Today is my 30th birthday.
In my 30 god-like years on THIS earth…
I have created the #1 absolute GREATEST blog… in the ENTIRE god damn world’s existence…
I’m the #1 absolute fucking BEST blog artist…
Who ever fucking lived… OR even merely walked…
on THIS god damn… motherfucking Planet freaking Earth…
And I am… quite literally… in the absolute TOP 1% of actual literal net worth.
I absolutely KNOW… what it takes to become a GREAT Man… and (kick-ass Winner!) and I’m going to tell you.
But first…
Some of you won’t be able to make it to the very end of the article… before you want to leave a comment and tell me about…
what a BAD GUY I am.
But you’ll all… be telling me from your Shitty & extremely Crappy… Below Poverty Jobs…
and I’ll…
be at home in my Mansion while wearing my pajamas…
counting all of this… god damn MONEY.
while at the SAME TIME…getting my god damn feet massaged.
So literally, all of you…
dumb little office slobs… in your dumb little office jobs…
can tell me all about… what virtue humility actually is…
your words will literally fall… on absolute deaf ears.
Preaching all about humility… when you’re literally downright broke…
is only what ignorant… weed smoking… bible reading… alcohol drinking… Jealous Johnnies do.
Preaching all about dumb humility… to your absolute Superior Betters…
is the EXACT same thing… as crying… stupid crybaby tears.
We already know that you’re totally absolutely jealous… we can literally smell it… a complete WHOLE mile away…
and we can literally almost… taste all of those jealous crybaby tears… and they’re MUCH sweeter than honey.
But all of those honey lame crybaby tears… aren’t ever as GOOD as some god damn freaking MONEY.
you fat, dumb, stupid, illiterate, scientific nerd.
So listen up… Shut Up… close your loud freaking mouth…
open your ugly terrible looking eyes… open up your BIG freaking ears…
and REALLY actually learn… from a truly GREAT… highly respected… God-Like immortal man.
1) Obsession is THE #1 KEY to Achieving SUCCESS
Somebody once asked me, if noo-tropic brain-enhancing supplements… ever gave me an absolute edge over all of my competition.
I first said:
a) I don’t actually HAVE any competition.
Artists don’t actually REALLY compete with literally ANYONE…
and absolutely NOBODY… on this god damn earth… can actually write like me.
Noo-tropic brain-enhancing supplements… Do actually.
Certain kind of supplements… REALLY helps you to actually FOCUS… completely & 100% on YOUR obsession.
and it’s your OBSESSION… which will give you a definitive EDGE over literally all of your competition.
You don’t become the absolute #1 BEST… without first… being totally Obsessed… with achieving your #1 end goal.
Obsession is what separates the absolute #1 best… from literally ALL of the god damn rest.
The best are absolutely 100% obsessed with their craft.
If you ain’t totally downright obsessed… then YOU simply ain’t the #1 BEST.
It REALLY truly actually is… as Simple and Basic as that.
2) Strive to Always be… the #1 Absolute BEST
To truly REALLY become the ultimate #1 BEST… you have to have a crazy, very obsessive need…
to actually become the absolute #1 Ultimate Best.
You don’t ever accidentally… somehow just become the #1 absolute best.
You don’t become the absolute #1 BEST… because of bullshit just like “genetics“.
You become the true ultimate #1 best…
because you stay awake all night in bed OR you wake up REALLY super fucking early.
Dreaming and plotting… about becoming the ultimate, absolute #1 best.
Sleep is only for broke, poor, very boring NORMAL PEOPLE.
the truly absolute BEST don’t ever REALLY sleep…
they’re wide awake in bed… making plans about their FUTURE.
When normal’s stay awake, they stay in bed lamenting about their lame, very unproductive past.
“I should have done this, I should have done that, I miss Becky so much boo-hoo“.
Read that again…
The BEST stay awake all the time… planning and preparing for their future.
If you can dream it… Then YOU can Achieve it…
and if you DON’T believe that…
then you ain’t the BEST… at ANYTHING.
