8 Reasons Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol (and Why You Shouldn’t Either!)
One Tuesday morning I was in New York leaving my 5-star hotel room to go to the gym.
This was around 8 in the morning. I was near a very busy intersection and near a part of town where a lot of folks like to party.
This morning as I turned from my side street onto the main street, I saw a chubby white man passed out on the sidewalk.
Obviously, he had been drinking alcohol the night before and had “one too many.”
As I walked past his bloated body he started urinating on himself.
He was wearing khaki colored shorts that quickly turned dark with urine stains.
In broad daylight, a grown man was passed out on a busy sidewalk peeing on himself.
I watched with total disgust and then went on my merry way.
I’ve never pee-peed on myself on a busy sidewalk in another country, but I have had alcohol several times.
I don’t drink any alcohol, nor do I care for it in the least and in this article, I’m going to explain exactly why…
#1 – You become a fool when you drink alcohol.
When you drink alcohol you turn into a retard, a devil, a hooligan, and a suicidal maniac all in one.
When you get drunk, the REAL you vanishes and the devilish you appears.
They say a drunk man says a sober man’s thoughts. I say those people are drunkards. Just because a sober man has a thought doesn’t mean he believes them.
We all have thoughts all day long. Some we believe, some we don’t.
Thoughts are not our beliefs.
As any writer will tell you that the fight against writer’s block is a fight against our own thoughts. We constantly have thoughts to “quit writing now, finish it later” but we have to push past these lying thoughts.
Buddhists will tell you that the mind is a liar, and is always trying to get you to do something you shouldn’t.
When we drink alcohol, we aren’t expressing our true beliefs, we just don’t have a filter on our thoughts. This is a terrible thing and makes you look like a fool in the eyes of all who are not drunk.
#2 – Drinking alcohol kills more relationships than anything else in the world.
You always do some stupid when you drink and it doesn’t only affect you.
Drinking alcohol affects everybody around you. Your friends, family, and most of all your children.
Any man who drinks alcohol in front of his kids isn’t a man. Same for any mother.
Nearly all child abusers are also alcohol abusers. Any father or mother who drinks alcohol is despicable to me and I spit on them. Ack-too!
I already told you, drinking alcohol turns you into a devil and when you get drunk your friends and family get to see you as a devil.
So many men are drunken devils that eventually the wife has to leave them. These men go on to cry about “divorce rape and child theft” and this and that but the reality is it was their OWN fault.
If you drink alcohol, expect bad things to happen.
#3 – You sleep terribly when you’re drunk.
I’ve heard many drunks say they drink at night to help them sleep and I have to give them my “skeptical eyes.”
When you’re drunk, your sleep is TERRIBLE! HORRENDOUS!
Drinking alcohol before bed is linked with more slow-wave sleep patterns called delta activity. That’s the kind of deep sleep that allows for memory formation and learning.
At the same time, another type of brain pattern—alpha activity—is also turned on. Alpha activity doesn’t usually happen during sleep, but rather when you’re resting quietly. Together the alpha and delta activity in the brain after drinking may inhibit restorative sleep.
It can interrupt your circadian rhythm… After drinking, production of adenosine (a sleep-inducing chemical in the brain) is increased, allowing for a fast onset of sleep. But it subsides as quickly as it came, making you more likely to wake up before you’re truly rested.
Another reason people get lower-quality sleep following alcohol is that it blocks REM sleep, which is often considered the most restorative type of sleep. With less REM sleep, you’re likely to wake up feeling groggy and unfocused.”
Drunk sleep is the worst sleep in the world.
It feels like something is terribly wrong when you sleep drunk.
That’s because when you sleep drunk, something IS terribly wrong because…
#4 – Alcohol is a poison.
Yes, alcohol is a poison not a “love potion.”
Alcohol is literally poison and the feeling of being drunk is the feeling of your brain cells dying.
Alcohol is a toxin that kills cells such as microorganisms, which is why we use it to preserve food and sterilize skin, needles etc.
Alcohol kills humans too. A dose only four times as high as the amount that would make blood levels exceed drink-driving limits in the UK can kill.
