As I’ve just turned 30 this year, I’ve spent some time reflecting on my 20’s and the insanity of the ride that it’s been.
I’ve had ups and downs, and I’d like to share some life lessons I learned…
to help you cats who are entering your 20’s, or are experiencing them right now.
These are in no particular order, just from the notes I’ve jotted down in the last couple of weeks.
#20. I Always Regretted The Approaches That I Didn’t Actually Do
When you see a pretty girl and something in your gut tells you to approach her, simply do it.
Don’t hesitate… and just simply approach.
I’ve always regretted the approaches I, didn’t do, but the ones I did so… sometimes totally changed my life.
You will NEVER know unless you actually try.
#19. Have Goals, But Learn To ALWAYS Simply Enjoy The Moment
With the pressure that comes from parents to do this and plan for that, learn to simply enjoy the moment as well.
My 20’s have literally FLOWN by and can NEVER actually return.
Don’t live your life always focused on “When I’m 30, I’ll do XYZ”.
Plan for the future, but also simply enjoy the moment.
Some of my flat out best memories from my 20’s was simply being in the moment and enjoying exactly where I was at in life.
You are NOT guaranteed tomorrow.
None of us are.
#18. College Is Totally Absolutely Overrated
If you DON’T see yourself in college, then immediately flat out SKIP IT.
Don’t ever go against your instincts.
I can honestly say, unless you’re going into a field like law or medicine, or a specialized field where there is high job demand when you graduate, then consider another avenue.
Hell, if you’re undecided, you’d be better off working in the oil fields for a couple of years, stacking cash and then investing it into your own business.
Don’t be afraid to GO OUT and blaze your own trail.
Great men were rarely followers and you don’t have to have a college degree to be successful. That being said, a degree will never hurt you, but don’t drown yourself in debt if you don’t have a serious plan.
#17. Take Calculated Risks
Don’t NEVER play it safe.
It’s much easier to take calculated risks in your 20’s… when you can bounce back quicker than later in life.
If you see an opportunity then you should immediately jump at it.
If you ‘fail’, so what, you learned something and you’ll be MUCH MORE smarter and stronger for it.
I’ve taken some truly insane risks.
Sometimes it worked out and sometimes not, but I can look back and honestly say that I don’t have ANY regrets about NONE of my calculated risks.
Playing it safe rarely gets you ahead in a major way.
#16. Become Good With Girls… RIGHT NOW
Don’t wait until you’re in your 30’s or 40’s to FINALLY figure out women.
First off, the learning curve becomes that MUCH harder the more older that YOU actually GET.
The exposure you have to college aged girls is much greater RIGHT NOW… than usually later in life depending on your job, etc.
Don’t quit your job and spend 8 hours a day at the mall day gaming; that’s fucking lame as hell.
But, definitely do dedicate a night or two a week going on dates and going out to meet women.
The greatest teacher of women is Experience.
You cannot become great with women, unless you put in some REAL actual effort.
Do it RIGHT NOW and when you are 30 years old, you’ll have that aspect of your life completely figured out.
#15. Get A Mentor
Get out, meet people, find the men who are already successful, contribute to their life and simply ask for advice.
Having a successful male mentor will put you miles ahead of your peers and is a HUGE part of my success and will be for YOU too.
#14. Learn How To Actually Hustle
I don’t care if you’re selling water bottles on the beach during the summer, or flipping iPhones, learn how to freaking hustle.
Traits of men who MAKE MONEY is that they take a seemingly boring opportunity and transform it into HUGE money making opportunity.
Learn to start THINKING like a hustler… and how YOU can take an opportunity… and turn it into a way to make TONS of god damn life-changing money.
You’ll always need money, so start learning RIGHT NOW how to actually do it.
#13. Don’t Get Married Or Ever Have Kids
As I am about to turn 30, I am happy to say I’ve NEVER been married and I don’t have any kids (that I know of).
If you want to handcuff yourself early on in life, then get married at 24 and have a couple of kids.
I’m not knocking cats who get married early, but trust me when I say what you want at 21 is generally not what you want at 30.
Take your damn time in that arena.
Women come and go, but you only live in your 20’s once.
#12. Start Saving Money
Even if it’s only $100 a month, put that crisp C-note away and DON’T touch it.
You understand if you did this for 10 years from 20 to 30, then on your 30th birthday you’d have $12,000 and that’s just putting it in your shoe box, that’s not even investing or getting interest off a savings account.
Make it a habit starting now and you’ll be glad you did.
Fuck buying new rims for your car.
Save that dough.
#11. Develop A Workout Routine And Don’t Ever Stop
I started working out when I was 16 years old and except for a few brief periods here and there, I’ve continued to ALWAYS work out in the gym.
Start NOW, not when you’re 30 and you’ll build muscle that you can actually maintain for the rest of your life.
The more older you get, the much more harder it is… to actually stay in shape.
No shit, right?
Well start RIGHT NOW and build a ‘base’ for when you’re older in life, you’ll NEVER regret being in good shape.
#10. Read Books And Turn Off The TV
I’ve always been a voracious reader and I can directly attribute some of my success to being informed and ‘self-taught’ from reading.