3) The BEST Always Do… MORE than the Rest
You have to be a workaholic BEAST… to truly become the #1 best.
You have to actually work.
Work, work, work, work, work, work… and then go... work some more.
Get used to just simply working… a Damn LOT!
The funny thing is that working isn’t even hard, but morons would rather waste time at some “job“, then go play video games or drink beer.
You know how many off-days I’ve had in the past five years?
I’ve NEVER taken an off day… since starting the greatest website on the face of this planet.
I have made MORE MONEY… than most people will ever make… in their whole ENTIRE lives… Multiple times over.
If you want to achieve much more SUCCESS… than EVERYONE else…
Then all that’s REALLY required… is to just go do… much more than EVERYONE else.
4) Always Be AHEAD of your time
You have to be ahead of the game… to become the undisputed #1 best.
The best are simply always… cutting edge.
I’m a success… and the absolute #1 best… because I am simply almost ALWAYS… ahead of the game.
A lot of my articles didn’t start making money… until YEARS after they were published.
The public finally caught up with me years later… and that’s EXACTLY where you want to be – the future.
You get kids trying to do what I’ve done but they’re copying articles I wrote a long time ago. You dip-shits need a time machine so you can copy what I write in the future.
There is NO COMPETITION if you are ALWAYS… ahead of the game.
If you are ALWAYS ahead of the game… then Competition simply CANNOT exist.
The MONEY either comes to the first… or to the absolute undisputed #1 best.
So make sure… to always be… one of them.
5) There Is No Competition.
Competition only exists… if you aren’t the absolute undisputed #1 best.
You’re either ahead of the game… and leading the pack.
or you’re playing catch up… and competing for scraps.
with all of the OTHER retards… who didn’t envision the future.
Like the kids who copy my old, old articles… and think they’re going to make a living.
Recipe to become the truly undisputed #1 best AND cutting edge:
Be YOU, be NEW, be true.
That recipe works just like an absolute magnet for SUCCESS.
6) There aren’t ANY off days
Days off are for people… who simply aren’t… the absolute undisputed #1 best.
It is as simple as that.
Business life balance is for 2nd placers.
Losers who NEVER actually win.
There is NO… business life balance… if you are the #1 best.
There is only BUSINESS… and business is LIFE… and that’s it.
Business doesn’t ever sleep.
It’s a 24/7 365 days per year operation.
When you’re relaxing, you are literally losing money.
Relaxing is a completely stupid thing to do… because relaxing isn’t even REALLY relaxing.
I’ve been to the beach a million times, it’s NEVER relaxing the way that YOU picture it… because you’re always thinking about business.
You can only relax… if you have NO obligations and NO responsibility.
When you have MONEY on the line… you don’t have any TIME… to sit on the beach just like an asshole.
7) Friends and family should ALWAYS… come Second to Business
Q: How do you find the time as an entrepreneur to build your business and also spend time with friends/family/hobbies?
A: You get a 9-5 job and GIVE UP like all of the other GIVE-UP Artists.
It takes EVERY single… damn ounce of your energy… to build a successful business.
If you’re asking how to balance work AND life… then you are just WASTING everyone’s time.
A successful business was built with 100% of someone’s FOCUS, you DUMB and BROKE idiot!
Dance recital for your daughter?
Wedding for your cousin?
Birthday party for niece and nephew?
Have fun kids, I’m way too damn BUSY… making TONS of STACKS of CASH… and staying the #1 Best.
8) Hobbies are for CHILDREN
People who “focus on hobbies” are absolute LOSERS.
Hobbies are for children, when you grow up your ONLY “hobby” should be BUSINESS.
If it doesn’t MAKE MONEY then it should NEVER be pursued.
You can have hobbies when you’re TOO OLD and senile for business.
ALL hobbies should be turned into businesses.
If you have some dumb hobby like watching MMA fights you should turn it into a business, just like I did.
9) You MUST Be Prepared to Give up EVERYTHING!
