Sluts are literally EVERYWHERE.
See that cute barista at Starbucks?
She just blew her new Friends With Benefits in the parking lot on her break.
That hot blonde working at Macy’s at the cologne counter?
She’s wiping her mouth and chomping on Altoids because she just took a cum load in her mouth after getting it up her ass right before work.
The sluts of America are alive and well and it’s pointless to fight it anymore.
Indulge, exploit, turn out and then immediately next them.
Now before you lurking White Knighter’s start swearing at your computer screens, as though I can hear you, hear me out.
I didn’t create sluts and I would prefer that girls NOT spread their legs so easily, but guess what?
Sluts are here to stay and they’re only going to get MORE sluttier… so sit back, relax and let em ride your cock.
Here’s The 10 Slut Commandments.
These are time-tested and designed to protect you, get you tons of ass and keep you from falling for a slut.
1. Never Fall In Love With A Slut
Obvious as this may seem, any girl that is an expert at draining your balls with a sweet smile on her face, can suck you in emotionally too, and the resulting fireball of living hell you’ll unleash on your life will not be pretty like her sweet bubble butt.
This is the time for you to put away childish behavior like believing in ‘the one’, and getting a cure for your one-itis.
The cure is VERY simple: more sluts.
Once you’ve had multiple girls all throwing the same script at you with the same responses to your jokes/lines etc, you’ll quickly see that 99.9% of sluts are the EXACT same.
Rinse, repeat.
2. Never Invest Valuable Time Into A Slut
Sluts are NOT worthy of too much of your time.
Your time is WAY TOO valuable.
Schedule sluts when it’s convenient for you.
Let’s say you meet a sexy slut at a club one night and bring her home and bang her silly.
Let’s say the sex was damn good.
Let’s say she didn’t annoy the living hell out of you and you wouldn’t mind adding her to your harem.
The incorrect way to play this would be to schedule a date with her.
You wouldn’t believe how many guys will start spending money on a slut AFTER they’ve already f*cked her.
Are you serious??
She’s already given you access for free, so now YOU hold ALL of the power.
Invite her over to f*ck you, have her meet up with you at a house party, or tell her to make you dinner on Thursday at 8pm.
You live your life and if she fits into your schedule of activities then so be it.
If NOT, immediately next her.
Plenty of sluts around to replace her.
3. Turn A Slut Out
A slut is a slut because she has low self-esteem generally and gets satisfaction from sharing her body with men.
Maybe she has some daddy issues, maybe she’s a hardcore feminist who believes it empowers her to blow the Baltimore Ravens, maybe she’s just naturally a nasty freak who loves sex with multiple guys.
Point is, it doesn’t REALLY matter.
Any girl that is slutty right off the bat has given you the green light to Turn Her Out.
Here’s some ways you can turn out a slut even more.
-Tell her, especially if she falls for you, she has 2 choices: She can have a threesome with you, or delete your number.
The Law Of Abundance when properly understood paves the way for this powerful move.
-Anal, of course.
It’s a power move that not only dominates her body, but her MIND, which is the key of Total Immersion. (Will cover that in a future article)
-Got a buddy you owe a favor to?
Tell her to fuck him.
(From personal experience I have done this and you’d be surprised how many sluts will do it at your request)
-Any sexual fetish you have, tell her you want to do it and see how far she will actually go.
-Sex tape.
Girls are such attention whores now and the ‘success’ of Kim Kardashian’s slutty ways, only ensure most sluts are down to make a porno with you.
There are multiple ways to Turn A Slut Out, but the aforementioned are some of the main ones.
4. Never Get A Slut Pregnant
In a perfect world this would be easy to adhere to, but clearly there will be instances where sluts get pregnant and she insists on keeping the child.
My point is, IF you get a slut pregnant, convince her to have an abortion or worst case scenario give it up for adoption.
Unless, you’re dying to have a child and have the financial means to support a child and her slutty mother, then I highly suggest convincing her to NOT have it.
Use bribery if necessary, offer to pay for the abortion, buy her a new purse (most sluts would love a new Prada purse), whatever you can say to convince her that it’s NOT a good idea.
Am I against kids?
Of course not.
What I am against is a man accidentally getting a slut pregnant, having his child delivered out of a polluted womb and then watching her mother slut it up while the child sits by and suffers the neglect that most sluts will deliver.
F*ck that.
When you’re ready to have a child, find a woman that respects her body enough that she will also respect that which she delivers with her body: her children.
5. Never Make A Slut Your Girlfriend
I’ve been guilty of this and I’m sure many of you readers have as well.
We know she’s a slut.
We can see it in her eyes as she greedily chokes on our cock, but somehow she weasels her way into our sub-conscious as a girl of high value that we can change.
Let me pause for a second to laugh out loud…
Ok, I’m back.
