We have an advantage being BORN in and of the west.
We don’t have an advantage because of “white privilege” or “male privilege”.
We have an advantage because we are smart and capable.
A “smart” and capable man can do ANYTHING.
A smart and capable man surrounded by OTHER smart and capable men is untouchable.
But some of us are lacking.
Some of us are empty.
Some of us don’t KNOW who we are or what we stand for.
Some of us believe we don’t deserve our God given strengths.
That we must squander it, that we MUST live a life of decadence and depravity and hedonism.
Some of us believe that we have undo privilege just BECAUSE of our sheer ability. Not ALL of US have it.
The world needs the ORDER TAKERS every bit as MUCH as it NEEDS the ORDER GIVERS.
But as a man of wits and capability you must NEVER defer to the LOSERS who are ALL beneath you.
You must NEVER believe that because OTHERS have a disability, a psychological disorder, an inborn stupidity, or an undeserved sense of entitlement…
That YOU, the smart and capable, must defer to the masses of the ignorant, lacking, lazy, and entitled.
You, as a MAN… TAKE what is YOURS.
You are given NOTHING and you accept NO charity or handouts.
Some say a man must GIVE to the LOSERS or lesser’s who are beneath them.
That it is your JOB to take CARE of the WORLD and ALL of it’s inhabitants.
This is simply NOT true.
It is your JOB as a MAN to take care of the defenseless.
The women, the children and the animals.
You NEVER provide for the defensive who do not share your abilities and wish to take what you have through overt or non-overt violent action.
You take care of your defenseless, but you must NEVER give the defenseless undeserved power.
You maximize the strengths of the powerless and minimize its weakness.
You encourage women to give credence to their God given strength of empathy, tenderness and care-giving and you minimize their weakness of solipsism, greed, jealousy, and vindictiveness.
You must NEVER give encouragement for the unnatural qualities or terrible qualities that the weak possess.
You do NOT treat dogs as men.
You do NOT empower the animals that give us sustenance, nor do you treat them viciously.
You treat them with humanity and compassion but you NEVER forget what they are there for and you do the job that you MUST.
You remember, always, that those who slaughter animals with cruelty and torture are NOT of you and your world.
You remember that those who enslave, torture, maim and KILL of their own are NOT of your world.
They exist but they must be kept under a watchful eye for they are NEVER to be trusted to be as empathetic as you or to have the same values as you.
In some men empathy is as natural as walking, but in some men it is not.
You can NEVER assume that those who are not like you will ever share your values.
When you assume this you pay the consequences of your actions in BLOOD.
Always remember that you feed your family FIRST before you feed the family next door.
The blood in your veins, the blood that you share, is the MOST important thing in this world.
You provide for your blood.
You do this FIRST and with all the strength and pride of your character, and then you provide for the family next door.
But you NEVER, ever provide for the family next door the same as you provide for your blood and, above all else, you NEVER provide for the family next door BEFORE you provide for your blood.
The wealth that you accrue is for YOU and your blood.
Not all creatures on this planet deserve what YOU have.
Let them take that “deserve” straight to the hell that they have created, maintained and spread.
What is YOURS is for YOU and YOUR blood.
And you will have it through the power of wit and ACTION that defines YOU and your people.
As builders, as WINNERS, as men of honor – Do NOT ever forget your blood.
Our leaders and fathers have forgotten their blood.
They have traded their blood for their God.
They have left you to rebuild.
As a man, building is in your nature… and accomplishment is your drive.
Friends, young men, fathers and providers: It’s TIME to do a little building.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”