Let’s talk about fatherhood, yeah?
Right now I’m living in a suburb of Las Vegas called Henderson, Nevada.
And in this neighborhood is a lot of kids and families and things like that.
And I always hear, “you know, I’d love to be an entrepreneur but I work a job for my kids. Got to provide for my kids so I’ve got to work. Nothing I can do there.”
And I think, Well, shit man.
I live in the same neighborhood as you and I DON’T work a job.
You guys are gone from eight o’clock in the morning until five o’clock at night and I’m home literally all day long.
I would have all day to hang out with the little kiddos.
You guys don’t.
But how is that?
If you do it for the kids and my way takes away from the kids, why am I home all day in the neighborhoods you live in as well?
You’re gone all day and I’m here all day.
How does it make sense that you do that for the kids?
Or do you not REALLY do it for the kids?
You do it because perchance you are lazy and took the easy way.
Now kiddos ‑‑ kids, they don’t give a fuck about money.
What kids care about is your TIME.
So when you say that you’re doing it for the kids, that’s not what the kids want.
The kids want your time.
That’s the #1 MOST important thing to kiddos.
Your time.
That’s what you NEED to give them: Your time, your attention, your energy.
They don’t want you gone all day making some fucking paycheck so you can afford to put them in some fucking karate class.
They’d rather YOU teach them karate.
So when you say that you’re doing it for the kids, you’re not REALLY doing it for the kids.
Because if you were doing for the kids, you would have made a whole fucking fuck‑ton of money so you were able to spend enough time with your kids every single day while they’re growing up.
If you were doing it for the kids you would NOT be spending so much time away from your kids.
You would be working some entrepreneurial gig that allows you to have money to provide for them AND spend time with them, because remember, they don’t give a fuck about the money.
They only care about your time.
They want your time.
So you ‑‑ it is YOUR responsibility to make the money that allows you to have the time to spend with them.
Money is your problem.
Time is their problem.
They want time; you want money.
What you do is you take away their time to make money.
That’s NOT what you should do.
What you should do is MAKE MONEY on your own terms so that you have the TIME to raise your children properly.
Because RIGHT NOW they’re NOT being raised by you.
They’re being raised by the school.
They’re being raised by television.
They’re being raised by the internet.
They’re being raised by people like me on the internet when they find me and they find the light.
They should be only raised by you.
You should be the one teaching and spending time with your children.
They should NOT learn EVERYTHING they know from their fucking stupid schoolteachers.
But hey, that’s just my thoughts.
Maybe I’m 100% wrong.
Maybe it’s a lot better to spend five or six days a week away from your kids and let them teach themselves and NOT have a real father.
Maybe that’s best.
Have a nice day.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”