You have to be willing to GIVE UP… EVERYTHING in order to BE #1.
But giving up EVERYTHING ain’t no fucking sacrifice, it’s REALLY a fucking BONUS.
You give up a life of the mundane for a life of EXCELLENCE, boo-hoo.
You get these celebrity liars talking about “sacrifice”.
There is no SACRIFICE to be the absolute #1 BEST.
You GIVE UP all… in order to GET ALL – and it’s definitely a pretty damn GOOD DEAL.
The REAL “sacrifice” is having some FAT WIFE who watches retard TV all day long… WITH some FAT KIDS who absolutely HATE YOU for wasting your life at an auto-insurance office all day & night long.
You could have given your family MORE, you could have given them EVERYTHING, but instead you’re a give-up artist and you gave up SUCCESS for a 9-5 slob job.
Don’t make me laugh.
Slobs with JOBS are the ONLY people who are making the REAL “sacrifice“.
10) A 9-5 JOB is the QUITTERS way out
There’s a reason they call 5 pm “Quitting’ time”… because every single day at exactly 5 pm the 9-5 jobbers QUIT.
“Oh, it’s 5 pm. Now I won’t do anything else again until tomorrow.”
Business NEVER sleeps…
Money NEVER sleeps…
and serious men NEVER ever… under ANY circumstances QUIT – but 9-5er’s QUIT every single day of their lives.
Quitting to them is as NORMAL as punching a TIME CLOCK.
Not to mention…
With a 9-5 job you will ONLY ever scrape by.
You will NEVER actually get rich by working at some minimum wage 9-5 “job“.
You will NEVER have enough money to make a REAL actual difference in the world…
You will NEVER not worry about having enough money to pay your bills…
You will NEVER have enough money in a catastrophic emergency…
AND your stupid family & friends will eventually start to downright despise you.
You can ONLY make a difference in the world if you have MONEY, connections, balls and bulletproof resolve.
9-5 jobs are for SLOBS.
Give-up artists who don’t want to do anything EXCEPT beg, beg, and do TONS of More BEGGING.
11) Winners focus on Winning, Losers focus on Winners
I get so many pitiful LOSERS who come to the “Website for Winners” and leave comments about:
How they can’t succeed.
About how white people oppress them.
about boo-hoo, blah blah.
NO ONE oppresses you, you fucking LOSERS.
You’re just TOO STUPID and TOO DAMN LAZY to actually put in the required WORK.
Anyone who has a minimum IQ of 100 (very low!) can succeed with undivided OBSESSION.
When you cry about oppression you put ALL of your energy into that (loser)… and NONE of your energy into SUCCESS.
So if you don’t find SUCCESS… then FUCK YOU crybaby, you don’t deserve it and that’s that.
12) Business is Ruthless
You have to learn to be the leader, the #1 general.
People MUST do what you say and they need to FEAR YOU just a little tiny bit.
Business is WAR.
If you don’t have the heart to KILL then GET THE FUCK OUT and go work at some low level MINIMUM WAGE 9-5 office job.
Good businessmen MUST be martial artists.
Martial = war. Business = war.
Successful Business Men are martial artists.
Learn how to GIVE ORDERS and expect them to ALWAYS be FOLLOWED.
13) You Should Always BE 100% Selfish
Everyone is selfish.
You’re either overtly selfish or covertly selfish.
Overtly selfish people come RIGHT OUT and SAY what they actually REALLY want.
Covertly selfish people beat around the bush, waste other people’s time and try to get other people to do SOMETHING… without SAYING what they actually REALLY want.
Covertly selfish people are very COWARDLY people. People who pretend to NOT be selfish are LOSERS.
What they do is pretend to be “NICE” or whatever in the hopes that other people will give them what they want.
SAY…exactly what you want…and STOP… wasting other people’s time.
14) Time literally IS Money
When you waste TIME you steal MONEY from people.
You need to be able to say EXACTLY what you want/need within 30 seconds flat.
