Hello my very wonderful friends of Frauds and Liars.
Long time readers and NEW readers alike will all KNOW that here at the Thunder-dome we are very BIG on strength, weight training and muscular development.
Recently a study came out that actually confirms what I can already SEE with my own eyeballs:
Men with upper body strength are less likely to support wealth redistribution and men WITHOUT upper body strength tend to favor the nanny state.
Professor Michael Petersen said: ‘In all three countries, physically strong males consistently pursued the self-interested position on redistribution.
‘However physically weak males were more reluctant to assert their self-interest – just as if disputes over national policies were a matter of direct physical confrontation between individuals.
Obviously I don’t truly care what the study says because I already KNOW that weak bodies also tend to have weak minds.
I know it’s true because I used to be a VERY skinny twig and I used to self-identify as a god damn liberal.
When I started GETTING STRONG and I started MAKING MORE MONEY…
My mindset changed immediately and almost instantly and started to literally actually despise liberal goofy dirt boys for what they actually REALLY are… Rats.
You see, friends, working out with weights and building a body will give you ONE very important thing: Confidence.
It will give you CONFIDENCE for TWO very important reasons…
1) You will KNOW exactly what you can achieve and overcome when you put your mind to it and
2) People will stare and give you TONS of compliments on a VERY daily basis.
Weight training and bodybuilding can teach you how to overcome ANY obstacles, how to achieve goals and how to push past your pain barrier.
The gym can help you become more successful in life, in EVERY way that REALLY actually matters.
When you are physically strong people treat you much better…
They respect you much more, smile for you AND they rush to do things to assist and help you.
When you are a weakling you get spit on and that’s why you like and identify with the nanny liberal state so much, because you don’t have to actually do anything for yourself and you are provided for too to boot.
But being provided for is only for women and high estrogen males.
Men take, do and build.
Men do NOT ever rely on others to be “taken care of”.
I hear this word “genetics” thrown around all the time as just an EXCUSE to be a VERY dumb ugly filthy slob.
“If only I had good genetics boo-hoo”.
Friends, “genetics” is an excuse to be a non-achiever.
Genetics don’t mean a god damn thing… at all
The estrogenic food you eat and the lack of activity is what makes your “genetics” BAD.
ANYONE on earth can build a body but the more longer that YOU put it off… the more longer that it will actually take for YOU to achieve.
It starts with only FOUR very simple things.
- Yes, I will go to the gym a minimum of 3 days per week from now on.
- Yes, I will put in the HARD WORK required to actually build a sexy attractive male body that makes other men jealous.
- Yes, I will eat MUCH better.
- No, I will NEVER mumble another fucking excuse for as long as I freaking live.
Now I want you to walk to the mirror, take your shirt off and snap a picture.
In a year or two or five or ten I want you to look back at that picture and laugh at how freaking disgusting you used to actually look.
I always get a lot of flack on the internet from high estrogen males who like to tell me muscles are fake, it’s NOT functional strength, girls don’t like muscles blah blah.
They will say ANYTHING to make themselves appear better, but they WON’T actually do ANYTHING to actually REALLY improve their life.
They will tell you degeneracy is normal and the best.
But I KNOW the truth and you also know the cold harsh truth.
Life is just simply MUCH more better as a strong man, in every single imaginable way.
Girls smile at you so much more…
You have MUCH better posture…
You have knowledge in your strength…
and you have some actual pride in yourself.
Rodney Dangerfield got absolutely NO respect because he was FAT.
If he looked like SUPERMAN it would be a MUCH different story.
Do yourself a very BIG favor… RIGHT NOW… go and buy yourself a very expensive gym membership.
Buy or pick up some old iron from Craigslist for your garage.
Do some push-ups or perhaps just simply bench press in order to… build a big chest.
But for God’s sake, don’t ever LOOK just like a slob for even one more second longer.
-Elijah “The Realist”
Badass Bodybuilding is the absolute BEST weight training book on planet Earth. Grab your copy now.