to live in BOXES spending ALL of our TIME in the virtual reality of the INTERNET and smartphones.
We need sunshine, fresh, cool air, and some healthy great outdoor exercise.
The modern life KILLS our health, mentally as well as physically.
It is important to get out to nature and rebuild your health.
16) God is REAL
Forget everything you’ve heard to the contrary, God is REAL.
God is NOT what they taught you in Sunday School…
God is NOT some man in the sky…
God is NOT… REALLY even a MAN.
God is something we CANNOT see and something that we CAN see… EVERYWHERE.
God is everywhere and in everything.
God is in us.
God is in you.
Your body is a temporary housing for your soul.
Your body will eventually die.
Your soul is eternal and it will NEVER die.
Reincarnation is REAL.
Each physical death is a REBIRTH into a NEW life.
You do not need to find salvation in religion, you do not need to find everlasting immortality in the church, you have everlasting life already.
Each death is but a rebirth and you will NEVER die.
You have been here FOREVER and you will always be here FOREVER.
Never let any preacher or teacher tell you otherwise.
Your soul is eternal.
You have NOTHING to fear, ever.
The god of the old and new testament is a creation of man.
The real god is love. God loves you, and you are always a child of god.
Nothing can harm you when you know this.
You are safe, you are always safe.
There is NEVER anything to fear.
God is REAL and in your OWN eyes you can see eternity.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”