Giving up on your dreams… doesn’t ever… end the game.
The game literally absolutely NEVER really ends.
Poor health, job market declines, and old age are STILL coming for YOU.
You can either KEEP ON fighting, which at least gives you a chance, or you can just flat out QUIT – which assures your decay and absolute destruction.
MONK MODE shift: Giving up is totally different from quitting.
If you CANNOT be elite (or at least REALLY damn good) at an activity, then just go simply quit.
Keep on working… until you find a REAL profession that YOU actually can become REALLY elite at.
Why shouldn’t you ever give up on yourself?
(You think you have a choice, but you REALLY actually don’t.)
Breakthroughs often follow breakdowns.
Soldiers enter military training with often flabby and weak bodies and a lack of discipline.
Each day they are pushed hard – to the point of “over-training” even.
Yet thousands of years of evidence shows you become something MUCH BETTER after you have actually been broken down.
How can you know what you’re made of until you’ve taken yourself to your absolute fucking breaking point… or even beyond YOUR actual REAL in-depth breaking point?
Failures makes YOU much more stronger. (If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.)
Saying that you learn more from your failures than your actual REAL-LIFE successes… is some stupid old feel-good, self-help hocus pocus nonsense.
You learn far more from winning… than you ever will from fucking losing.
Whenever possible, succeed.
Model yourself after only freaking successes.
Just focus on ALWAYS fucking Winning, dude.
That said, failure is inevitable and desirable.
If you aren’t failing, then you aren’t REALLY actually TRYING hard enough.
You aren’t REALLY actually pushing yourself.
If you go to the gym, you’ll literally FAIL every single time… that you actually weight train.
Either the weight will be way TOO HEAVY or you WON’T be able to do another actual rep.
What EXACTLY happens next?
Your body recovers and you return to the gym much more stronger.
MONK MODE shift: Specific adaptations to imposed demands (the S.A.I.D. principle) applies to every single fucking aspect of your god damn life.
Once your body adapts to an imposed demands, you reach a point of homeostasis – a new, higher level of normalcy.
To take this “new normal” to the next level, what MUST you do?
Start very quickly failing.
Every successful person… that YOU actually respect… almost gave up.
The first rule of Success Club is to never talk about your failures.
The second rule of Success Club is to ALWAYS remember the #1 first rule.
There’s a little tiny unknown dirty secret… that every single successful person… REALLY actually has.
That dirty secret is a history of failed businesses, bankruptcies, mistakes, divorces, panic attacks, and MANY sleepless nights… crying in our freaking pillows.
Once you become absolutely successful, you have to be Mr. Cool Guy.
I always knew that I’d actually succeed!
Self-doubt is for BIG old idiot wimps!
Get freaking real.
Success requires you to do that 99% of what MOST people CAN’T do… or can’t imagine ever freaking doing.
Your whole ENTIRE damn life… you’ve heard your ideas are unrealistic or you’re delusional.
(Or at least that’s what I heard!)
Learning how to swim through a sea of negativity and doubt takes years or even decades.
You can always do something totally absolutely NEW.
Skills are almost always… highly transferable.
I’ve waited tables, worked at Home Depot, dug through trash for cans to take the recycling center, raked up corn, marched with a heavy backpack with bloody feet, been a highly successful professional blogger, and on and on…
Everything I have ever learned… has carried me towards my current god damn profession.
Hard manual labor…. taught me to absolutely NEVER be one of those cry baby writers… who cries about how hard writing is.
If you think that writing is actually REALLY freaking hard, go dig a ditch in 100 degree heat or walk through cold wet corn fields at 4 a.m.
My dad did this at my age so that *I* wouldn’t freaking have to.
Blogging taught me about how to communicate VERY clearly… and to actually REALLY truly understand human frailty.
Starting a blog also taught me that while I genuinely enjoy helping people, you literally CAN’T ever help people who won’t even god damn help themselves.
Filthy Rich Billionaires such as *myself*… Highly Successful… Professional Bloggers are seen as actual REAL-LIFE gods… or white knights and quickly become despised by their clients when this illusion is shattered.
Bloggers or even perhaps (teachers!) can help clients rebuild their lives, but only when clients are willing to put the work in.
Hence why I actually REALLY wrote Monk Mode.
This allows me to help those who will put the (immense) work it takes to better themselves without expecting me to be their lord and savior.
Reading MONK MODE is easy. Applying it, is entirely on you.
There’s literally NO other alternative.
YOU might have given up on life, but LIFE definitely hasn’t… given up on you.
Father Time is still going to make that body of yours literally very quickly age.
The stock market is STILL going to fucking crash.
The job market is STILL going to TAKE AWAY your soul draining penniless job (just over broke!).
Your wife… is STILL going to fucking leave you (and divorce your ass so you MUST pay her 50% alimony and automatically give up 50% of your whole ENTIRE net worth!)
Unless you take a VERY… active approach to life.
Indeed, think about your physical health and fitness.
You can say, “Going to the gym is too hard!” Yes, you can.
Stop trying and watch and literally go SEE what immediately happens.
Does your body say, “OK, we’ll just leave you alone.”
Instead you lose your conditioning and muscle mass.
You get downright FAT… and freaking pathetic.
Your blood pressure rises. Blood flow to your brain decreases, causing you to lose… some freaking damn IQ points.
The same occurs on a much broader scale.
You can give up on the whole ENTIRE world, but entropy and chaos is STILL freaking coming… YOUR way.
The only way to survive hell, and thrive… is to live your Whole ENTIRE Life with complete audacity.
Raise hell.
Fight as hard as you possibly can.
In the end, there literally is NO other… alternative.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”