One of the greatest tools you can use to get shit done quick… is called the speed of implementation.
There was a Harvard study done on sales people who make $250,000+ a year.
Researchers found that these people all shared one similar trait: speed of implementation.
So what is this ‘speed of implementation’ that helped these people make so much more money than others?
The easiest way for me to explain this is through this crude drawing I did.
Clearly I’m NOT a great artist, but you get the idea.
What this means is that when these salesman got a new idea, something they thought would work better, they immediately started using it.
The didn’t hesitate.
They didn’t procrastinate.
They didn’t fuck around.
They simply executed their BRAND NEW business idea.
When you first get an idea, your creativity is bursting… and the energy you have to get it done… is at an all-time high.
That’s why it’s KEY to immediately start working on it.
The more faster that you implement change, the more likely you are to actually succeed with it.
Speed of implementation REALLY worked for me… when I first started a club in Los Angeles many years ago.
Before I opened this particular club I was helping another nightclub owner open a new lounge in downtown LA.
We busted our asses and from opening night it was a hit and remains to this day a very profitable spot.
I was standing outside chatting with a patron, when I had a light bulb moment.
It was like I got struck with lightening, that’s how powerful the idea was.
I immediately wrote down notes of EVERYTHING that was coming to me in those few moments and then called a former business partner of mine.
He loved the idea too and we immediately set into motion EVERYTHING that needed to be done.
From the moment I had the idea, to opening night of the exclusive membership only nightclub we opened, was a month and a half!
That’s nuts.
That does not happen.
But we used the speed of implementation to get investors on board, find a location, negotiate and sign a lease, hired staff and all of the one million things that go into opening a nightclub.
Granted, with my connections and experience this made it much easier to get done, however, it was still an incredible feat and testimony to the power of taking immediate action.
Another perfect example is this very blog and website Frauds and Liars that you’re currently reading.
Many of you contacted me before I had a blog and suggested that I start one.
I had considered it last year, but figured there was enough blogs online already.
Then in December a new angle hit me on how I could create a blog, but take it to the next level with being updated at least 5 times per week… and be a one-stop ‘shop’ for EVERYTHING from meeting women to living the playboy lifestyle… to Becoming Ultra Successful and Making TONS of Money.
The moment I had a fresh perspective on creating a blog, I sat down and started it the very same day.
I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t procrastinate.
I sat my ass down and didn’t leave my office for over 7 hours.
That’s speed of implementation.
The next time you get an idea to create SOMETHING that can make YOU money, take immediate action.
Don’t hesitate.
Don’t procrastinate.
Don’t dilly dally around contemplating the ‘what if’s’ scenarios until you’re blue in the face.
Just simply do it.
Yes, the classic Nike saying is EXACTLY right: Just do it.
You’ll find that once you get momentum, you’ll get an incredible amount of work done quickly… and you’ll see your idea come to fruition even quicker… because you got the ball rolling and NEVER stopped.
Harness speed of implementation… to making your ideas translate into immediate and ultra success.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”
P.S Click here because who wants to fuck 5’s and live a boring life?