From the desk of Elijah “The Realist”
Subj: How to stop being a dip-shit and start being a do shit
Don’t you know what Freddie Mercury said?
He said: “We’re the princes of the universe, fighting for survival. Fighting to survive in a war with the darkest powers”
Recently, I have shown great kindness by leading the way out of the darkness and into the light.
My kindness has NOT been fully appreciated and there are many dip-shits who mistake my immense kindness for absolute weakness.
Many of these dip-shits blame California for me being “delusional” (aka successful).
Dip-shits say things like “California is the land of the delusional” and I definitely almost agree.
When I walk out to my parking garage I see NOTHING but… Beamers, Benzes and Bentleys.
It’s beyond delusional for dip-shit bums… with bus passes to ever dream of achieving money, SUCCESS and absolute GREATNESS… so they can only call it delusional.
Maybe it’s shocking, but I actually REALLY agree with them.
The dip-shit bums will NEVER achieve what I’ve managed to achieve, even when I lay out the EXACT blueprint for all of them – which I thoughtfully lay out again below.
This blueprint of SUCCESS… is for WINNERS only… who were born to win… and TAKE ACTION… to make shit happen.
If you often use the word delusional to describe famous and successful people, and if you pride yourself on being “rational” (aka stuck to the ground), then I am afraid that these 22 steps to absolute greatness may NOT exactly be for YOU.
Those people can literally just skip this list, just in time to catch the last bus back to loser-town so they can drown their sorrows with a beer, some marijuana weed, or a dumb ugly frown.
For the REST of you, the winners, killers, and real-dealers…
Go check a mirror after reading THIS article… because you’re going to be grinning from ear to ear.
1. You can be born to win OR born to lose, the choice is always yours.
There are people who were born to be KINGS like me, and there were people who were born to be complete and total absolute ass-hole dip-shit LOSERS.
But then again, there is this little thing called “knowledge”, and just a little tiny knowledge can turn a total LOSER into an absolute WINNER who kicks ass almost completely overnight.
Just a little tiny pathetic bit of knowledge can give you this ONE little tiny detail:
EVERYTHING in life is a choice – including happiness, sadness, SUCCESS but also failure.
Even if you were born into a family of just complete dumb total absolute shit, you can crawl out of hell just like Andy Dufresne and you can achieve true unique everlasting greatness.
Greatness is inherent, but it is also a complete choice.
You have to make the choice to apply this knowledge… AND you have to take the steps… to learn how to earn.
If someone else can, then why exactly can’t YOU?
Even a dumb arrogant stupid retard can actually succeed.
See the Notorious B.I.G. for absolute 100% proof.
Simply follow the steps of greatness that every single GREAT man has always followed.
Winners love to win and grin, and losers love to be let down with a BIG ugly frown.
Like the girls in Thailand always said to me, “up to you.”
2. Escape “mental jail” like El Chapo always escapes “REAL jail”.
The only person who is ever holding ANYONE else back… is the person looking YOU right directly in the mirror.
Choose to break out of the hell of mental jail.
Greatness is an absolute choice just like EVERYTHING else.
To be truly totally GREAT, you have to saw your way out of mental jail and break FREE, just like Freddie Mercury.
You can choose to stay in the black and white mental prison… OR you can simply choose to BREAK OUT of the mental prison… that currently holds you back… and you can choose to chase and achieve absolute Greatness.
3. Stop waiting for miracles and start creating miracles.
Many people sit around contemplating all sorts of different ideas.
In fact, they spend SO MUCH TIME contemplating ideas that they NEVER actually get around to executing ANY of those big grand mega ideas.
It’s like they’re waiting for some miracle to come from above and complete all of the damn work for them.
But it’s a lot like Musashi said, “always respect Buddha and the other gods but do NOT ever rely on them for help.”
4. Be your very own biggest fan.
The easiest path to true absolute greatness is to simply create art that you truly REALLY love.
If you’re REALLY your own biggest fan, you will ALWAYS have motivation to create… because you are creating content for yourself… and you’ll always be hungry for much more great content.
Here’s a tiny piece of information that MANY people simply choose to ignore: if YOU like it, OTHER people will also like it.
If you’re passionate about something, other people will be passionate about it too.
No one is a very unique snowflake, we are all human beings and we all experience the EXACT same feelings.
People always think “I thought I was the only one” but EVERYONE is always thinking that.
So, to create GREAT art… that truly REALLY stands the test of time… and moves people… simply create the art that you REALLY want.
Create the art that you would also like to consume.
When you do that, you do TWO very precise things: you fill a void in the market AND you create passionate art instead of some dumb stupid corporate crap.