TIME is MONEY, when you waste my time, you are literally STEALING MONEY from me.
15) Experience trumps data
Customers don’t KNOW what they REALLY want until they actually get it.
Your MORON customers can’t tell you what they WANT because they don’t even KNOW what it is that they actually WANT.
Your customers aren’t “ahead of their time”, YOU ARE.
You can’t rely on surveys and data from them, you can ONLY rely on your sense and prediction for the FUTURE.
You think 10 years ago people would have said “I want an iPhone” out of the blue?
Don’t make me laugh.
Leaders don’t need approval from customers, leaders create the demand from customers who don’t know what they want until they actually SEE IT.
16) The NEED for Respect is ONLY for DUMB Broke Pussies
Respect is approval. Approval is for dogs.
RESPECT is like money and girls, when you chase it… it will immediately run away from you.
When you don’t chase it, it chases AFTER you.
Don’t chase RESPECT and people will actually Respect you… Chase AFTER Respect... and people will ONLY end up despising you.
It’s fine and dandy to be respected.
The need for respect shows that you are just a 100% PUSSY and that you don’t even respect yourself first to even begin with.
I don’t give a DAMN whatsoever if ANYONE on this Dumb Stupid Earth ever Respects ME.
“Respect is what the little ghetto kids talk about before they steal your coat and your shoes.” – Chael Sonnen
Respect is EARNED, it should NEVER be BEGGED FOR… So just simply STOP… BEGGING for it.
17) Only a SISSY is afraid to ever show REAL anger
You get these people talking about anger and hate like they’re bad things.
Anger and HATE are fuel and motivation.
Only an absolute little sissy BITCH is afraid to show any true REAL actual anger.
Could be, they’re afraid they’ll get their little sissy mouths SLAPPED… if they ever develop or grow some REAL Balls to reveal their REAL anger!
If you’re angry, I NOW give you 100% Permission to go out into the world and SHOW IT.
When a bear is angry, you think it cowers in the corner like a little sissy?
It shows anger, and then all the OTHER little animals tuck their tails between their legs.
That’s the true REAL actual power of anger.
18) Exercise is the BEST WAY to relax and the #1 Medication that there is
You need to hit the gym every single day for a TON of various different REASONS:
1) You feel MUCH BETTER immediately after you finish a workout
2) So you stay & remain in great top peak physical shape
3) So that you remain agile, mean and lean, and very physically STRONG
4) So you sweat out all of those bad negative toxins
5) Because you NEED to have some Self-Respect for yourself, your body, and your MIND.
19) Physical shape is the easiest indicator of Mental Shape
Your outsides are a direct indication of your insides.
If you’re a fat slob on the outside it’s clear that you’re also a mental slob.
If you’re a fat-slob you may as well NEVER ever even leave your house.
Fat people are ultimate losers and they’re painfully stupid.
It isn’t possible to carry around so much fat AND be successful.
It is also impossible to be obese AND “smart“.
Obese people are MORONS literally 100% of the time.
What you need to do is simply cut out the processed carbs and you’ll STOP being a fat ass.
It’s literally that freaking damn SIMPLE.
Also, go to the goddamn gym.
Anyone who is ANYONE makes gym time an absolute priority.
Four times per week minimum for the real dealers.
20) Performance enhancing is a GOOD thing
All high-performers use performance enhancing substances.
Go cry to your mommy about ethics and respect and morals.
Only a fool hears the words “performance enhancing” and thinks that it’s a BAD thing.
The same fool who likes to drink fat ass beer or smoke a blunt and “just chill out, man”.
Winners do absolutely WHATEVER it takes.
Athletes take steroids and businessmen take cognitive enhancers.
Business performance enhancers, or cognitive enhancers, include kratom, modafinil, Ritalin and Adderall and, if we are being 100% perfectly HONEST, cocaine and methamphetamine.
I am NOT recommending narcotics you fucking retards, I’m simply telling you about reality!
