Getting LEAN and actually obtaining 6-Pack Abs is the HARD PART.
Staying LEAN All Year Round AND maintaining your newly achieved 6-pack abs is the EASY PART but only… IF… you follow just a few of the VERY highly important guidelines that I am about to lay out for you.
In fact, once you are LEAN, it is near IMPOSSIBLE for you to ever get FAT, no matter WHAT you eat, BUT… only IF... you actually FOLLOW these very SIMPLE but important GUIDELINES that I am about to lay out for you HERE…
1) Never, ever snack – Forget about ever eating snacks again. Period. FOREVER.
Snacks are for FATTIES who can’t control themselves or what they EAT and CONSUME.
Since you got yourself LEAN (sub 10% body fat) we KNOW that YOU can actually CONTROL YOURSELF about what you EAT and CONSUME.
Snacks exist ONLY to make you utterly FAT, unattractive, and LAZY & they literally HAVE no single other PURPOSE.
They aren’t filling. They aren’t full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are full of FATNESS just for YOU.
Take a look around your office, watch all of the fatso’s snack throughout the day, and then count how many times they say “I don’t know why I can’t lose weight, I don’t even eat meals, I just snack!”
If you have a sweet tooth, then have a little dessert after your meal, just DO NOT under ANY circumstances eat anything in-between your meals.
Give your stomach a REST and give your body a chance to digest all of that food and a CHANCE to keep BURNING OFF all of that unwanted fat.
2) Eat 2 BIG meals PER DAY on AVERAGE – Eating 2 big meals per day will keep you lean FOREVER.
It’s damn near IMPOSSIBLE to gain any weight eating ONLY twice per day (so eat more whenever you want to BULK UP) no matter WHAT you eat.
Obviously you will STILL want to eat well MOST of the time (steaks, eggs, fish, chicken, duck etc..) but it’s NO PROBLEM to go and grab some McDonald’s and ice cream every so once in a while.
Sometimes you WILL eat 3 or 4 meals per day, but if you AVERAGE two meals per day you will most certainly be fine.
For the doubters, it is NOT hard to eat two meals per day, it is actually quite EASY and certainly very much DOABLE.
SKIP breakfast and then simply have your regular lunch and dinner.
SKIP dinner and have lunch and breakfast.
Have brunch and supper. it really Doesn’t matter.
Just simply eat BIG, eat until you are FULL and then it is quite rather, a simple & easy PIECE OF CAKE.
3) Do NOT ever drink ANY calories. Under ANY Circumstances. NO MATTER WHAT – Drinks like soda, sweet tea and Gatorade are quite deceiving.
They are chock full of sugar and calories, they usually do NOT quench any of your thirst so you end up drinking MORE and just simply getting MUCH more FATTER.
Stay away from these and watch the fat… STAY OFF.
Quench your thirst with water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea.
If you are LEAN it’s easy enough to have a beer or two with dinner or a soda with dinner and not see ANY unwanted fat, but ONLY with meals.
The ONE exception is that sometimes you just NEED to drink a six-pack of beer or a pint of Jack Daniels with a Coca Cola chaser.
It isn’t going to harm you IF… you follow ALL of my OTHER very simple rules.
4) NEVER ever FORGET to hit the gym – Don’t forget what sculpted your guns and actually got you BIG ARMS and a BIG POWERFUL CHEST in the first place.
Once you get down to a respectable body fat it’s easy enough to coast and maintain.
Hit the gym every single week (even 3 days per week will help you MAINTAIN), follow the rules ABOVE, and watch yourself NEVER… ever… GET FAT.
Once you finally GET LEAN and are able to STAY LEAN while maintaining VERY SEXY attractive SIX-PACK ABS…
…and WISH to only MAINTAIN YOUR LEANNESS, it is really REALLY, truly VERY EASY.
No need to count calories, to count macro-nutrients, to do cardio, to drink 2 gallons of water per day, to eat 6 meals per day of dry chicken and brown rice.
Eat ONLY twice per day, hit the gym repetitively EVERY SINGLE DAY, and live your life with your SEXY hard-as-a-rock SIX-PACK ABS while staying LEAN all year round..
Until next time.
Your Man,
-Elijah “The Realist”