5. Always wake up early so you can start the day the “correct” way.
Waking up early is the only “correct” way… that you get work done.
The only correct way.
Wake up early and get work done, or you can simply wake up late and don’t ever be great.
It’s REALLY that simple.
People who wake up late don’t NEVER ever get shit done.
People who wake up early ALWAYS get shit done.
Are you good at math?
Check out my math and SEE if it adds up…
The more hours you have in the day = the more hours you have to get work done.
The less amount of hours that you have in a day = the less amount of work that you are able to ever get done.
6. Be the bad guy.
You CAN’T be GREAT if you’re always shackled up by ultra politeness.
Niceness and politeness are BOTH nice and polite, but to transcend to the absolute next level of true GREATNESS… you have to let go of all of your current limitations and hangups.
To be a REALLY good “boss“… you’ve got to learn how to become the absolute #1 bad guy.
Ever meet a REALLY “nice guy” who was also a Genius Millionaire?
Didn’t think so.
A “good guy” is nice, humble and down to earth (aka, a complete total dip-shit).
Good guys don’t get NOTHING but absolute flat out shit.
Bad guys get absolutely EVERYTHING that they WANT… because “bad guys” don’t ever ask for NO fucking permission.
Bad guys go out and just simply take… whatever the fuck that they want.
Be like Dusty Rhodes… “Brother, I’m bad and they know I’m bad!”
7. Develop a case of Kanye West Syndrome aka Success Syndrome.
Kanye West Syndrome aka Success Syndrome
For many many years now, dip-shits have been comparing me to Kanye West, as if it were an actual insult.
Don’t make me laugh… with that dumb stupid bus pass almost falling out in your back pocket.
Kanye is a very GREAT man, much like myself, and is one of THE most famous men in the whole ENTIRE world.
Always go absolutely totally BIG just like Kanye… or ALWAYS get the fuck out of the way… like every other dumb ignorant marijuana weed smoking or booze drinking dip-shit.
8. Always listen to your guts (and your very BIG manly nuts).
Gut instinct, aka nut instinct, is usually almost always the “correct” course of action.
Of course you have to plan and develop a great strategy, but deep down in the guts and the nuts… we all know EXACTLY what we WANT from life.
Always take your own damn advice BEFORE you ever take other people’s advice.
Unless advice comes from someone who has actually succeeded and most importantly, done it…
Always follow your very own advice and gut instinct.
NOBODY else can SEE… what YOU can actually currently see.
Your friends and family only see the mere ordinary… while YOU may actually be able to SEE… the truly impossibly extraordinary.
It’s your mission to paint the picture for them, it isn’t YOUR mission to convince them of WHAT you might possibly do in the very near-distant future.
9. Have tunnel vision for the mission and be totally blind to absolutely all distraction.
Successful men see life directly straight through a tunnel vision.
We see only the light at the end of the tunnel and then we immediately walk that way.
When you lose focus, you can also very quickly… lose LOTS of momentum along the way.
Alternately, success in life is a lot just like… driving down the highway towards a very distant and far-off destination.
If you always pay TOO MUCH attention to what’s on the left OR the right, you will sometimes, almost always, crash and burn.
You have to be fully focused on the drive ahead and only see distractions peripherally.
You’ll find that SUCCESS comes while you’re doing OTHER things, and at a certain point… you will have driven directly past your original destination… because you were simply TOO FOCUSED on only moving forward.
If you pay TOO MUCH attention to all of the terrible distractions, you will pull the car over BEFORE you ever even arrive at your predetermined destination.
This is called settling for less than what you aimed for and it’s EXACTLY what all of the broke, drunk, homeless, always masturbating dip-shits… are guilty of all of the damn time doing.
10. Demand excellence, especially from yourself.
Great men and women hold OTHER people to VERY high standards.
But, and there is a very BIG but, they hold themselves to the MOST utmost highest standard.
Always depend on yourself FIRST.
In the world of the absolute GREAT, only bold competence will ever do.
Make sure that YOU are always boldly competent, and then make damn sure that ALL of the people around you:
a) are boldly competent
b) make damn sure that they absolutely understand that only bold competence will ever do.
Make incompetence always hit the damn road, Jack.
11. Transform your sexual energy into fuel for absolute greatness.
I’m so very sorry boy, but you CAN’T be out banging broads every single night AND build big business at the same damn time.
Focus must be on either one or the other, it simply is NOT possible to focus on TWO separate things at the same EXACT time.
We all love pussy, but did you ever wonder what pussy REALLY actually loves?
So what EXACTLY should you do?
You use your inherent sexual energy to build MUCH BIGGER business.
