You want a girlfriend but you DON’T want an argumentative she-man.
You want a girlfriend who is nice, sweet, modest and chipper.
You don’t want “just one of the guys”.
You want a girlfriend who looks up to you and builds up your confidence and makes you smile.
You want a girlfriend who acts like a girl and makes you feel strong and powerful.
Is there a way to find such a creature?
Here at Frauds & Liars I have previously spoken of “good girls” in a VERY positive light.
I’ll let you in on a little secret, a good girl is often REALLY just a shy girl.
A shy girl doesn’t usually act on her slutty emotions or on the whims of her VERY slutty friends.
Today we will share with you how YOU can acquire a shy girl of your very own.
Why you would want a shy girl
Extroverted girls are just WAY TOO forward.
There’s NOTHING for you to do as a man.
They’ll just come running to you.
You’ll ignore them for days or weeks in a row and they’ll STILL be calling and trying to see you.
It’s just damn way too EASY to seduce outgoing girls.
You’ll meet them and then be in bed with them 45 minutes later.
You don’t have to work for ANYTHING.
When you don’t work for ANYTHING, you don’t care about it, it means literally NOTHING.
There’s no hunting involved so you just don’t care.
A shy girl, on the other hand, takes some “work” to actually get.
You will have to be the hunter rather than the hunted, as nature originally intended YOU to be.
There are MANY other reasons to pick a shy girl over an extroverted girl as your girlfriend.
These reasons include:
- shy girls will often have far fewer sexual partners than outgoing girls
- shy girls are typically modest and ladylike
- shy girls are NOT overly opinionated, rude, loud-mouthed or foul-mouthed
- shy girls are easier to get along with because they are more eager to please
- shy girls will bring out the protective instinct in you
- shy girls will let YOU hunt them. You are the hunter and they are the prey. a shy girl will NOT typically make the first move, or any moves, it is ALWAYS 100% up to YOU.
- shy girls tend to be more loyal, down to earth and pleasant
- shy girls are girlish, rather than “mature, independent and experienced”
- shy girls do NOT want to compete with you to see who can be more masculine
- shy girls do NOT typically have high career ambitions and are happier being around family
- shy girls are NOT typically party animals
Shy girls ALWAYS make things MUCH easier.
If you are to have a girlfriend you should have one who helps you out and brightens your day, NOT one who is argumentative, bitchy, whorish or “feminized”.
If you have a girlfriend but you spend all your time fighting with the bitch about what to eat for dinner then it’s time to immediately cut her loose.
Show her the door and find yourself a beautiful, cute, REALLY attractive shy girl.
If you’re a Frauds & Liars reader, you have ass to kick all day long, when you get home you don’t want to have to play that bullshit with your “woman” too.
When you’re home with your woman you should be relaxed, calm and comfortable.
Shy girls do not tend to have sky high over-confidence and are more down to earth and downright easier to be around.
I’m sure you have been spoon-fed all this baloney about girls needing MORE confidence, well they actually don’t.
They have far TOO MUCH artificial confidence and that’s ONE reason why they CANNOT keep a boyfriend and ONE reason why they are SO mentally unbalanced and rely on pharmaceutical anti-depressants.
A shy girl isn’t necessarily immune to ALL this, but there’s still a good chance that she actually is.
This is NOT a cool, hip, alpha-dog or “player” thing to say which is why I’m going to say it: I like to protect my woman.
It makes me feel good when a girl relies on me for protection and security.
When a girl is scared and grabs your upper arm for protection it will make you feel extremely powerful.
I do NOT have any proprietary instinct or care for a loud-mouth woman or an overtly slutty woman.
I just don’t care what happens to those types of women.
Shy girls do NOT typically have the black girl attitude of:
“I don’t need no man. I’m as strong as a man. I’m just as good as a man. I’m just one of the guys.”
or ANY of that bullshit.
Shy girls tend to NOT compete to see who can be MORE of a man.
They are usually content to be the girl and let YOU be the man.
They may challenge you here or there but it is NOT a constant dominance game.
