In life, NOTHING is freely given to you.
You must TAKE whatever it is that YOU want.
You can get ANYTHING you want in life – money, a muscular body, girls, friends – if you follow this three-step process.
The law of attraction is thought of as hokey pokey, “The Secret” nonsense where you send energy out into the universe and it comes back.
Although there is some TRUTH to that, there’s a much BETTER way to think of the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is thinking about SOMETHING in a conscious way because that will direct your unconscious mind to seek out those opportunities.
In other words, your unconscious mind is going to start attracting, like a magnet, the things that YOU actually WANT.
I’m going to use myself as an example which I hate doing, but if you guys start sending me stories, I’ll start using your stuff as an example.
So we’ll talk a little bit about me, but this is all about how you can use the law of attraction for yourself.
So every month since March, Frauds and Liars traffic has gone up.
And the reason why it’s gone up is because I thought, OK I want to hit a certain number.
And that was what I was attracting.
That is what I was meditating on, that is what I truly actually wanted.
So I hit that number REALLY early and I thought “OK I want to hit another number.”
And I hit that number.
And then I decided, “OK every month I’m going to get a higher traffic number and then I’ll probably peak or plateau.”
I thought I plateaued last month, and then…no.
I’m actually a little bit higher this month than I was last month.
So how did I start attracting all of this traffic?
When you meditate on what you actually WANT and then you visualize what you specifically WANT, you start seeing opportunities literally EVERYWHERE.
And here’s where people ALWAYS go wrong: when you see the opportunities you HAVE TO take them.
That’s what people DON’T do.
People will meditate on or say “I want to make $100,000 this year or I want a 6 figure income.”
And then they see opportunities and they DON’T take them.
There was this lunatic guy, Elliott Roger and he read about the law of attraction, and he said “I meditated on winning the lottery,” or something like that, which doesn’t require you to take any ACTION other than the empty gesture of buying a damn stupid lottery ticket.
And he said, “I want to attract girls.”
And then he didn’t actually MEET all these girls.
If you read his actual autobiography or his manifesto you would see that there were girls EVERYWHERE.
There were endless opportunities EVERYWHERE but he didn’t ever take them.
This is how the law of attraction REALLY works:
Step 1. You focus on your vision, what you actually want.
Step 2. You are going to see opportunities EVERYWHERE.
Step 3. Seize the opportunity. You take what you want. You keep what you kill.
Here’s an example.
Step 1. Last night I was thinking “I would really like to hit that 12% increase in traffic.”
Suddenly a post came to mind: How to Sleep in a Thousand Star Hotel
It was a really cool post that you guys liked.
I sent an email out and people loved it.
The response was overwhelming.
In fact, I got a bunch of emails that I have to sort through and it was fantastic.
That came to me, that opportunity came to me because I meditated on my desired outcome.
Step 2. I had to see the opportunity or find the opportunity.
Step 3. Seize the opportunity. Take what is mine.
The EXACT same thing happened today.
I was thinking, “Man, can I hit this traffic goal?
Can I hit it?
No it’s a Monday.
Saturday and Monday are the worst days of the week for traffic.
If you hit a real home-run on Tuesday you might come close but you’re not going to hit it.”
And then I just thought and REALLY thought.
I was at this meeting called METAL which is Media, Entertainment, Technology Alpha Leaders.
It’s a pretty cool group.
Then it hit me.
“Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute.
There are all these amazing speakers on stage RIGHT NOW talking about cool things that the people who read Frauds and Liars would love to learn about and they don’t have the opportunity to learn because they live across the country.
Maybe they live in an area where there isn’t a lot of technology concentration.
Why don’t you just write notes?
Why don’t you just take notes on what these people are saying on your iPhone, and then when you get home, write it up?
Wouldn’t that be totally amazing?”
That would be GREAT for me because taking notes would make me internalize the message much BETTER anyway.
It would make me pay attention BETTER instead of tweeting people or whatever.
It would be great for readers, as you can learn something.
I would be focused more on that and I could deliver some good value and goodwill to Frauds and Liars readers.
I had another post.
That I never would have had the idea for that METAL post if I hadn’t been meditating and attracting that traffic goal that I REALLY wanted to hit.
It’s NOT enough just to think, “Oh I want to hit this traffic goal. Oh I want this 6 figure income. Oh I want to meet this girl.”
You have to meditate on that, yes.
Because meditating is going to what?
Allow you to SEE the opportunity. S-E-E the opportunity. Then seize the opportunity.
If I had said
“Oh I want to hit this traffic goal. Wow these amazing speakers are on. One of these speakers was an early investor in Facebook. He organized all these major worldwide concert events. He traveled with the Rolling Stones. He runs a huge fund. Another guy talked about self-publishing.”
I could have said, “Oh that’s nice. I guess I could write about it. La-de-de, La-de-da.”
If I didn’t seize it though, if I didn’t take the notes, and go home right away and write it all out, I wouldn’t get it done, right?
Let’s get a little bit meta.
I’m talking about the law of attraction and how I used the law of attraction to get traffic.
And what is this article going to do?
It’s going to get me more readers.
I’m going to drop this post at midnight or maybe tomorrow morning and BOOM.
Again, I have a whole other post that will prove useful to you.
This is information that you can use and apply to your life immediately.
And the article will bring me much closer to the traffic number that I am hoping to attract.
And it just sort of came to me like it was magic. Again, because my unconscious mind is keyed in to opportunities in ways that it wasn’t 6 months ago.
Let’s talk about money.
Right now, I’m not meditating on attracting money.
I’m meditating on attracting readers, readership, and getting the readers engaged, and getting you guys just meeting each other.
That’s the vision for now.
But money is already trickling in without me even trying to attract it.
And without even looking deeply, I am seeing money literally EVERYWHERE.
“Whoa, I could do a whole marketing course based on what I learned.”
So I have all these income rivers that could be coming in, right?
That I’m not even REALLY trying to attract right now.
But the opportunities are already there.
I’m already hearing from people about stuff that we could do, collaboration that we could do, etc.
You must become obsessed to the point of madness.
Remember that post?
Become obsessed to the point of madness.
Meditate on what you want.
Visualize it.
Actually try to REALLY feel it.
Whether it’s 6-pack abs, whether it’s a muscular body, or maybe you were in a car accident and just getting out of bed is going to hurt.
Or maybe you’re in a wheelchair and you feel depressed and despondent and you don’t feel like life has been fair to you.
Or maybe your parents got divorced or maybe you’re in high school with some REALLY bad acne.
I don’t know what you’re going through but I KNOW that you’re going through something.
I absolutely KNOW that you want more out of life than what YOU currently have.
I know that you want to go from average to alpha.
Again, here’s what you need to do:
1. Visualize.
And what I mean by meditate is to actively think, “This is what I want to do.”
2. See yourself actually doing it. Begin noticing TONS of different opportunities.
If you are thinking about that 6-figure income, think about finally receiving that check.
And what’s going to happen is, I promise you, you WILL start seeing opportunities literally EVERYWHERE.
Now when you see these opportunities, that’s going to be the difference between actually winning or ultimately losing.
Winner and losers.
Normal people and people like you who are actually REALLY listening.
3. When you see all of these opportunities, you HAVE TO take them.