The Chinese have a saying that roughly translates into “Have you eaten too much food?”.
The meaning, of course, is that when your belly is full you’re apt to do MANY stupid things.
The Americans have a similar saying.
The saying is “You’re full of shit“.
Fat people literally are full of shit.
I don’t write too many articles for fatsos and won’t write many more in the future.
I write only for winners and fatsos definitely aren’t winners.
There is a big difference between:
a) a person who weighs a normal, healthy, acceptable amount and wants to burn some body-fat and
b) fatsos.
Fatsos absolutely disgust me and if I could invent a fatso repellent I would spray it on myself literally daily.
I wrote about the Skinny Guy Mentality before, but Fatso mentality is even worse.
See, fat people are stupid like pigs.
They eat so much food that they CAN’T even properly THINK.
The belly requires all that blood for digestion and sugar clouds the brain.
If they weren’t stupid like pigs then the billion dollar diet industry wouldn’t even actually exist.
Fat pigs PAY MONEY to be told how to lose weight, but I’m going to tell you for absolutely FREE.
To stop being fat you have to……
Eating TOO MUCH food is how you actually get fat… eating less food is how you actually lose fat.
But what do fat pigs actually do?
They do one of two things:
- Buy and eat MORE FOOD to lose weight
- Make excuses as to WHY they won’t diet
#1. Diet food.
This is the thought process in a fatso’s mind…
“I’m fat. I had better buy some food and eat it to lose weight“.
Then they buy some diet food and they eat the food and expect to lose weight by eating food.
#2. Excuses.
“It’s my metabolism. It’s my genetics. If I diet I’ll wither away and starve to death“.
You already KNOW all of the excuses so I won’t even continue.
What I will do is give all of the fatsos… the #1 ultimate solution and be completely done with the subject for good.
To stop BEING FAT… you have to eat LESS FOOD.
You have to diet.
You have to shrink your stomach.
Your fat stomach is so big… because you’ve been stuffing your face for so long… you feel hungry all the time.
To stop feeling hungry like a Hippo… you have to shrink that fat stomach down to a normal size.
How do you shrink your stomach?
You stop eating ALL THE TIME.
In fatso scare tactic terms, you literally starve yourself.
Fat slobbery didn’t happen overnight and drastic action is needed for extremely drastic results.
So the next time that you feel hungry… this is EXACTLY what you do: you DON’T eat.
Drink some water, drink a bunch of water, hold out for as long as you possibly can before you actually eat.
Continue doing THIS… until you are NOT fat anymore.
“But, but, but, but, but, but…” but 1,000 excuses to stay fat.
The answer to all the “buts” in the world is the fatso simply stays fat.
If fat pigs really didn’t want to be fat… this is EXACTLY what they would do:
They would stop eating SO MUCH freaking food.
So what are YOU going to actually do?
You’re going to stop eating SO MUCH food.
Bonus: One Quick Tip to Beat the Afternoon Lunch Slump:
Eat a light Lunch.

Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”