I feel NO protective instinct to a loud-mouth woman who tries to be a man and I care absolutely zero percent when it comes back to haunt them, but when I hear of a shy, modest girl who is harassed it makes my blood boil.
Part of being a man is being protector of YOUR property, that also includes your woman.
How to spot a shy girl
Shy girls tend to….
- dress modestly
- avoid eye contact
- speak quietly, mousy
- walk with feet pointed inward
- giggle when uncomfortable
A shy girl is a bit mousy and quiet.
She won’t be on the elevator yelling into her phone, she won’t be at the club dancing like a whore, she won’t usually leave her home dressed like a dirty bum, she will NOT make much eye-contact with strangers, her feet will point inward when she walks, her head will be held lower.
She will giggle at small, normal things.
Shy girls are NOT typically party animals.
So you won’t often find them at the disco-teche, the honky-tonk, the hipster bar or the country juke-joint.
If they are at the bar, they are probably holding her friends coats and purses while her friend is blowing 5 guys in the alley.
A shy girl is NOT going to walk by you on the street and say “hi” and start a conversation with you.
She may make eye contact with you and if she likes you then you will see, in a split second, her eyes brighten.
This is an “eye smile“, it’s a look of hope and expectation that you will speak to her.
When you get an eye smile that means a girl is interested in you.
If you catch an eye smile you should stop the girl and make any excuse to talk with her, (if you like her, of course).
The simplest thing to do is ask directions.
“Hey, do you know where blah blah is?”
“Is there a food court here?”
“My copy of the Holy Bible is worn through from so many readings, do you know where the bookstore is?”
“My t-shirt has split at the biceps and I need to buy a larger one, do you know a good clothing store?“
Where to find a shy girl
Shy girls are EVERYWHERE that men and women interact.
A shy girl isn’t a shut-in, she will have to go to the grocery store just like EVERYONE else.
When you come across a shy girl that catches your fancy you will NEED to make the first move, the second move, and every single move after that.
Forget the silly nonsense of “Oh, if she liked me then she would make a move, or she would call“.
That baloney is for girls, if you like a shy girl then YOU will make the moves. Period.
As things progress she will open up more and suggest days to meet or activities to do, but that may take some time.
Religious girls are often shy and modest, but only the truly absolutely religious.
Just because a girl says she’s “christian” doesn’t mean ANYTHING.
Most Christian churches are emasculated “girl power” factories.
Unless her church is one that is made fun of by all-knowing atheists, i.e. Mormon church, then it is highly likely she has no moral or religious values.
If she is an active member of a cool-to-hate church like the Mormon church then she is probably not faking her religious devotion.
If she is religious in the face of mockery then she is not one who gives in to temptation.
Remember: Religion is not the end-all, be-all of finding a shy girl.
A shy girl may very well be an atheist, buddhist or a “christian”.
Shy girls are often Plain Jane girls
For purposes of this article we will describe beautiful as an 8, 9 or 10.
A shy girl that will make a nice girlfriend will fall in the 6 to 7 range.
These girls make perfect girlfriends, so don’t shun a 6 or 7 right away.
All she needs is something that you love, something that drives you downright crazy.
If her body is good and her face is good and it turns you on then it matters NOT if she isn’t an 8 or above.
By the way, I will let you on a little secret I know: Makeup makes ALL the difference in the world and shy girls tend to NOT overdo their makeup.
If you have found a girl who wears little to no makeup and still makes you hard then you have found yourself a REAL treasure.
Shy girls will often be described as pretty, rather than beautiful or hot.
You may luck out and find an ugly duckling, a girl that previously had acne, wore goofy glasses and braces, was fat, or was sickly as a child.
These girls can sometimes grow up to be quite beautiful but have the mentality of the ugly girl.
You have probably heard that fat girls make good girlfriends for the EXACT same reasons.
The people that have this saying neglect a few things: fat girls are disgusting to look at and have BAD personalities and are grossly over-opinionated.
A shy girl will often be skinny or lean and they aren’t prone to over-eating.
All sounds good, but where can I find one!!!!!???