21) Mindset is THE #1 difference between Winning and Losing
Get your mind right and EVERYTHING else will follow… automatically.
It’s all just a Damn Simple… MINDSET.
You can literally DECIDE to SUCCEED and you 100% WILL… I guarantee it.
You can decide to complain about NOT getting SUCCESS and you will definitely 100% NOT achieve any success.
Anyone who complains about NOT getting SUCCESS is a damn fucking moron.
How do you change your mindset?
Self talk is where it ALL starts.
All you have to do is change the words that you use – that’s literally ALL you have to do – change your words, change your life.
[Read the Blueprint To Success to learn how to self-talk for success.]
22) Life is definitely NOT hard
I hear this shit all the time, “life is so hard“.
Life isn’t hard unless you’re a damn crazy fool.
Life is as EASY as you want it to be or as HARD as you simply let it be.
When you say “life is hard” it becomes instantly true.
When you say “life is easy” it becomes automatically 100% true as well.
Let me tell you, life is so EASY that it’s almost a damn freaking joke.
When I hear people say “life is so hard” I think to myself that person must have an IQ of about 12 and they’re filthy disgusting crybabies.
[Read MONK MODE to learn how to stop worrying and start living.]
23) Live in the right city
There’s a reason why people live in Wichita Falls and a reason why some people also live in New York City.
Your city makes a BIG difference in your quality of life.
I, being what goofs call a “location independent entrepreneur”, move around the world a whole lot.
Always I stay in big cities but I recently spent time in a small city (200k population). My god, what a REAL eye-opener that was.
If you want success, NEVER live in a small-town.
The people in this small town I can only describe as “retards” and you become like those who you spend time with.
Thankfully I never leave my house unless it’s to go to the gym, the supermarket, or the sushi restaurant.
Unfortunately, I do get some of their retardation on me during my “commute” and I could only imagine how awful it would be to live in a small retard town permanently.
If you’re in a small town get out RIGHT NOW – unless your business is literally tied to the town.
24) Don’t waste your time dating
“Dating” is an ultimate waste of time.
Only a moron would waste time taking some girl out to dinner and a movie when you could be achieving maximum success.
You want a girlfriend?
Dating isn’t the #1 BEST way to do it.
Like Mick said “women weaken legs!“.
25) Live like Gladiator RIGHT NOW so you can live in comfort later
Spurn comfort so you know how great comfort is.
You get these morons who say “money doesn’t buy happiness“.
I say to them “shut up you fucking moron“.
Money buys happiness, if you DON’T think so, then go immediately RIGHT NOW give all of YOURS away.
Only when you’re comfortable can you spurn comfort.
Do without EVERYTHING for five years like I did, and you realize pretty damn quick how important money REALLY actually is.
26) No one owes you a fucking thing
Read it again.
No one owes YOU a fucking thing you entitled crybabies.
If you want it you have to go out and take it.
If you CAN’T go and take it, you’re a fucking crybaby coward and YOU don’t REALLY deserve it.
Now you can whine some more about NO ONE “giving you opportunities”.
If you let people tell you “you can’t do it” then you simply DON’T deserve it.
No one is going to “give” you opportunity and you’re a goddamn idiot if you THINK that’s how SUCCESS is ever achieved.
Whenever you see an “opportunity”… you must ALWAYS 100% of the time, immediately take it.
Losers wait to be given, winners simply ALWAYS take.
27) It doesn’t matter WHAT other people SAY or THINK
All you ever have to be is sure in your approach.
It doesn’t matter at all if NO ONE else believes in you at first as long as YOU believe.
They’ll jump on board AFTER you achieve.
No one will be on board BEFORE you achieve and they shouldn’t be and YOU shouldn’t need that.
There is NO SUCH THING as an accomplished critic and if those morons had a GOOD opinion they would be highly successful, wouldn’t they.
28) Revenue is an absolute necessity (but should NOT ever be used to buy toys)
No revenue = No BUSINESS.
Without revenue all that you have is a hobby, and we all already KNOW that hobbies are only for children.