Let me tell you something and hear this wisdom: Believe a slut the first time she tells you who she is.
Here’s some tell-tale signs where she will ‘say’, whether verbally or through her actions that she is NOT worthy of girlfriend status.
-She LOVES to go to Las Vegas and frequents Sin City often.
-Slutty photos on her social media.
-Multiple guys hitting her up constantly on her smart phone.
-Smokes cigarettes
-Drinks heavily
-Does drugs
-Go’s out more than twice a week clubbing/partying
-”I love to get crazy! This one time in Cancun…”
-”I’ve only been with 17 guys and I just turned 19 years old”
-”I’ve had bigger cocks”
-”Let’s watch porn together”
Shall I go on?
6. Use Sluts For Personal Gain
Are you f*cking a slut and you’re tight on your rent this month?
Tell one of your sluts to give you the difference or she can immediately take a hike.
Are you an aspiring actor and a slut you know has a brother who’s a powerful agent?
Have her introduce you to him and make moves son.
Are you on the bus and a slut you just met has a trust fund and two cars?
Tell her you’re borrowing a car until you have the money saved to get your own.
Sluts enjoy being used, that’s why they are sluts.
The biggest mistake you can make when dealing with sluts is to actually treat them right.
They do not know how to react because their self-worth is very low.
Trust me on this, start treating a slut like she’s a high value girl and watch how quick her vagina dries up and she doesn’t respond to your texts.
Life is just like chess.
Sluts are there for a man’s enjoyment and betterment.
If she adds value to your life outside of draining your balls, then simply exploit it.
Rinse and repeat.
7. Always Get The ‘Morning After Happy Text’ From A Slut
Less you get slapped with a false rape charge, protect yourself with this text.
Before you say it’s Beta, think about spending time in prison with a dude’s cock up your ass while you stare through prison bars for a crime you didn’t commit and then say “Is This Beta?”
That’s what I thought.
Sluts can be crazy and sometimes with their craziness in bed, which is thoroughly enjoyed, comes the flip-side, the psycho, falsely-accusing bitch with buyers remorse.
The morning AFTER you bang her send her this EXACT text:
You: Last night was fun. Did you have fun sexy?
Her: I did!! : ) My pussy still hurts. I had to put an ice pack on it lmao!!
You: Good girl
(This is an exact text exchange I’ve had)
Now do the following: Go in and DELETE her number so that it shows her phone number when you pull up the text.
Then email the screenshot to yourself.
Then enter her name in again under her number.
The point is that it shows HER number as having sent the text saying she had a good time.
If she decides to cry ‘rape’ and you show this to law enforcement it will save you a lot of grief.
8. Have Zero Expectations of Sluts
You cats could save yourself a lot of grief if you threw away any expectations you have of sluts.
Take them off the damn pedestal you’ve put them on.
Sluts will be sluts will be sluts.
If it looks like a skunk and acts like a skunk, then dammit it’s probably a freaking skunk.
Expect nothing of them, except that they will f*uck you silly.
Enjoy it and turn your emotions OFF when dealing with sluts.
9. Tell Her She’s YOUR Slut
This is part of the Total Conversion process and it works well.
F*ck her well and talk dirty to her.
While she’s on her knees gagging on your cock, grab her by the throat and say:
You: “Your my dirty slut. What are you?”
Slut: (Mascara running down her face) “I’m your slut Christian”
You: “I can’t hear you”
Slut: “I’m your slut, I’m your filthy whore!”
You: “Damn right you are. Choke on my cock slut”
Key here is NOT to tell her she’s just a slut, but YOUR slut.
This eventually becomes ingrained in their mind that they are to please you only.
This won’t keep them from slutting it up with other guys per se, but it’s a powerful brainwashing tool that works wonders.
10. Don’t Be Cynical About Sluts
It’s easy to get cynical about sluts, but let me tell you something.
l am the f*ck up.
Sluts are a simple part of life.
Swallow the Red-Pill.
If you follow these commandments you’ll have fun with them, but NOT experience the hell they can unleash on your life when you put them in a position to f*ck with you, i.e. girlfriend/wife status.
Treat them as grown-up children and simply have fun.
There’s no need to get bent out of shape because you found out your little ‘special’ snowflake is also slutting it up with multiple other guys.
That’s what she does, nothing more and nothing less.
Don’t get cynical, get poosy, make money and set your life up so down the road if you so choose to, you’ll be in a great position to have a relationship with a woman of quality.
There are a lot of sluts, but there is a small percentage of women worth investing more time and effort into, you just have to actually find them.
You have to dig through a lot of rocks to find a diamond.
Study these 10 Slut Commandments, memorize them and actually use them.
Sluts are downright fun when handled properly.
Now go and find some sluts.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”