Shy girls are literally EVERYWHERE.
At the sandwich shop, at the bookstore, at the gym, at your workplace, on social media websites and on dating websites.
A few months ago I was stuck overnight at LAX international airport.
I happened to be stuck with a shy girl, a recent immigrant from Vietnam.
She had been in the States for 6 months.
She was a pleasant girl, petite, nice and chipper.
She wasn’t beautiful but she was quite pretty and had a petite, lean body.
I asked her what she did and she replied “nothing. I’m waiting for my work visa. Now I just stay in my apartment all day.”
In Asia she’s just a regular girl, but in America she would have been a REAL catch.
If any guys had spoken to this girl they would have put her under lock and key pretty fast.
This girl was free and certainly would have done all the cooking and cleaning necessary, as well as been a pleasant, easy-going girlfriend who would brighten some guys day.
But what do I say??!!
First thing you do is make yourself look good.
Get in the gym, get some fitted, stylish clothing representative of your personality, get a nice haircut, shave your face or trim your beard, be clean, be handsome.
You need to be someone she can look up to.
You can say something silly.
If she gives a mousy giggle, then you KNOW that YOU can proceed.
If she gives you a whatever look or replies with sarcasm you can leave her be.
A shy girls natural response is to giggle when she is ever uncomfortable.
The presence of a handsome, well dressed and well muscled man is enough to make her insanely uncomfortable.
Saying something silly will do TWO things: It will break the ice and allow her to talk to you and it will let you determine if she is a shy, modest girl or if she is a sarcastic type who dresses ironically.
You can be a cool dork with a shy girl.
Say dorky, funny things but be cool when you do it.
It helps if you are a REAL physical superman.
If she says “I’m hungry” you can say something dorky like “Hi Hungry, I’m Elijah. Nice to meet you“.
It’s OK to go slow BUT you MUST test her
A shy girl may very well want to go slow.
She will need to be comfortable around you.
She’ll say “I’m not ready“, “You’re too fast“, or “Can we take it slower?” and you’ll say “Absolutely. I understand“.
There are two types of women who say things like this.
Genuinely shy girls and used-up ex whores who are trying to trap a man.
A genuine shy girl is, ahem, shy and doesn’t want to get naked and grunt like an animal for fear of being embarrassed.
A used-up ex-whore is simply playing a “game” with YOU.
Your job is to TEST the shy girl and make sure that she is true to her word.
If she says “I want to wait” but then lets you ram her 12 minutes later you know she isn’t a “good girl” and you can start your search again.
If she rebuffs all your charming advances you know you probably have a “good girl” on your hands.
To test her you MUST touch her.
Always touch, touch, touch.
When she says “I want to go slow” you will say “Yes, I understand” but you will always be trying to get in.
The more she resists the BETTER that she actually is.
If she can resist a suave gentleman such as yourself that is near 100% PROOF she is resisting every Joe Cool and Suave Johnny that comes long.
If she says “I want to take it slow” and you say “Yes, me too” and then actually do take it slow then YOU are simply 100% wasting your time.
You need to ALWAYS be the aggressor.
You do NOT want to be the testicle impaired shoulder to cry on.
You want to be the hunter, NOT ever the bystander.
Every chance you get, every time you are “alone” you need to make her get as turned on as humanly possible.
You want her to get wet and flustered.
Every time she is able to resist and say “no” when she is hot & bothered is another point in her “good girl” favor.
You see, waiting is OK BUT ONLY when you have tested, tested and tested and she has passed all of the tests.
If you DON’T make a move and just wait around like a stupid idiot you are being played for the fool that you are.
How to date a shy girl
Your first goal is to try and get her to meet you at your high rise condominium for dinner and a movie and so she can see your above-average pool view.
If she says “no” that’s a good sign, that means she probably isn’t going around to every guys home for “dinner and a movie”.
Your next option is to meet in a public place like a coffee shop, where you can sit and have a quick chat.
This is the normal “getting to know you” thing, and it serves the purpose of getting her comfortable with YOU.
Meet up with her, have a nice time and then let her go.