The toxicity of alcohol is worsened because in order for it to be cleared from the body it has to be metabolized to acetaldehyde, an even more toxic substance.
Any food or drink contaminated with the amount of acetaldehyde that a unit of alcohol produces would be immediately banned as having an unacceptable health risk.”
#5 – Alcohol is massively addictive.
Alcohol is probably more addictive than pain pills and heroin.
A study in The Lancet concluded that alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack when the overall dangers to the individual and society are considered.
The study by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs also ranked alcohol as three times more harmful than cocaine or tobacco because it is so widely used.
Curiously I have never felt the pull towards alcohol that so many others have.
I’ve kept a bottle of vodka in my fridge for over a year without even thinking of opening it.
I’ve gone out to social dinners, ordered a beer, and took only one single sip from the beer in the entire evening.
I know so many other people who cannot even have one drink because when they do, they will want to keep drinking until they black out.
But I have noticed that if I drink on alcohol 2 nights in a row, I will absolutely feel the desire to drink it on the 3rd night. I have to get past this craving and by the 4th night I’m back to normal.
For me, the cravings are easy to non-existent but for many drinkers, the cravings are intense. This should be a big warning: Anything that causes intense cravings is NOT GOOD for you.
#6 – On alcohol you completely lose control.
Alcohol causes people to go insane, lose their jobs, lose their health, lose their family, abuse their family, and go to jail.
Alcohol is involved in more homicides across the United States compared to other substances, like heroin and cocaine. In fact, about 40 percent of convicted murderers had used alcohol before or during the crime.
Excessive drinking can lead to more severe forms of violence that can quickly escalate to extremely dangerous situations.
The short- and long-term effects of alcohol blur a person’s mental state, contributing to an increased risk of committing violent crimes.
There are strict legal punishments in place for homicide convictions and can land you in jail for many years, or even the rest of your life.”
It would be a real nightmare to wake up from a alcohol induced black out and find out you killed somebody and now will spend your life in jail.
Alcohol will do it, too, because you have no control over yourself when you’re drunk and you don’t even remember what happens when you’re too drunk.
Alcohol is the WORST thing you could ever partake in.
#7 – Alcohol kills your brain as well as your body.
The amount of damage alcohol causes to the brain is incomprehensible. Those little moments you don’t remember from the crazy night before – that’s temporary amnesia. Keep it up and you can develop Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS), a memory-impairing, vision-and-speech-affecting, seizure-causing disorder. You won’t be able to form new memories. You’ll mumble involuntarily. Your eyes will twitch constantly.
And that’s not all. Drinking releases excess GABA and dopamine, two naturally occurring neurotransmitters. GABA is responsible for calming the brain down, and dopamine is responsible for pleasure, a part of the brain’s reward system. Too much of these neurotransmitters can lead to shortness of breath, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, night terrors, delusions, hallucinations, spasms, and increased levels of both aggression and depression.
Drinking also releases endorphins, which are similar to neurotransmitters except they carry natural pain-reducing chemicals instead of ‘messages. Endorphins are normally released upon rewarding actions, such as exercise, sexual activity, eating, etc. Too much endorphin release can cause depression, lower sex drive, low testosterone, infertility, and extreme fatigue, among other complications.”
#8 – Every time I’ve ever had alcohol, I’ve felt worse, not better.
We have this delusion that alcohol helps you celebrate but literally every time I’ve ever had alcohol, I’ve felt nearly instantly worse.
The only way to get past this is to keep drinking and get black out drunk.
If people would actually pay attention to their own minds and bodies, they would notice that when they drink, they feel like they’ve been poisoned.
Alcohol is a long-term depressant, not a long-term mood enhancer. Those initial happy feelings are soon replaced by others…
Alcohol is a depressant, which means it can disrupt that balance, affecting our thoughts, feelings and actions – and sometimes our long-term mental health. This is partly down to ‘neurotransmitters’, chemicals that help to transmit signals from one nerve (or neuron) in the brain to another.
