I often get a lot of questions about karma and “good vs bad.”
Questions like this:
Is karma true? The great ones all seem to realize karma exists and most people have a stupid understanding of it. Eating an animal is not bad karma; but torturing that animal, or eating excessively with greed beyond your needs, etc. would get you another birth as an animal.”
I am going to explain karma to you in a way that you have NEVER heard it explained before.
Karma is very REAL, but NOT in the way that you actually THINK.
You will NOT get good karma or bad karma for any ACTIONS that you TAKE because there is NO SUCH THING as good karma or bad karma.
Because nature does NOT understand good or bad.
Something is or it simply isn’t.
An animal eats another animal, it isn’t good or bad, it just simply is.
Good and bad is a man-made concept (much like sin) and we NEED these concepts to live peacefully together.
In fact, karma and sin are EXACTLY the SAME THINGS.
In the west we have sin and in the east they have karma.
In the west we tell children that if they are bad they will burn in hell for their sin, in the east they say they will be reborn as an animal for their bad karma.
Karma and sin are EXACTLY the SAME concepts – they are ways to get children to behave in the way we want them to behave.
Children CANNOT process the reality of karma and sin because the laws of karma and sin are actually very practical.
Because children do NOT understand the practical, we make up grand lies to teach children what we believe is right and wrong, good or bad.
The more we teach children about karma and sin, the more we believe that it is actually true.
So we grow up ourselves WITHOUT an actual understanding of what karma and sin actually REALLY are.
Because we’ve been teaching and believing in karma and sin for so long, we have totally forgotten the underlying reality.
Now I am going to teach you EXACTLY what karma and sin actually are.
I’m going to show you exactly WHY and HOW you receive good karma or bad karma, and exactly WHY and HOW you are actually punished for your sins.
So what EXACTLY is karma?
Karma is the law of cause and effect.
That’s it.
That is all that karma REALLY actually is.
If you do this you can expect that to happen.
- If you touch a hot stove then you will receive a burn on your hand.
- If you drink too much alcohol you be looked upon with scorn and disgust by your neighbors.
- If you eat too much unhealthy food you become unhealthy later in life.
- If you do harm to someone they will want to do harm to you.
Karma has NOTHING to do with good or bad.
Karma has EVERYTHING to do with cause and effect.
Over the years we have all forgotten this simple fact of life.
And what was once simple (do this and that will happen) has become magical.
According to the myth of karma, rather than doing this to get that, you do this and then you are reborn as a goat in the next life.
The misunderstanding of karma has caused people great grief because they no longer understand the practical.
People no longer understand that if they eat too much carbohydrates their blood sugar increases and they get diabetes.
Instead, they think it is their bad luck to get diabetes and that they need medicine to cure it.
Rather than taking responsibility for themselves, they wonder “why me?!”
Rather than quitting the food that gives them illness, they continue the bad habits that give them the bad results.
The Myth of Karma vs The Law of Cause and Effect
The myth of karma is EXACTLY this: if you are bad in this life you will pay for it in another life.
The reality of karma is this: if you are bad in this life you will pay for it in this life.
The myth of karma that we teach to children has good intentions – get children to behave properly – but horrible consequences.
Teaching the myth of karma rather than the law of cause and effect causes people to become enfeebled and helpless.
Rather than help themselves and quit their bad habits, they resign to the fact that it is their “bad karma” to be sick, stupid, and poor for their whole ENTIRE lives.
Because they believe they did something in a past life to receive this bad karma they do nothing in this life to change it.
If they knew the simple secret of karma, that it is nothing but the law of cause and effect, then they would know that they have the power within themselves to change their circumstance.
It is not your bad karma to be poor, it is your bad habits that cause you to be poor.
It is NOT your bad luck to be sick and unhealthy, you caused the sickness by your very own bad habits.
Do this and that will happen.
Your actions have direct reactions and all circumstances in your life are reactions to actions you have taken.
That’s how you become sick, stupid, poor, and totally worthless.
You are NOT unlucky, you are ignorant to the law of cause and effect.
When you understand that all sickness you have is created by YOU, you can understand the opposite of this….
Because all sickness is created by you, all health, wellness, and success are also created by YOU.
It is the ACTIONS that you take TODAY that give you your karma tomorrow.
Whether they be good or bad, sin or virtue, is entirely up to what you do today, right now.
However, many people are happy to sin today because they think they will NOT be held accountable until much later.
The Myth and Reality of Sin
The myth of sin is that you will pay for your sins in another life.
The reality is MUCH different…
Our friend at the beginning said overeating food will cause you to be reborn as an animal in the next life.
In the west we call overeating by the name of gluttony and it is one of our seven deadly sins.
We’re taught that if you sin you pay for it when you die and go to hell.
This teaching enfeebles people and makes them unbearably ignorant to the reality of sin.
Here is the REAL actual reality of sin…
You will NOT be punished for you sins, you will be punished by your sins.
You will NOT pay for sins AFTER you die, you will pay for today’s sins tomorrow.
If you overeat, then YOU are NOT going to burn in hell, instead you are going to get fat, sick, and unhealthy.
If you do NOT understand the law of cause and effect you will just THINK that it is your bad luck, your “genetics“, or SOMETHING else completely outside of your control which makes you BOTH fat and sick.
Nothing outside of your control makes you fat, sick, or stupid.
All is inside YOUR control but you have to fully KNOW what sin actually REALLY is…
Sin is the law of cause and effect explained by the western mind.
The seven deadly sins will give you negative consequences in your life, today, they will NOT place you in a sea of fire when you eventually die.
It will seem like you just have “bad luck” until you open your eyes and understand that absolutely EVERYTHING happens for a specific reason.
Everything that happens to you happens because of something you did in the past.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
- Eating too many carbohydrates feels good today, tomorrow it will feel like diabetes.
- Drinking alcohol today feels food and tomorrow it will feel like liver cirrhosis.
- Drinking too much coffee this morning will feel great and tonight it will feel like insomnia.
- Lack of exercise today will give you thyroid problems tomorrow.
All of these health problems you receive seem so mysterious only because you do NOT see the connection between cause and effect.
Sin and karma are EXACTLY the same thing.
They are eastern and western concepts we use to teach children the law of cause and effect.
Now that you know the reality, that everything that happens to you is a direct result of some action you took, you can stop fearing bad karma and you can stop fearing burning in hell for your sins.
Instead, you can start to take daily positive actions that get you daily positive results.
You can quit the bad habits, otherwise known as sins, that bring you disastrous results.
All power in the world exists within you.
You are the creator of your reality and you create you reality by the actions that you take.
Make your life great by understanding that, “If I do this, then that will happen.”
With this understanding of karma and sin, you are armed with the knowledge of the ancients.
You have all of the knowledge of the religions of the east and the west in one tiny little phrase….
“If I do this then that will happen.”
In other words, you reap what you sow.
So friend, make sure that you ALWAYS sow the seeds of good karma.
I would hate to see you suffer from “bad karma” after you have been taught the law of cause and effect.
Because now you have no excuse, nothing is outside of your control and there is no bad karma in your life that comes from outside sources.
Whether for good or bad:
So take control, stop whining about bad luck or bad karma, and create your destiny the way in which YOU ultimately… want it to be.
All power exists within YOU and nowhere else.
That’s it, friend.
The law of cause and effect fully explained.
Karma is under YOUR direct control.
Will YOU control it?
…or will YOU allow it to simply control you?
Until next time.
Your man,
-“Mystic” Elijah “The Realist”