You’ve heard girls say this.
I’ve heard girls say this.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter and sometimes it does… depending on the loyalty of the girl, but one thing is for sure:
How you respond will make a huge difference in whether you still have sex with her or not.
Remembering that girls will often say one thing and do another, it’s key to learn how to deal with this.
Sometimes it’s merely a shit test.
She’s throwing out the stiffest ‘wall’ she can think of to see how you respond.
Will you get flustered and walk away?
Will you get mad because she spent 10 minutes talking to you and then dropped that verbal bomb on you?
Will you laugh nervously and try to use logic to change her mind?
Sometimes she’s dead serious and is legitimately in a relationship with a guy.
This doesn’t mean however, that she’s not the following though:
-Just had a big fight with him and is pissed off
-Is unhappy and sexually unsatisfied with him
-Is with him out of convenience only
-Has one foot out the door already and is looking for an opportunity to cheat and move on
The reality is in the day and age we live in, infidelity is at an all time high and the gap between men leading the charge is narrowing with women close behind.
Now that we’ve established that chicks cheat, then we know that her having a boyfriend isn’t necessarily grounds for her to NOT open her legs.
I personally don’t like to hook up with married women, or even girls with boyfriends, but it does inadvertently happen and sometimes I don’t even know it until after the fact.
Chicks can be sneaky that way.
When I am faced with the “I have a boyfriend” line though, I treat it no differently than any other shit test and here’s a few options you can use.
“He can join in too.”
Note: This always throws them for a loop because without actually saying it, you’re showing that you’re NOT jealous.
Acting jealous is a HUGE cock-block for many guys.
Never show jealousy when you’re just trying to bed a girl for the first time.
It weakens the fuck out of your Frame and almost always backfires.
By you using this line, it’s alluding to sex happening in the near future.
Now obviously you probably have zero desire to tag-team this girl with her boyfriend, but it shows a I Don’t Give A Fuck attitude which is paramount when responding to her ‘defense’.
Said with the right amount of amusement and a shrug and it’s 100% gold.
“That’s great, no one cares.”
Note: this is said with a playful smirk and is not said in an extremely serious tone.
Otherwise you come across like an idiot.
Say it with a playful smirk, and continue talking to her.
It shows that it’s simply not an issue unless SHE makes it into one.
“Perfect. I’m married and have 6 kids.”
Note: I use this one when there’s a good dynamic already with the girl… and she’s attracted to my witty style of game.
It’s clearly such a ridiculous statement that girls inadvertently laugh and proceed on… because I’m essentially making light of her situation and once again, acting as though it doesn’t matter at all.
It’s key to always have that attitude as though she said she likes her eggs over-easy, instead of sunny-side up.
It’s irrelevant.
“Are you happy?”
Note: Depending on the read you have on the girl, this can actually work and it has for me a few times.
Usually, the girl will look down and then meekly say “yeah”, at which point you know it’s on, because her response alludes to her NOT being happy with him.
The thing about girls is they will always find at least something about a guy that they DON’T like, so when faced with this question… their mind will jump to the one or more thing about her boyfriend, which she doesn’t like.
“Relax, who said I was hitting on you?”
Note: this one works particularly well with hot chicks who assume that every single man is dying to fuck them.
I use this one as a part of a Push-Pull dynamic.
“I have a girlfriend. Double-date?”
This is best used when her attraction level is very high for you, it’s basically in the bag and she’s throwing out the “I have a boyfriend” line as a feeble attempt to end the fun she’s having.
I usually use this after we’ve kissed or made out, she knows where it’s headed and she weakly throws that line out.
Yep, just one word as though she just said she loves puppies.
You’re leading the interaction and it simply doesn’t matter.
If you hold Frame and continue flirting with her, she’ll know you’re an alpha male who gets what he wants when he wants it.
If she’s game… she’ll roll right along with it.
“Excellent, when’s the wedding?”
This is an interesting one that works best when you’re firing on all cylinders.
You know what I’m talking about when you can say and do no wrong.
What this does is a couple of things:
1. If she’s quite serious with him, then she thinks that her last days of freedom are coming to a close so she better have some fun.
I’ve literally had girls verbalize this after I say this line and then proceed to get carnal with me.
2. Realize that she isn’t going to marry him, has no plans nor desire to, so why would she let it stop her from having sex with you?
Saying this line was responsible for no less than 2 breakups that I know of.
The girls hooked up with me, then realized yes, their current relationship was a waste of time, so they ended it.
“You’re an independent girl, right?”
This one ifs currently very relevant because of the saturation of the independent woman agenda going on in the world right now.
You’re essentially using their soapbox to get what you want.
This one is particularly great for girls who want to prove that they are independent and the “no man controls me!” types.
I have to laugh out loud even as I type this because it’s hysterical how they will then qualify themselves to you in order to prove they make their own decisions.
Works particularly well with artsy types, feminists and ‘free thinkers’.
Yes, you’re actually saying the word ‘yawn’.
This one works particularly well when a chick is strongly attracted to you, but is throwing out every shit test in her book to rationalize why she shouldn’t sleep with you.
Brushing it off with saying “yawn” is about as much as a brush off as it gets.
Generally, you’ll get the classic “You’re such an asshole!” and faux-slap on the arm followed by her eyes glowing and her getting wet over the fact that you have the balls to say what you want.
Girl: “I have a boyfriend”
Man: “Do I look like Dr. Phil? I don’t want to hear about your problems”
Girl: (laughing)
Perfectly lumps her boyfriend in as a problem in her life in a light and fun way.
Humor is extremely powerful in the art of persuasion and that’s essentially what you’re doing in a beneath the surface manner.
There’s a few more I’ll write about in the future, but these are tried and true and will serve you well… the next time a chick drops the “I have a boyfriend” line.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”