When you build up the bank account, you ALWAYS seem to have a steady stream of completely NEW pussy chasing you.
Instead of going out every single damn night, chasing pussy just like a complete total ass-hole dip-shit, be a DO SHIT and chase absolute GREATNESS instead.
You will notice a VERY funny thing totally start to happen once you do – pussy will immediately & almost instantly start to chase YOU instead.
12. Take inspiration from everywhere, everyone and everything.
The way that you stay “average” is by taking inspiration from only ONE exact form of art.
To transcend “average“… you have to take inspiration from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
Every single person can give you something entirely NEW to learn from, every single animal can teach you something, and every single form of art can give you some different type of inspiration.
The “trick” is to take all of the inspiration from all of the different styles and mold them into your own complete distinct style.
Only stupid dumb idiot dip-shits would try to make music using music as inspiration.
I see articles as songs. Kayne sees music as colors.
What do YOU personally see?
13. Speak your thoughts into complete reality.
Creative people speak their way to the definitive answer.
That is all what creativity actually REALLY is…
It is simply speaking your way to the answer.
If you keep it all in your head, the answer will simply NEVER ever reveal itself to you.
If you DON’T speak your way to the answer… then your head will remain very murky.
By speaking out loud… your thoughts and dreams… become damn near instantly very crystal clear.
“But Elijah, didn’t you just say to stay quiet? Isn’t that, like, a contradiction?”
Success is EXACTLY just like a contradiction… which is why very dumb stupid dip-shits who are grounded in “reality” can NEVER ever soar high in the sky just like an eagle.
You have to write and/or speak your plans to make them instantly very crystal clear!
If you DON’T speak your plans clearly… they will absolutely NEVER become clear… AND no one wants to hear about your “plans“… if you haven’t exactly accomplished ANYTHING particularly noteworthy yet.
The solution is actually REALLY quite simple.
Do one of these two things:
- Write your plans in a journal or blog. This way, your plans become VERY crystal clear to YOU, but you do NOT have to speak them out loud to others.
- Speak your plans to others… and understand that absolutely NO ONE will believe you… and absolutely EVERYONE will think that YOU are a complete flat out dip-shit… until… YOU eventually go out and prove them wrong.
Speak the words and live the life.
Speak your dream life… and then live your words… which in turn transforms your “dreams” into actual reality.
Recommended Reading: How to Start a Blog That Makes Money FOREVER
14. Speak loud and proud, use bold words like Ali, always walk the walk.
When you speak, make damn sure… that YOU are actually heard by speaking loud, clear and proud.
You CANNOT speak just like a mouse and actually be heard.
Great men speak from a place of absolute power.
Muhammad Ali was the absolute GREATEST boxer of his day and he made damn sure that absolutely EVERYONE knew it, precisely BECAUSE they can all BACK UP their very bold claims.
Recommended Reading: Will NOT Skill: 5 Life Tips from Iron Mike Tyson
If you’re gonna talk the talk you gotta do ONE more thing, you gotta walk the walk.
Ali was GREAT and he let absolutely EVERYONE else know it.
But Ali had ONE very precise thing that dip-shits who run their mouths all day long DON’T have – proof of his absolute greatness.
Talkers who talk greatness but DON’T back it up with 100% absolute proof are complete total idiot “ignorant” dip-shits.
I always say that NO ONE will believe YOU until you show them proof, and it’s downright absolutely true.
Neither mommy, daddy, or uncle Freddy will believe your wild claims of absolute greatness, and *I* won’t either – NOT until you have proof to back up all of your words.
Talk the talk just like Floyd, but make damn sure that YOU walk the walk just like Tyson.
Passion without action is for stupid daydreaming retards.
Ideas are NOTHING.
Ideas are absolute shit.
Without execution or a body of work to back it up, you are absolutely NOTHING.
If you DON’T have a body of work… you are NOT an idea’s man, you are a flat out NOBODY.
Always back up the talk with 100% absolute proof.
16. Don’t NEVER take ANY days off, always be on just like Donkey Kong.
True absolute GREATS… don’t have an off switch… because true greats KNOW of… the incredible power of momentum.
Days off… break all of the rhythm and the momentum… and it is ALWAYS much harder to re-start… than it is to just KEEP ON going.
That’s why Shogun ALWAYS keeps going.
Work always comes FIRST… and true shogun do NOT have any down time or FREE time.
Greatness takes absolutely all of your TIME and the “price you pay” for true absolute greatness is EXACTLY that – all of your TIME.
Greatness does NOT have an off switch, off switches are for the lazy, poor, drunk, filthy, marijuana weed smoking bums, and the flat out mediocre.
17. Dress great to be great.
If you want to earn a million bucks, start by looking like a million bucks.
