Early morning weight training is an excellent way to start the day.
Whenever I put off training until the afternoon or the evening it is ALWAYS on my mind as something that I eventually NEED to get done.
It’s a REALLY nagging feeling actually to be 100% honest.
When I wake up early and weight train in the early morning… I can down right FORGET about it for the REST of the whole ENTIRE day.
it’s just ONE less thing that I will HAVE to think about.
When you weight train early morning… you start the day accomplishing something absolutely magnificent.
While the rest of the city is sleeping in like a bunch of lazy bums… you’re in the gym absolutely killing it and making yourself much more stronger.
By the time you get home, shower, eat something, MOST people are still in bed or just now waking up…
While you’re ready to kick the days ass.
How to Start Training Early Morning
1) Get a workout partner.
Unless you’re already an early riser it is absolutely critical to get a workout partner who will be waiting for you at the gym.
It’s easy enough to sleep in if NO ONE is waiting for you, but if you’ve got SOMEONE waiting for you then you have to get up early and go straight to the gym.
2) Get enough sleep the night before.
It’s downright no fun waking up at 5am if you didn’t get enough sleep the night before.
Everybody is different in their sleep needs, but if you aim for 6-8 hours you should be perfectly absolutely fine.
If you were unable to get enough sleep, still wake up and go train, come back and take a quick nap if you absolutely MUST.
3) Don’t ever hit the snooze button.
Remember, you’ve got SOMEONE waiting for you.
There is absolutely NO TIME to sleep in.
Set your alarm for 15 minutes BEFORE you NEED to walk out the door.
You should be able to walk out the door within 15 minutes of waking up early.
4) Do NOT eat ANYTHING… at all
You will likely still have food in your belly from the night before.
There is absolutely NO REASON to eat a meal early in the morning and risk being completely sluggish in the gym.
You will be much more alert training in a somewhat fasted state.
If you must have some calories… then god damn… take a protein shake.
5) NEVER ever miss a training day.
No matter how much you don’t feel like training or working out… STILL do it anyway.
You will definitely feel MUCH better about going than you will feel about missing or NOT going.
Especially if you have a training partner who is waiting for you.
Even though it may be HARD to wake up that early it will become a habit within a week or two.
When you make it a habit… it’s just very simply… NO BIG DEAL… to wake up that early.
6) Train as hard as you normally would.
No point in going to the gym if you’re going to half-ass your training.
You MUST Lift heavy… and you absolutely MUST Lift hard.
7) Enjoy the REST of your day.
My training days start like this.
- Alarm goes off at 5:05am
- Get up, let the dogs outside
- Turn on coffee pot and brew coffee (I get the coffee ready the night before)
- Brush teeth and other bathroom needs
- Get dressed and walk out the door by 5:15am with thermos full of hot coffee
- At gym by 5:30am, start hitting the weights. I start every single Monday morning with some heavy ass dead-lifts
- Get home by 6:45-7ish and start my official always very productive day.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”