Isolating the areas one needs improvement in is often easy and met with begrudging hope… but identifying the areas that one is blatantly fucking up in, hurts more due to the ego.
Well, I might hurt you RIGHT NOW, but it’s not due to lack of love for my fellow-man.
It’s because I want you to do your best, be the #1 best and fuck hot fun girls… so I’m about to give you some tough love in this post.
Some of these might be obvious to many, but I deviate between writing more advanced articles for the ole G’s who read my blog and the young, or inexperienced cats who don’t know what to do.
if you fall in the extremes, or somewhere in the middle, it’s important to have a reminder every once in a while.
Hell, I have to remind myself sometimes, because it’s easy to get complacent and slip into being average.
Fuck that.
#5. You Are Apologizing Too Much
Let me let you in on a little secret that has served me very fucking well in my life: don’t apologize to girls.
What happens is…
A. She will lose respect for you.
B. It won’t ‘fix’ the problem she has with you.
C. You aren’t REALLY sorry, so why lie?
I’ve been seeing this often lately, to the point where I’m going to start bitch-slapping guys in public… who are behaving like beta bitch boys, because they are beta and their bitch is more of a boy.
Like what I did there?
ALWAYS operate from the position of strength and that strength lies in you being right 100% of the time.
Now that doesn’t mean you walk around like a retard being Mr. Know-It-All.
Instead, it means when a chick stands up to you, DON’T BACK DOWN.
Perfect example is from a few months ago when I was out with a client.
We were at a secret location after-hours party on a Saturday night and there was a chick he was interested in that met us out there.
He stumbled off to the bathroom and it was myself and the girl.
She was a typical white girl, solid 7, but with bit of an attitude.
As I said, a typical white girl 🙂 .
We small talked for a moment, before I became bored with her presence and surveyed the house.
It was a big mansion and in the foyer area, a swarm of wildebeests walked in, like buffalo being released into the wild.
One stumbled and I considered catching her, but then realized I wouldn’t be able to handle her enormous weight and could possible suffocate if she fell on top of me.
Instead, I checked Twitter.
I couldn’t resist it because I like getting a rise out of people, especially when it’s 3:30 am and I’m completely buzzed.
“Fucking A, can you believe how fucking fat these chicks are? It’s a disgrace!” I said to my client’s potential chick.
Her mouth dropped and she screamed, “YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE! I DEMAND YOU APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW!”.
She’s 23 I believe.
“Darling, you are basically a child.
I am an adult man.
On what planet does a twenty-three year old girl tell a thirty year old man what to do?
Don’t answer that because, quite frankly, your opinion doesn’t matter.
Those bitches are fat.
Plain and simple.
Fat is not beautiful and NEVER will be.
That’s REALITY doll, not Fucking Fantasy Land.
When I attend a party in the Hollywood Hills I don’t expect to see chicks who could be linebackers in the NFL.
I want tall models with a coke habit and a penchant for missing auditions due to bad decisions”.
I could have sworn I saw her eyes mist and she closed her mouth.
She looked down at her feet and for a moment I thought that my tongue-lashing had done its job.
“You’re still an asshole!”
I smirked.
“Ah yes, the familiar ‘insult’ that women like to throw around, right as their pussy moistens up”.
Another gulp and I could hear a phantom sound of a judge slamming his gavel down and declaring me the winner.
Or maybe it was the Jager shot talking.
She quickly warmed up to me and switched tunes like a motherfucker.
My client returned about that time and the night continued.
The point is, that today’s society is in love with telling men to shut up and that we should be soft and cuddly, have man-bods and embrace our feminine side.
Fuck that.
You are a man and there is no fucking reason for you to run around with your head down apologizing to chicks.
She can deal with it or leave.
She can suck your cock or not, but if not, “Adios chica!”.
Quit apologizing, stand up for yourself and the RIGHT chicks, you know, the ones who are feminine, sexy and want a STRONG man will be waiting in line to fuck you.
#4. Your Intent Is Unclear To Her
I’ll let you in on another secret because obviously I’m in a secret revealing mood:
if you are not direct in your intent, then the chick will THINK that you are NOT man enough to handle her in bed.
When you start fucking around with the really hot girls, you’ll find that they HATE with a passion the guys who hem and haw around like Uncle Schmuck about what they really want.
Now, that doesn’t mean you walk up to a girl and say loudly, “I WANT TO FUCK YOU AND POSSIBLY LICK YOUR ASSHOLE”.