You need systems in place in order to successfully collect money.
But the damn thing about MONEY is that whenever you chase it, it immediately runs away from you.
Instead, you need to ATTRACT money.
Money is simply a VERY fun game to MOST successful High Energy Entrepreneur businessmen.
Money is just the way we gauge how BUSINESS is actually going.
When you get MONEY you need to use it for only the “right” things.
When we make TONS of money we don’t think “wow, now I can buy this and that and this and that“.
If you asked a normal person what they’d do with 100k they say something like “buy a sports car, down payment on a house, vacation etc“.
Ask a successful solo entrepreneur businessman and they’d say “I’d do the same thing I do with all of my other money, find a way for it to make me MORE money“.
29) Never apologize, turn controversy into cash
When the large (in all ways) feminist websites write or say negative BAD things about the God-Like KING, a lot of people become worried that I might take my website or a certain particular article down.
Don’t make me laugh.
The avalanche of traffic that I receive from these dumb idiots, ALWAYS sends me to the VERY next level.
I welcome all styles of trash people to write about ME, as long as they have a VERY large audience.
Because waves of traffic ALWAYS turns into gigantic oceans of money.
If ten thousand people come to your site in anger, one thousand of them can eventually be transformed into customers.
NO SUCH THING as bad publicity… and traffic will ALWAYS be traffic.
Stand your ground, NEVER ever apologize, cash those checks, and then immediately… laugh in their faces.
30) Deadlines will ALWAYS produce results
Pressure creates diamonds and deadlines produce results.
When you DON’T have a deadline… you can literally spend a million years… working on your project.
When you have a set deadline… you MUST absolutely, under all circumstances… finish your project.
You have NO excuse to just wait… and NOT work.
When you have a set deadline… you’re under the gun… and you have absolutely NO choice… but to simply get it done.
When you have a set deadline… you have to get that product out.
if it takes a week of working 20 hours a day… then that is EXACTLY… what you do.
Create deadlines for your projects… if you ever want them to be finished.
31) Read these books
These are all literally, ass-kicking, life-changing books… that will totally change your life.
BREAK THE CYCLE – This book will absolutely 100% change my life… and will teach the one single, MOST important trait that you will ever NEED to be successful – developing some absolutely rock-solid self discipline.
Badass Bodybuilding – This book will teach you the single MOST effective way… to scientifically build muscle, burn fat, and finally achieve the dream body that YOU have always wanted.
The Blueprint To Success – This is truly the #1 absolute BEST business book ever written… and is a definite MUST READ for any entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur.
MONK MODE – This book will literally change your life. The ultimate book about changing your mindset to change your life.
- Blog Money Blueprint System – This book will always be completely overlooked… but if you want to ever build a REAL actual online business around YOU, INC… then this book is a simple must read.
- Rapid Seduction Secrets – The ultimate book to learn absolutely EVERYTHING that there is to know… about picking up women.
- Online Dating Secrets – This is the absolute #1 best book ever written… for learning how to successfully pick up hot beautiful girls online and get to sex quickly.
32) Subscribe to the Frauds and Liars newsletter
Most websites are absolute trash. This one isn’t.
Subscribe to the Frauds and Liars email newsletter… right below this article.
To receive ass-kicking, performing enhancing, highly motivating, unique tips.
Life-changing advice that you definitely won’t… find ANYWHERE else.
33) Have some goddamn self-discipline
I have talked over and over and over and over and over and literally over… about developing some life-changing, god damn self-discipline.
Do you know what self-discipline REALLY truly actually is?
It’s being totally absolutely 100% focused… on SOMETHING that truly only MATTERS to you.
and literally absolutely ignoring… what goes on in the news, politics, the outside world, and EVERYTHING else.
It’s a really damn simple formula.
Work hard on what YOU want to work hard on… and to hell with EVERYTHING else.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”
PS – If you’re new, if you’re you, if you’re true… then you need to start your own website. The world needs more killer content.