How To Get Respect from All People (Wherever You Go!)
From the desk of Elijah “The Realist”
Subj: The dangers of getting rich
When you’re rich you have more people that want to be your friend and partner.
But you have many more people who want to see you crash and burn and they want to make it happen…
You have to always be awake in your mind to know the dangers of getting rich.
When you’re rich, you have more stealers who want to visit you at night when you’re sleeping, so they can take all of your good things away.
These people want to be a parasite on your business. To be a good parasite they want you drunk like an alcohol man.
They want to catch you slipping, they cannot catch you while you’re awake in your mind and sharp. They try to help your mind go to sleep with alcohol, smoking marijuana weed, things like this.
They want you to stop doing the work because when you stop doing the work you become dull and easy to steal from.
When you stop doing the work and become a lazy alcohol man who likes to just hang out and party, it’s so easy to take everything from you.
Rich men have to work hard every day.
Getting rich doesn’t mean you stop doing the work, it means keep doing what you’re doing. Just do it better, more good, PERFECT.
Some men who become rich are easy to become lazy. For these men, the “hang out and party” types, getting rich is the beginning of the end…
At first they want 3 days to hang out, then it’s a week, then it’s a month, then all they want to do is hang out and never work.
Quickly after they stop doing the work that made them rich, they lose everything they had.
Like the Hollywood actors who get rich and famous…
First they have more friends, they start to have more parties, smoking, alcohol, heroin, then they lose their friends, they lose their house, they lose their fame, they lose everything they built.
And they lose it forever.
Success never smiles with a lazy man who wants to hang out all day.
Instead of making friends with the work, they make friends with alcohol, smoking, heroin, marijuana, and they become lost forever.
Smoke it one time and it’s too late, you’re done. It’s too late for redemption, all you’re left with is regrets.
“Please let time come back to me and I’ll be smarter and not do it again.”
After that there is no way to save themselves. They decide to do a deal with the devil and sell their soul, they cannot buy it back.
If you go to the mountain to jump off you cannot magically jump back up the mountain. Decide once and it’s done.
Rich men always have to have rules with themselves.
People who are hard with themselves, who have rules with themselves, who keep strict self-discipline, they seem like they’re so strict and cold but actually they love themselves.
Through the rules they follow, they keep themselves away from the bad things and in the future, they will not regret what they did today.
So if somebody is laughing about you always working, not hanging out and not partying, not drinking and not smoking, don’t care about them.
They just want you to become bad like them. They are jealous that you are a good working man with a good working plan.
Since they cannot have what you have they want to take it away from you in the only way they know how, by turning you into them.
Everybody respects a hard-working man… but they will ALWAYS test and tempt a hard-working man and try to turn him into a lazy man, a parasite like them.
If you go somewhere and ask somebody for a job, they might think about it, they might say yes or no, but they will sure respect you for asking to work.
If you go somewhere and just ask somebody for money, they might punch you in the face.
Everybody respects work and nobody respects a parasite.
You cannot have money without working. If you want money, you have to work. If you stop working, you stop making money.
“One and done” money is a myth made by lazy people. Lifetime money doesn’t exist, money comes from daily working.
Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma are always working. If they stopped working, the money would go away and so would all of the respect that they receive.
I respect all men who work, even if they’re poor, and I don’t give a damn for any man who retired. Any retired man would be better off dead.
Respect yourself and you’ll have respect from other people.
Respect comes from the accomplishment of work. The people who are always working always have respect from normal people.
Even the man who doesn’t make a lot of money is always respected when it is known he is always working.
That’s why nobody respects alcohol men, or heroin men, or cigarette men, or marijuana men.
Something like alcohol or cigarette smoking, they don’t have to go to school, they don’t have to learn a trade, they don’t have to become masterful, all they have to do is smoke. It’s easy and nobody respects EASY.
Work is a great benefit to your life because when you work hard you can feel happy.
You will become more knowledgable with harder work, you will become more professional, you will become more expert, you will become more masterful.
With hard work, you can learn to become a great teacher. Other people are always willing to learn from those people who put in the time to become masterful.
When you keep working harder you will learn the way to respect yourself.
Always have pride in your work because every job is building the world right now.
Money is life, so just say “yeah” and work hard because it’s better than the opposite: no work and no money and becoming nothing with anybody and not having ANY respect.
Even people selling in the market should have pride and do good work. The food they sell helps people grow, GET BIG and healthy and strong. The clothes they sell keep us warm, or they cut our hair to make us look good.
Every work has good respect, even the people who clean the trash from the street. Without them we’ll go outside and live in stink.
Always be busy building your self respect.
Always turn your back on people who want you to “take a break, enjoy life, hang out a little, drink this, smoke this, then let me slowly take everything you worked for.”
Ha ha.
No, no, no, no, no.
Always be awake in your mind at all times to see these “people” for what they are.
It’s easy.
Until next time.
Your Man,
-Elijah “The Realist”