The relaxed feeling you might experience if you have an alcoholic drink is due to the chemical changes’ alcohol has caused in your brain. For some, a drink can help them feel more confident and less anxious. That’s because it’s starting to depress the part of the brain we associate with inhibition.
But, as you drink more, more of the brain starts to be affected. It doesn’t matter what mood you’re in to start with, when high levels of alcohol are involved, instead of pleasurable effects increasing, it’s possible that a negative emotional response will take over. Alcohol can be linked to aggression you could become angry, aggressive, anxious or depressed.
How much alcohol can you safely drink?
It’s like asking how much gasoline or paint you can safely huff. The answer is none.
“Elijah, how much meth-amphetamine can I safely smoke?”
None, silly. Same for alcohol.
They have a saying that goes “one too many” but actually even one is too many.
“But wine is healthy”
No it isn’t.
Wine gets you drunk and you love to be drunk because you’re a subhuman.
There is nothing healthy about it.
People in the past used to say smoking cigarettes was healthy too. It isn’t healthy, but they were so heavily addicted that they wanted it to be healthy.
And do not even get me started talking about why you should NEVER smoke any marijuana weed.
“But my doctor says a little wine is ok?!”
Well, if your doctor says it it must be true, right?
I’m not so sure about that.
So sorry for waking you to reality but your doctor doesn’t care about your health as much as he cares about his wealth.
And here is the FACT regarding your health: Alcohol will kill your health. DEAD!
“But the government guidelines say we can drink XYZ amount of alcohol?!”
Don’t make me laugh at your government guidelines.
Government guidelines also have sugar as the suggested base of our diet.
Your health is in your hands.
When you listen to government health advice instead of listening to your own body, well, guess what happens?
When you displace control, you get sick.
All people who are not proactive about their own health will end up sick and dead before their time.
How I completely got rid of ALL alcohol cravings
When I cut out all carbohydrates from my diet and started to eat only animal products a curious thing happened….
Any mild desire I ever had for alcohol completely vanished.
Without sugar in my system (all carbohydrates are sugar, and so is alcohol) the desire for alcohol is less than zero.
After I went through carbohydrate withdrawal, and after I started eating just one meal a day, all negative desires disappeared from my mind.
With total mental clarity I can see that alcohol is a poison and I have absolutely no attraction to it. It pretends to offer you happiness but when you imbibe it offers only misery.
I have noticed that every time I craved alcohol in the past it was usually when I ate some pizza or burgers or some other type of junk foods.
When my diet is clean (and by clean, I mean TONS of cholesterol and saturated fat and zero carbohydrates) I have absolutely no desire for alcohol at all.
When I fixed my diet, literally all things in my life and health became abundantly clear.
Since the day I started eating a natural diet, the desire for foods and drugs that cause harm have completely vanished.
I could look at a tray of cakes, donuts, pastries, pastas, pizza, craft beer, champagne, wine, cocaine, reefer, pain pills, and orange juice and think to myself…
And then walk on by.
I feel too good to ever imbibe on chemicals that make me feel down (sugar, alcohol etc.).
It is such a wonderful feeling to be free and clear from nearly all vices that I cannot help but share this wonderful news with all who have ears to hear.
I make no money from sharing this information, not even a dime, but when you feel good you want everyone to feel good.
When you feel bad, you want everyone to feel bad (which is why alcoholics always want you to have a drink with them, drugs users always want you to toke with them etc.)
There are so many reasons to never touch alcohol and there are no reasons to imbibe (unless you enjoy turning into a devil).
At the very least, if you take my advice and give up alcohol, you will never urinate on yourself on a busy sidewalk on a Tuesday morning.
And if you’re a businessman and want to succeed wildly, I suggest you take the advice of the great P.T. Barnum…
No man can succeed in business unless he has a brain to enable him to lay his plans, and reason to guide him in their execution, so, no matter how bountifully a man may be blessed with intelligence, if the brain is muddled, and his judgment warped by intoxicating drinks, it is impossible for him to carry on business successfully.”
That’s a whole bunch of reasons to never drink poison.
Don’t you think?
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”