Don’t NEVER make plans right away.
2-4 days later re-initiate contact and make plans again.
Don’t gush all over her, don’t say baloney like “Wow! I never meet girls like you!“, don’t be over-eager.
Keep it light.
Silly, dorky humor is PERFECT for getting her comfortable with YOU.
You do NOT want to be aggressive with a shy girl until you are in bed.
If you have muscular size she will probably be intimidated or scared of you at first, this is why you say silly, dorky things.
This will turn down the apprehension and turn up the comfort levels.
You want to get her smiling and laughing, but NEVER be the clown.
You don’t need to be extremely witty to make a shy girl laugh, she will “laugh” at ANY silly thing YOU say (if she likes you).
Drawbacks to dating shy girls
Obviously not EVERYTHING will be rosy just because a girl is shy.
You may find her shyness completely annoying.
You may find out that YOU are NOT so VERY patient.
You may find yourself yelling “WHAT?!” every time she speaks because she speaks so damn quietly that you CANNOT ever hear her.
You may become completely annoyed that you aren’t able to sleep with her right away.
If you are shy yourself then your conversations with a shy girl may be pretty boring.
No girl is going to be perfect, but if a shy girl sounds appealing to you then go immediately get one.
She may very well be annoying and she may very well turn into the best girlfriend you have ever had.
Tips to remember
It is better to have a shy girl as a girlfriend rather than as a sex toy.
You can ALWAYS use extroverted girls as sex toys.
It takes about 45 minutes to seduce an extroverted girl and an extroverted American girl will do damn near ANYTHING on the first date, what’s left after that?
To seduce a shy girl it takes longer because she will NEVER make a move and the “sex” will tend to get MUCH BETTER as she becomes MORE comfortable and in turn MORE submissive to you.
Shy girls are NOT forward and they definitely ALWAYS need to be hunted.
Don’t confuse shyness with mental instability or depression.
There is a difference between a shy girl with a healthy amount of modesty and a sick girl with extremely low self-esteem.
If she’s dressed in all black, is unkempt and dirty, constantly talks about things she hates or is an avid user of alcohol or narcotics, then immediately kick her to the curb.
If you feel like you need to save her you should just simply rescue a dog instead, it will work out MUCH BETTER for you.
Find a shy girl and simply leave the broken girls alone.
You don’t need to act like a nice guy dweeb to get a shy girl.
You don’t need to keep your hands to yourself and “respect her boundaries”.
You need to be the aggressor, like a gentleman caveman.
Shy girls aren’t VERY touchy feely.
You need to touch her so she can get used to your “touch“.
When you walk through a door or up a set of stairs,put your hand on the small of her back.
When you walk through the shopping mall, put your hand on the nape of her neck.
When you walk through a crowded area, hold her hand or wrist.
When you ride in an automobile put your hand on her thigh.
She may push it away this time, and maybe next time, but eventually your hand will ALWAYS just simply stay there.
Eventually she will not only be used to your touch, but she will expect it and eventually flat out crave it.
Keep at it.
Shy girls aren’t bold enough to say “I like you so much. I can’t wait to see you again!“.
They probably won’t ever come out and say it.
Simply assume that she likes YOU since she is meeting up with you.
Keep making plans with her every few days to week(s) for as long as it takes.
She may invite you to this event or that event and she may NOT.
Don’t let it worry you if she NEVER initiates contact or tries to make plans with you.
Let her come along with you in your own world.
It takes time with a shy girl, so you MUST always have patience.
The wait will be worth it. I guarantee it.
You will always appreciate SOMETHING that YOU have worked for MORE than SOMETHING that was simply given to you.
If you diet for 10 weeks and then eat a cheesecake it’s going to taste MUCH BETTER than if you simply eat junk-food all the time daily.
If you try to get a girl into bed for 8 weeks and FINALLY land it, it’s going to be MUCH BETTER than the girl that gave it up after only 45 minutes. I promise.
When you finally do “get in” you’ll have the pleasure of saying, into her ear, “you’re my property now“.
Happy hunting,
-Elijah “The Realist”