From the desk of Elijah “The Realist”
Subj: 21 life lessons from an old samurai
A long time ago there was a great samurai who was cast out, doomed to wander the earth in search of the very dark absolute truth.
This young man was a ronin, a former slave without ANY master… at all.
In his travels he built a reputation as the greatest swordsman of all time.
Great swordsmen tend to also be great words-men.
This swordsman was definitely NO exception.
His name was Musashi, and he wrote the Book of Five Rings, which we STILL study to this VERY day.
His masterpiece, however, was a list of 21 rules he wrote on a scroll before he died all alone in the mountains.
He called this last work Dokkodo.
It means … The Way of Walking Alone.
The Dokkodo is Musashi’s 21 rules of life. He wrote these rules for his absolute #1 GREATEST student.
Elijah “The Realist”, a great student of the game, took these 21 very particular rules to heart.
Musashi’s 21 rules formed the basis of The Blueprint To Success, whose inside title is … The Way of Working Alone.
In Musashi’s time, a ronin was cursed to wander the earth WITHOUT any sole purpose… at all.
Today, a ronin is blessed to wander the earth in search of truth, justice and getting paid.
He can walk his own path… and WORK his very own way… and make it pay (I mean TONS of red cents & dollars!).
Thanks to the very incredible MAGIC of the internet, you can do absolutely ANYTHING that you want today.
ANYONE can not only make very GOOD money today, ANYONE can make a million dollars seemingly out of completely nowhere.
You can commit corporate seppuku…
create your very own successful internet online business…
and become financially FREE while living your completely own reality.
To do it, all you need is your code, your way, your core values, your rules.
These are EXACTLY them…
21 Rules for Killers + Real-Dealers
These rules are for the greatest students of Elijah “The Realist”… The Blueprint To Success.
(Musashi’s Dokkodo in bold, Elijah “The Realist” in standard text.)
1. Accept EVERYTHING… just the way that it is.
The world is as it is, NOT as we wish it to be.
Understand the world works in this way, NOT in the way that it should, but in the way it is REALLY actually.
You MUST work in this paradigm or you will find NOTHING but complete and total disappointment.
2. Do NOT seek pleasure for its own sake.
Gluttony is absolutely gross.
Keep your body and mind sharp.
Too MUCH pleasure completely dulls the senses.
Your senses MUST remain VERY sharp… because you have ONLY yourself to rely on.
Drill sergeant and soldier ALL in one.
3. Do NOT, under any circumstances, depend on a very partial feeling.
Unsure actions produce VERY unsure results.
Always be sure of victory… in your mind… BEFORE you set to achieve it all in reality.
4. Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the whole ENTIRE world.
You cannot fool people TODAY.
The world is much TOO SMART thanks to the power of Internet.
Never try to be TOO clever for your audience, instead, be totally absolutely genuine.
Genuine men and women develop true followings, in-genuine men and women develop followings based only on favors.
Make them feel good, they’re yours.
Do them a phony favor, they’ll forget as soon as the next snake offers new phony favors.
5. Be detached from desire your whole life long.
The journey is the REAL actual reward.
Being too attached to desire is a mental prison.
Detachment from desire keeps you calm, cool and collected.
6. Do NOT regret what you have ever done.
What’s done is done.
Regret is literally a completely wasted emotion.
The past CANNOT ever be undone.
The only thing you can get from lamenting the past is self-doubt.
It is outlawed for followers of the Blueprint To Success to ever reflect and ponder.
7. Never be jealous.
Jealousy clouds the brain and stops you from ever learning.
You could only be jealous for ONE simple reason: you want whatever it is that you’re jealous of.
Jealousy is anger and anger turns off the part of the brain that thinks.
Don’t ever be jealous, instead be curious.
Curiosity will make you reverse engineer whatever it is you want… and then you will understand how to REALLY actually accomplish it.
But only if you let go of the choice of Jealousy and begin to adopt the mindset of curiosity instead.
8. Never have a mind of adherence and attachment to all things
Like Elijah “The Realist” once said, “stuff doesn’t matter.”
9. Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself or others.
Complaints and resentment are NOTHING but totally negative energy.