When you look great, you feel great and when you feel great… you actually truly become GREAT.
Clothes make the man and muscles make the clothes.
So spend some time in the gym to sculpt the physique… and spend money on the clothes to build up that confidence.
Make damn sure that you spend TONS of high-quality time… building your body.
If you DON’T, No clothes will ever help to make YOU look good.
Check out 2 resources to build your body: Badass Bodybuilding and MONK MODE.
18. Network with other killers.
A great “boss” is a delegator and an excellent deal maker.
Therefore it is a vital key of boss mentality to connect with, network with, meet with and form friendships with other natural & successful go-getters.
For any GREAT bosses in training, it is absolutely vital to your mission to connect with other up and coming “bosses” for the following very important reasons:
- To form friendships with OTHERS on the same EXACT journey as you.
- To help you find any potential future business partners.
- To have a network of fellow solo entrepreneur… bad-ass & kick-ass go-getters… to plot and plan and set goals with… and help YOU break through obstacles and other certain perceived barriers.
- Groups are more powerful than lone wolves. One man has his own powerful concrete energy BUT a whole ENTIRE group of men working towards the same EXACT goal form a TON more powerful energy. Working as a group rather than as a lone wolf… can help speed the momentum of the lone wolf’s business interests.
- Mutual support helps you through VERY tough times you inevitably feel much more distracted, less than “motivated“, or sometimes just simply discouraged. When you do sometimes feel discouraged, the “network” is always there to help YOU find your strength and courage once again.
19. Always practice the Victory pose.
The Victory pose prepares YOU for absolute SUCCESS and financial abundance, which is why I practice it every single day… daily.
The Victory pose is EXACTLY what it sounds like: stand tall, with your arms outstretched to the sky in the shape of a V (for Victory) and allow abundance and victory to come straight directly to YOU.
20. Keep it simple, Basic, and always focus only on the fundamentals.
Masters are simply excellent masters of simplicity.
While dumb foolish dip-shits are busy trying to learn some kind of advanced technique and skipping all of the fundamentals… Masters focus only on mastering the fundamentals and literally NOTHING more.
True actual creativity comes from having a defined set of rules in which you MUST above all else, get creative.
When you have complete, total creative FREEDOM to do absolutely ANYTHING… you end up creating absolutely NOTHING of REAL lasting value.
The fundamentals are the damn fundamentals for a VERY specific reason… and they MUST absolutely NEVER ever be skipped.
21. Always pay attention.
“If YOU pay attention you will notice that absolutely NO ONE pays attention.”
— Elijah “The Realist”
If YOU always pay attention… YOU will notice ONE very singular common thing, absolutely NO ONE else ever pays damn attention.
Dumb stupid idiot dip-shits…go about their usually very “boring” daily lives… WITHOUT ever noticing that they possibly could make themselves appear instantly MUCH BETTER… in literally the… snap of a finger.
You will also “notice”, if you are truly paying TONS of attention… that YOU can create TONS of SUCCESS… literally out of thin air… because NO ONE else is around to ever “notice” or REALLY even care.
They’re TOO BUSY being distracted, watching porn in the dark, or getting drunk with some dumb stupid very disgusting alcohol… to ever even pay attention.
If YOU pay attention… you may even notice… that almost all of the MOST successful people… in the whole ENTIRE world… are almost ALWAYS called… delusional.
To a marijuana weed smoking broke bum on a bus… the thought of earning a million bucks… is absolutely & completely downright delusional.
Thankfully there is a very sinister PERFECT way… to solve this seemingly very unsolvable riddle…
22. Study books… written by GREAT men… and take VERY extensive notes.
Why is it SO damn important to take notes?
Because when you DO actually “take notes”… you develop an actual REALLY true understanding of the actual material… because YOU are physically writing the words… But!… YOU are putting them into YOUR very own words – words that only YOU can actually truly REALLY understand.
Start by studying my #1 absolute masterpiece the “Blueprint To Success“.
In that book, I give you the true path to SUCCESS – which is be SO god damn delusional just like Kanye… that failure does NOT even register as an even a mere possibility.
“Failure? I do not understand that word.”
If you do understand ‘failure‘, don’t look at *me* in my eyes… while I pass your dirty filthy hippie-filled bus… in my brand spanking new BMW… with a big-titty cute blonde named Becky in the passenger seat.
Mutual eye contact is a sign of respect, which is why all of these damn broke bums… feel SO damn awkward… when in the presence of true absolute & total GREATNESS.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”
PS – The Blueprint To Success is the book that forces you to change, like a near-death experience. It is available NOW but only for Winners, Killers, and Real-Dealers.