Instead it’s about being Direct in Your Body Language…
i.e. being masculine, dominate and confident, and utilizing Charm + Teasing to crank her attraction to you up 20 notches.
Incorporate some light touching within 30 seconds (and I’m not talking about an awkward hand on her shoulder either) of meeting her and guess what?
She KNOWS that you have sexual intent and you’re NOT afraid of showing it.
You know what girls THINK about weak beta bitch boys who try to slither up like fucking snakes in the club and try to buy their way into her panties, or act like they just want to be friends?
They think it’s pathetic and they don’t ‘reward’ them with fast sex.
And if you’re thinking right about now, “Well, I read in some famous PUA’s book that befriending them will help them let their guard down!”, then let me reality check you:
it’s 20fucking22. It’s not 2000 anymore.
Chicks today are rewarding the alpha males who take what they want and they are letting the beta bitch boys buy them $5,000 Chanel purses and stating:
“I’m just not ready for anything right now. I haven’t had sex in years actually”…
While she’s sucking cock in the club bathroom and getting railed in the alley.
#3. You’re Treating Her Like She’s A Unicorn
I won’t belabor this point, but chicks can definitely tell when you’re treating them in a way that you NEED and WANT and HOPE for their approval.
Do this for me:
Think back for a moment to the last time you truly did not give a fuck about the outcome with a girl when you were with her.
How did you act?
How did you feel?
How did she respond to your ‘natural’ aloofness?
I would bet money that you felt FREE, because you were not outcome dependent and you might have even felt and fuck, I hate this word because its been butchered, but empowered.
Let me explain something: when I go out, I have the INTENT of getting laid.
When I go on a date, I have the INTENT of fucking her.
When I talk to a pretty girl, pretty much my intent is always to fuck her, BUT my confidence and ego are NOT tied to her accepting my advances or not.
If she doesn’t, then I laugh and move on… because I’ve had extensive experience and know my value as a man, that I look at it as her loss, NOT MINE.
Now, I understand it’s tough adopting that mindset BEFORE you have the experiences to validate yourself and your ego, but the quicker you take on that mindset, the quicker you will find more girls want to fuck you.
#2. You Are Not Making Her Invest Enough
If you find yourself always going out of your way on dates to meet up with the girl etc, then you’re failing in one of the most important aspects of the game: she must invest in you.
A perfect example, is if you’re going to meet a girl on a date and she refuses to drive to you and demands you pick her up, or that your date HAS to be in her area.
Repeat after me: fuck that.
It’s NOT that you can’t be flexible WITHIN REASON, but if she’s doing that NOW, imagine the monster she would turn into down the road… after she knows that she owns your ass and has you wrapped around her skinny finger?
You must set the stage and hold Frame from Day 1 with her.
Tell her to come to you.
If she won’t, then go for halfway.
If she won’t do halfway, do you REALLY think she’s going to be eager to open her legs for you?
Now note: I’m not talking about a girl who might not have a car and who needs to take the bus or something.
I’m talking about a girl who is fully capable of getting to you.
This is a small example, but something that is an issue for some guys.
Make her jump through some hoops, so she ‘invests’ into the dating process.
Enough said.
#1. You Don’t Believe You Deserve To Fuck Her
Alright, one last secret, then I’m duct taping my fingers so I can’t type:
If you don’t believe you deserve to fuck her, then you won’t.
If you do believe she might have the privilege of possibly fucking you, then you probably will.
Note the difference?
Note the mindset switch?
Gentlemen, if there’s one thing you ever glean from my ramblings and writings, let it be this one thing: YOU are the prize.
If you flip that switch from thinking that SHE is the prize and realize that YOU are the prize, then it makes all the difference in the world.
Now that doesn’t mean you can sit on a couch stuffing your face with Cheetos, get fat, play video games all day, do nothing for your future and never put out effort to become a better man and THINK you are the prize.
That’s called being a delusional dumb-ass.
But what it does mean, is that if you are ACTIVELY taking action every single day to better yourself, to reach your goals, to better your game skills, to better today, so you can have a great future, then that is enough.
What will happen is you will wake up one day and realize that all of these little baby steps have added up to you scaling a motherfucking mountain and when you look down at the valley you trekked across, you will then KNOW you are a man of high value…
But for now, I want you to start believing it.
Have a little faith and take action.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”