Negative energy is worse than useless, it is actually REALLY harmful for you.
Negative energy produces the fight or flight response which is responsible for stress.
Living well is hard enough BEFORE you make it more complicated with stupid damn complaints.
Save yourself some hassle and NEVER ever complain.
Remember rule #1?
Accept EVERYTHING just the way that it is.
“Accept the things you CANNOT change,
Change the things you CANNOT accept.” – Blueprint To Success
10. Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.
“A good girlfriend is a good little soldier.” – Blueprint To Success
11. In all things have literally NO preference.
It is what it is.
Work with what you’ve got.
If you’ve got NOTHING, then start working with your brain.
The mind is where choices and preferences are literally always made.
The choice to have NO preference is EXACTLY that – a choice.
“Be like water.” -Bruce Lee
12. Be totally indifferent to where you live.
Too much preference in where you live is VERY limiting.
When it comes time to die and you’re allowed to reflect, you will find that the worst accommodations you had were actually the very BEST accommodations that you have ever had.
That’s where you felt the fire and the drive to do GREAT work.
13. Do NOT ever pursue the taste of GOOD food.
Over-eating is extremely BAD for the brain.
You literally need your brain to work.
Do NOT slow the brain down with grease, extra fat, sugar and TOO MANY damn calories.
Eat enough to live with energy.
Do NOT ever eat so much that it actually robs you… of all of your energy.
Food is energy, if it doesn’t energize you, you ate too much or too little.
Eat just enough. It’s REALLY as simple as that.
14. Do not hold on to possessions that YOU no longer actually need.
Live just like an old-school Gladiator.
Possessions only hold you back.
You may want to travel the world… but if you have TOO MUCH stuff, then you totally NEVER will.
I routinely get rid of all of my “stuff” and it is ALWAYS a very cathartic process.
In fact, Frauds and Liars; started when I got rid of literally EVERYTHING that didn’t fit into a suitcase.
15. Do NOT act following customary beliefs.
Everything they do is wrong and everything that they tell you to do is flat out wrong.
Do the EXACT opposite of what EVERYONE else is doing.
If they’re jealous, then YOU yourself MUST never be jealous.
16. Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is actually truly useful.
Too much stuff is like too much food, it simply bogs down the mind.
It’s a literal burden on your back.
When you follow the Blueprint To Success, you need NOT any extra weapons.
Frankly you can run your whole ENTIRE business from literally a smartphone.
Have EXACTLY what you need for BUSINESS and do NOT ever worry about literally ANYTHING more.
Too many options = NO options ever chosen.
When you have only a few options… then you immediately MUST get very creative.
In fact, creativity only actually exists in constraints.
When you have NO constraints, then you have no actual REAL limits.
Great in theory, but in reality… when you have NO limits you NEVER make any REAL actual choices.
Analysis paralysis, dirty kitchen etc.
Keep your arsenal VERY simple.
17. Do NOT ever fear death.
The biggest fear that MOST people have is dying, which is flat out totally silly.
Everyone on earth will eventually experience death.
It is NOT a very smart use of your time worrying about the eventual inevitable.
“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.” -The Buddha
18. Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.
You cannot take it with you when you die.
Greed in old age is downright pointless.
The last rule of the Blueprint To Success… is to “give back to the gods.”
This is the perfect time… for YOU to use all of your accumulated wealth… for REAL actual good.
19. Respect Buddha and the gods without ever REALLY counting on their help.
Like the Buddha said, what you think you become.
The gods will not give it to you, they will simply make it somehow possible for YOU.
Respect that, but follow your own path and rely on the most high – yourself.
20. You may abandon your own body but you must ALWAYS preserve your honor.
Your body will die, your legacy has the ability to live on potentially FOREVER.
A dishonorable life precludes a lasting legacy.
This is the information age, NOTHING can be hidden anymore.
Thankfully our weapons are words and not swords, and words are slightly less likely to get you killed.
21. Never stray from the Way.
All falls apart when you stray from the necessary, MOST absolute way.
Stay centered, stay focused, always stay humble.
That is the way of working alone… do NOT ever stray from it.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”