I had finished a long workweek when one of my girls called me, literally begging me to come out.
“I’m tired,” I told her, and had in any event just taken some sleeping pills.
“I’m going to bed.”
“No, please come out.”
“I want to be seen with you.”
Women increase their status with OTHER women by presenting a high-value man.
She REALLY wanted me to come out, because it would have impressed the girls whom she was with.
It would have made her seem more valuable, merely because she was with me.
My life mindset is to be the man I want to be.
My game mindset is to be the kind of man whom women WANT to be seen with.
When you leave the house, you should be asking yourself: Right now, do I look like the kind of man an attractive woman would WANT to be seen with?
If you look slovenly, with a bad haircut and Old Navy jeans, why would you expect a woman to be receptive to your approach?
Women talk non-stop about relationships, and every woman wants to be able to “brag about” her man.
If you are the kind of man a woman wants to talk to her friends about, then you will have more women than you can handle.
Guys need to realize that women do NOT live in the same world as we do.
As a man, I don’t care if my friends or complete strangers on the street find my girls attractive.
I care if my girl makes me hard, will fuck WHENEVER I want, and will please me in the bedroom.
Although MOST guys are not as extreme as I am – that is, guys want “arm candy” to some extent – we are much less worried about what our friends THINK of the women we date.
Think about it.
How many times have you railed a chick of low-quality, knowing your friends would ridicule you the next morning?
Did thinking, “My friends are going to mess with me,” actually stop you from getting the bang?
Of course not.
You went for it anyway, and then took your lumps like a ‘G.
Women have an entirely different mindset.
To a woman, what her friends will think is MORE important than what she actually thinks.
One might even say that women are incapable of actually REALLY thinking for themselves, but instead are part of a hive mind.
If you look like a slob with a bad haircut who is wearing Old Navy clothing, why would a woman want to be seen with you?
If you are a do-nothing, boring guy with no life story, why would you be someone she’d want to talk about.
Far more important than NEW pick-up openers or routines is looking like a man whom women WANT to actually be seen with.
Gaining 10 pounds of muscle, losing fat, and finding your look will do far MORE to improve your game than the latest “social dynamics” DVD’s.
If you want to meet women, first become a man worth meeting.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”