Rise above.
The other day while contemplating a problem with a business that I own, these two words struck me with great force.
“Rise above”, I whispered the words to myself, since I wasn’t in a private place.
The words had power then.
The words have power RIGHT NOW.
As men in a turbulent world struggling to make our marks in our respective fields and accomplish our respective dreams, we face seemingly insurmountable situations, difficult people, and trials of life.
How is a man supposed to deal with EVERYTHING that we deal with on a daily basis and still be successful and happy?
Rise above.
When you get cut off in the parking lot by the jackass who steals your parking space, what should you do?
Rise above.
When you don’t get that raise you had worked hard for, what should you do?
Rise above.
When that girl you thought was ‘special’ dumps you, what should you do?
Rise above.
When you start a company and after a great start, all hell breaks loose and you go bankrupt, what should you do?
Rise above.
When you find out your mother is dying of breast cancer and only has a few months left to live, what should you do?
Rise above.
Rise above.
Rise above.
These two simple words have REAL actual power.
These two words have some REAL actual meaning.
They mean, as a man who can make his own decisions, his own choices and can direct his own path, you should do EXACTLY just that: rise above.
Rise above the bullshit… and choose to either remove yourself from the situation… or remove IT from the whole ENTIRE situation.
Rise above by cutting off negative ‘friends’ who drain you with their constant complaining, lack of initiative and constant criticism of your goals.
Rise above the girl who continues to play games past the point of flirtatious fun to the point where you’re spending more energy on trying to figure out what she’s thinking, instead of focusing on yourself and the thousands of other cute girls in the world.
Rise above your boss who refuses to give you the opportunity to advance your career and choose to blaze your own trail despite the sacrifice, because with great sacrifice comes MANY great rewards.
Rise above what the doctors say will happen to your mother and instead choose to not only seek alternate forms of treatment, but in the worse case scenario will make her last few months the best of her life.
Rise above the impending bills on your counter and flip the hustler switch on and get creative with making the money to pay your bills and not only just pay them, but live an abundant life.
Rise above your own personal flaws, shortcomings and self-doubt, by focusing on what you actually do have going for you and using your talents to enhance your life even more.
Rise above the daily news of negativity, calamity and defeat, by choosing to focus on what is going right and learning to let go of what you simply CANNOT actually control.
Rise above the naysayers, family members and people with ‘good intentions’, that tell you ‘no’ and ‘you cannot’ and GO OUT and simply prove them wrong.
Rise above the very limits you have set for yourself and take yourself out of the box you’ve enclosed yourself in.
Rise above the temptations to throw in the towel and settle for a life of mediocrity.
Rise above the demons that taunt you with your past and embrace the incredible future you have before you.
Rise above the depression of your generation by letting go of the wrongs and choose to be the man who simply makes it right.
Rise above being the coward in the corner and instead choose to be the man in demand.
Rise above being on the bench of life and throw yourself into the game with 110% of yourself.
Rise above the mediocrity surrounding you to levels you NEVER even imagined yourself attaining.
If you don’t learn to rise above what’s surrounding you now, you’ll NEVER be able to see what’s beyond the pettiness that can bog any of us down.
Learn how to design your life in a way that is streamlined for success, for happiness and for being the absolute BEST that you are meant to actually be.
Choose today, to start this week with two very simple, but extremely powerful words: Rise Above.
Choose today to be the first day on your new journey of letting go of the past and focusing on your NEW great future.
Rise above my friends and I will definitely 100%… see YOU at the top.