From the desk of Elijah “The Realist”
Subj: One little success “trick”
When I started Frauds and Liars as a business, there was ONE very powerful thing that I actually did.
This ONE thing that I did… made my business grow MANY leaps and bounds.
This ONE thing that I did… made me healthy, wealthy, and wise.
This ONE thing gave me ULTIMATE FREEDOM in all ways.
What is this ONE thing that I actually REALLY did?
I NEVER asked ANYBODY for advice and I NEVER took ANY advice from ANYBODY.
I did it all MY WAY, and BECAUSE… I did it all MY WAY… it gave me absolutely EVERYTHING that I ever wanted to get out of it.
Would you like to learn how to get EVERYTHING out of your very own business?
Here’s some very “friendly” advice on exactly HOW to do it…
In this great game of digital business there is only ONE thing that you NEED to do in order to be successful.
What is it?
I’ll tell you in a very short moment…
First, I’d like to tell you what you DON’T need to do.
You DON’T need to-do list to what ANYBODY else says about what you MUST do.
Read that word again – MUST.
Anybody who says you MUST do such and such thing in order to succeed is a salesman and definitely NOT a prophet.
Why do they SAY that you MUST do SOMETHING?
They say that you MUST do it because OTHER people did it and somehow managed to succeed.
Great advice.
If such and such ALREADY did it and actually succeeded, then you MUST also do it if you TOO want to also successful… Right?
Well, NOT quite right…
If someone else already did it… then it has already been done.
If you “copy” someone else, then what does that actually REALLY make you?
It makes YOU a loser and mere VERY stupid copycat.
Are copycats hugely successful?
You made me laugh but you should already KNOW my rule by now: Don’t make me laugh!
Copycats are NOT usually successful (though they can be if they follow this “one secret trick…”)
So rather than copying it… it would make MORE sense… to stay the hell away from it OR tweak it… so that it differs from the actual original.
So now that you KNOW what you DON’T need to do – you DON’T need to listen to ANYONE… who tells YOU what you MUST do to succeed.
Remember at the beginning of this letter I promised you ONE success tip?
Here it is…
The #1 you MUST to to succeed is…
To succeed wildly, do SOMETHING that NOBODY else is currently doing.
You MUST do something new in a way that is absolutely true to you.
If you do something new… but NOT true… it’s fake, phony baloney, boring, no life, no fire, no excitement.
If you do something that they tell you, you MUST do, you are wasting your time copycatting WITHOUT knowing if it actually WORKS for YOU.
Just because it worked for Johnny Rotten doesn’t mean that it will WORK for Jane Clean.
That is why you MUST be new, you must be true, you must be YOU.
You CANNOT be you… if you’re STILL acting like them.
Can you?
Don’t make me laugh.
So what to actually do?
Show us all something new.
If you do SOMETHING that they told you, you MUST do… then that means it has already been done ten thousand times… leaving you with about ten thousand disadvantages (and ten thousand different competitors TOO).
When you do SOMETHING new you have ONE very great BIG advantage…
When you do something new… you are a monopoly man.
If you know ANYTHING at all about business, then surely you know THIS…
Monopolies make the very BIG money, EVERYONE else competes over the VERY small scraps.
Monopolies all come from the mind of ONE genius… doing what EVERYONE else… said NOT to do.
Competitors (over scraps) are all following the EXACT same blueprint…
Doing what they “must” do to succeed.
And telling you, that you also MUST do… the EXACT same thing, too.
No one is ever going to tell you what actually WORKS, and that’s for ONE very specific reason…
What actually WORKS, only ever works usually ONE time.
If it gets repeated and copied… then it loses it’s excitement (and it also STOPS working).
Since it only ever works ONE time, that means there’s only ONE thing that you gotta do…
Do something completely and totally brand new.
Follow the basic formula, sure, but always tweak so that you are doing SOMETHING in an entirely and almost completely… new way.
Listen to WHATEVER they tell you… that you MUST do, and then… go do the complete and total EXACT opposite.
You gotta do WHATEVER works for YOU, not what worked once for “them”.
You want BIG success on your own damn terms?
Make sure you’re the FIRST… or the BEST… and always… be 100% BETTER… than the rest.
ANYTHING else… is for EVERYONE else.
Until next time.
Your Man,
-Elijah “The Realist”