Turn off the TV and read a book and no, NOT a fiction book.
Focus on books that can help you in life, from finances to women and EVERYTHING helpful in-between.
One key point is though, don’t be one of those cats who buy a new book every single week and NEVER actually read it or APPLY IT.
That’s just flat out stupid.
Be a reader and THEN an actual DOER.
Having knowledge that you DON’T apply in your brain is simply dumb and wasteful.
Read, Learn and THEN actually Apply.
#9. Network Your Freaking Ass Off
Do EVERYTHING in your power to get yourself around OTHER powerful successful people, shut your mouth and then actually learn from them.
I cannot stress to you the importance of networking and how much it will actually REALLY help you in your life.
Get active and start meeting new people TODAY.
You can NEVER underestimate the REAL true importance of networking.
The old saying “It’s all about who you know”, is really NOT an actual joke.
#8. Pick Your Friends Wisely
You know that ‘cool’ kid who’s dealing coke and breaking into cars?
He’s a complete idiot.
Pick your friends wisely, and if you DON’T have anybody to hang out with… then focus only on your goals for now.
As you focus you will immediately draw like minded people into your life.
Also, if you’re 22 and you have a choice between hanging out with another 22 who’s in the same boat as you, or a 28 year old successful cat, then DON’T even hesitate:
Hang out with the older cat.
You’ll learn more and get further ahead in life than you can ever imagine.
I always made it a point to hang out with guys older than me and it paid off in a big way.
#7. Learn How To Truly Dominate A Social Setting
I wrote all about that here, but make it a point to figure this out and you’ll use it the rest of your life.
You can’t even put a price tag on the power of knowing EXACTLY how to do this… and you’ll use this the rest of your life in BOTH fun and business social settings.
#6. Travel
While my travel has been limited to North America for now, traveling is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer.
If you’re in college, do a semester abroad, or if you’re not, then just plan a trip and immediately go.
You’ll learn a shit ton about yourself and get a broader global view that will broaden your horizons and provide unique experiences…
That you simply won’t get staying at home in Indiana.
#5. Start A Business
Whether you turn a start-up into a publicly traded company, or it’s just enough to supply you travel money, start some kind of online business.
It will teach you the value of being self-reliant, teach you more than an MBA and give you even more insight into working for someone else if you choose to go that route.
I have NEVER regretted trying to start a business and ‘failing’.
The value I gained from making mistakes and learning from those helped me with ALL of my successful businesses.
There’s NOTHING like being the boss and writing your own check.
Empower yourself.
#4. Learn How To Be Truly Cool
Learn now how to be cool and don’t be that cat at 35 years old who’s STILL trying to figure it out.
The earlier that you learn these life basics, the more you can apply this the rest of your life and it’ll help you to eventually become successful.
Want an immediate head start?
Devour this blog and THEN go out and actually apply it.
I can truly say I wrote the ‘bible’ on this shit and I know from whence I speak.
#3. Be Positive
I’m NOT talking about being fake and delusional, I’m talking about looking at the cup as though it’s half-full, not half-empty.
Without a doubt, the main characteristic that helped me KEEP GOING when my life was hell, was that I am positive.
If you don’t have hope, then you literally have Nothing.
If you’re NOT positive about your OWN life, then what is the point of even actually living?
The true test is if you can be positive when life isn’t going the EXACT way that YOU want it to.
It’s easy to be positive when EVERYTHING is going great in your life, but learn how to make your mindset one of hope and happiness.
If you struggle with naturally being positive, then immediately unplug from ANYTHING that currently brings you down.
You know when you read an article and you click off the page feeling a little down, then stop reading that shit.
Turn off the negative news and fill your mind with upbeat stuff.
It’s NOT being unrealistic, it’s called not going through life focused on shit you can’t change and instead being focused on that what YOU can change: yourself.
Here’s a litmus test for you:
If whatever you’re currently reading doesn’t make you feel better and improve your life, then simply DON’T read it.
That simple.
#2. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail
If there’s ANYTHING that you remember from my list, remember this:
Don’t be afraid to ever fail.
It’s the God’s truth that fear is what holds most men back.
Fear of failing, fear of our ‘friends’ opinions of us, fear of our parent’s opinion, fearing fear itself.
Fuck fear.
Say it out loud: “Fuck Fear”.
Don’t be a pussy afraid of failing.
Grab life by the balls and stick your dick in it.
Great men have also experienced fear, but they had courage to push through anyway.
Courage is what makes average men truly great.
Become courageous and DON’T be afraid to ever fail.
#1. Live Life On Your Own Terms And Ignore ALL of The Haters
If you truly want to be a dominate man who loves life, enjoys life and is successful at life, then learn to ignore the haters and KEEP doing what it is that you’re currently doing.
Trust me you will definitely have haters if you’re doing something truly actually great.
The majority of people can’t stand to see others do well, but who cares about their opinion?
Put your blinders on and stay focused on your success… and your life… and you’ll be MUCH happier and much more productive if you actually do so.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”
P.S Go here, because who dreams of fucking 5’s and working at Wendy’s?