Is your stuffy job worth it?
Working 50 hours a week with people you HATE just so you can make someone else RICH?
Are your TWO cars and the TWO car payments and the TWO insurance premiums worth it?
Is your 30-year mortgage worth it? Are your yearly property taxes worth it?
Is your 50-inch flat screen TV with 500 channels of indoctrination worth it?
Is your useless 4-year degree with your insurmountable student loans worth it?
Is it worth going into massive credit card debt just to get the new iPhone?
Is it worth saving for your far-off retirement so you can finally live like you should RIGHT NOW?
Is constantly buying useless shit worth the sacrifice you make to WORK at some shitty crappy low-paying MINIMUM-WAGE job?
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”