If you stand in front of your bathroom mirror and say “Steroids” three times, then turn off your light, the Candyman will appear – and for the crime of saying a naughty word he will take your soul to hell.
That’s a joke obviously, but my point is….
Steroids is a VERY naughty word.
A lot of men are scared of the word steroids.
When the word is said for the first time, it is said in a hushed tone, with eyes darting left and right to make sure no one else can hear.
As if you just say the word and you automatically turn into Arnold, or you go on a berserker rampage, or the DEA breaks down your door, or the Candyman gets to you.
Steroids are powerful, but not quite that powerful and nothing bad happens if you say the word – because it’s just a WORD.
And even though a lot of men are scared of the word and wish to plug their ears when it is said…
…a lot more men are interested in the subject and receptive to knowledge.
And they aren’t just receptive to knowledge, they’re starved for it.
Steroids have a bad reputation, but is it all just talk, talk, talk?
We’ve all been told how evil and bad steroids are.
When I was a young gym goer I thought steroids were bad and only cheaters and drug addicts used them.
Well, that’s just not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Instead of education we’ve had simple indoctrination (steroids = bad, unless you’re a transgender).
I was almost 20 years old when I learned of the reality of the game…
Steroids are just hormones.
They aren’t narcotics, they aren’t evil and they don’t turn you into a raging monster.
They are just hormones. In the same way that the birth control pill is a female hormone, testosterone is a natural male hormone.
Not only are they natural hormones to the body, if used in the right way they make you the best you can be – athletically and physically.
I also learned the reality of who uses these hormones, and it’s not just cheaters and drug addicts.
All the sports heroes use them, all bodybuilders use them, all mega-ripped actors use them – they just don’t tell you about it.
I felt like an idiot when I learned the reality of steroids because I had been duped for so long.
Like I was, John Q. Public is painfully misinformed about steroids.
And that is why no one will tell you about steroids and PEDs…
No one will tell you about it, no one will teach you, no one will give you the information –
Because no one wants to be labeled a cheater.
But when everyone is doing it, how can it be cheating?
I’m not interested in any moral arguments, what I am interested in is getting REAL LIFE information to the REAL-LIFE people who want it and can’t get it anywhere else.
Instead of delving into the philosophical and moral questions, FRAUDS & LIARS will publish the information and let you make your own informed decisions.
I will soon be releasing…
Badass Bodybuilding: The No-BS Guide to Building Muscle, Burning Fat, and Achieving the Body of Your Dreams.
Elijah “The Realist” is a veteran of the bodybuilding game.
Because he has had such a HUGE request for knowledge about steroids, HGH, insulin and peptides he has written the book on it.
His knowledge that comes from 10 years of hands-on experience, not from hypothetical scenarios “learned” from research.
It’s the real deal from a REAL bodybuilder and should answer most if not ALL questions you might have.
Since I’ve said such wonderful, glowing things about steroids and since I’m releasing a Book about steroids, they must be perfectly safe, right?
Well, yes and no.
They’re safe in the way that you won’t overdose and die, but they can have some pretty nasty side effects.
If you’re thinking about starting you need to follow these 6 steps:
- You should have been in the gym for at least a steady two years (more is better). That’s a steady two years, not “off and on”, and you need to have been paying strict attention to your diet.
- You should be 30+ years old (or 25+ if you’re very mature).
- You should be financially ok.
- You should be prepared to give up drugs and alcohol. A lot of guys want to juice up and go party with the girls. That’s a big no-no. Drugs, alcohol and hormones do not mix. No exceptions!
- You should have read Badass Bodybuilding and the Entire FRAUDS & LIARS archives to understand the side effects. Not just the physical side effects, but side effects like being mean to your wife because you’re dieting for some bodybuilding show.
- Business comes before bodybuilding, unless your business is bodybuilding. Never let bodybuilding get in the way of your financial success. No exceptions!
Elijah’s final verdict on steroids?
I’m not telling you to use steroids and I’m not advocating steroid use – what I am doing is providing the information but only IF you REALLY want it.
If you don’t want the information, cool, no problem.
But if you do want the information, here it is –> Badass Bodybuilding: The No-BS Guide to Building Muscle, Burning Fat, and Achieving the Body of Your Dreams.
What you do with the information is up to you.
Have a nice day.
-Elijah “The Realist”