1) Have a goal
Seems obvious, right?
If you don’t have a goal, then you have absolutely NO REASON to ever BE or even STAY motivated.
To stay motivated you have to have a MAJOR goal, a Personal Life Mission, that you can work towards… relentlessly… every single day!
Goals can be gigantic or very miniscule, it only matters that you have ONE definitive goal that you are working towards daily… and trying to get accomplished.
Fuck “trying”, Just simply… Make it Happen.
2) Read motivating works
Every morning I start my day off with a motivating or educational book.
It is essential that you can learn something, get pumped up or ideally BOTH.
Fiction is for playtime, if you want to read fiction you can read it in bed at night.
Currently I am reading How to Get Rich by Felix Dennis, founder of a UK based publishing empire and altogether rich bastard.
I cannot recommend the book enough for readers of FRAUDS & LIARS.
No bullshit, take NO prisoners, killer attitude.
Buy the book, you will like it.
3) Stay clean
One of the BEST decisions I have ever made was to shave daily and to get my haircut into a pristine high and tight every two weeks.
Every other Thursday morning I’m at the barber ready to cut off my hippie length hair and get clean and mean.
Staying clean and well groomed is of utmost importance…
important for your own morale and very important to help inspire confidence in others.
Dirty freaks don’t inspire confidence in literally ANYONE.
You will notice ONE thing amongst the upper class and the very well off, they are ALWAYS impeccably groomed.
Even if they are just wearing a t-shirt and shorts, they look CLEAN.
Poor people cannot look clean no matter how hard that they try.
The simple act of putting on a suit does NOT make you look clean, even the simple act of bathing does not make you look clean.
A dirty person always looks like a dirt-bag, even WITH a suit and tie on.
Staying clean and groomed doesn’t require 18 different soaps or specialty shampoos and conditioners, it simply requires you take care of your body the way in which that you actually SHOULD.
Daily bathing of course…
form fitting and very stylish clothes…
hair trimmed (especially the hair on the back of the neck)…
face trimmed (if you can grow a full beard, great, but if you grow spotty facial hair then you should always be shaved).
On the poor class, facial hair only seems to grow into a mustache and goatee.
4) Dress like a winner
There are no WINNERS who look like LOSERS.
You can stand next to a winner and know it instantly.
You can know it by HOW they dress.
By their cleanliness and by their demeanor.
Dressing like a winner is an absolute MUST.
Every time I say “Dress like a winner”…
I always get a flurry of responses and excuses about WHY you shouldn’t dress like a winner.
or that the weather is TOO HOT to dress like a winner.
Winners are winners on the inside AND the outside, and their style of dress will confirm it.
You should NEVER ever wear dirty clothes…
You should NEVER ever wear ill-fitting clothes…
and you should NEVER ever wear cheaply produced clothes.
It’s certainly OK to pay a steep discount (I do) but for quality clothing, you shouldn’t NEVER ever pay a cheap price for cheap clothes.
Since it is the dead of summer RIGHT NOW I’m going to let you in on my little secret – it’s too hot to wear a suit and tie, every day I wear single color V-neck t-shirts made out of Peruvian Pima cotton.
These shirts are SO comfortable that any time I put on another t-shirt it feels like it’s made out of cactus.
Not ONLY are they comfortable but they also look VERY phenomenal (they aren’t made for peasants) and they can be purchased at a VERY reasonable price.
Check your local upscale shopping mall for Pima cotton t shirts and then wait for a sale and then buy it all in bulk.
Note: The only people who can look good in t-shirts, and especially v-neck t-shirts, are men who have a good build.
If you’re a skinny guy or a fat guy, you need to hit the gym before you worry about an upgrade in clothing.
I can’t say this enough: The way you dress matters more than MOST will ever imagine.
If you DON’T believe me, if you’re one of those deluded guys who THINKS clothes don’t make the man, then go ahead and put on a dress and tell me that clothes DON’T matter.
I saw a fat slob yesterday that made me downright flat out sick.
The fella had a nasty beard, the fella had greasy gelled hair (and was balding), he was wearing gigantic khaki shorts with army pockets, he was wearing a gigantic cotton t-shirt, he was wearing some basketball shoes that a white man should NEVER wear and he was wearing dirty white socks that poked up an inch above his shoes.
He looked like complete shit and I’m sure he felt like complete shit because he kept his hands in his pockets the whole damn time.
If that fella would take a bath, shave his dirty face, put on a form fitting suit, wear nice shoes and lose 50 lbs he would feel like a million bucks… instantly.
He would be a BRAND NEW man and he would probably for the FIRST time in his whole ENTIRE life get stares from cute girls.
Gentlemen, when I walk into a grocery store I get smiles, stares and blushes from literally ALL of the girls.
If that doesn’t happen to YOU, then you should immediately fix that problem.
5) Drink Coffee
Coffee is probably the worlds GREATEST drug.
There’s a reason all those fruity types are obsessed with Starbucks, and that reason is this – coffee works.
Coffee wakes you up, coffee helps you stay focused, and coffee keeps you alert.
Coffee is a minor nootropic and it’s the MOST easily available nootropic in the whole ENTIRE world.
Buy it, and drink it… every single day.
6) Have a rich mindset
Wealth is a mindset.
Poor dirt-bags are ALWAYS going to be poor because they have a poor, dumb mindset.
Ask any dirt-bag how to get rich and they will say one of TWO things: Win the lottery or win a lawsuit.
Making money is just a game, when you take it super seriously and become frightened of it you will NEVER make any of it.
You’ll go to your “job” and get paid EXACTLY what you’re worth – pennies.
The difference between the “owner” and the “manager” of a company is that the manager is scared and the owner pushed through his fear of failure and is NOW reaping the rewards.
The “manager” works hard to put MONEY into the pocket of the “owner“.
Thanks, manager!
It doesn’t take a genius to MAKE MONEY, it only takes determination and drive and a refusal to listen to the whiners, losers and complainers who give you reasons about WHY it can’t be done and WHY it will fail.
Saying “if only this”, or “if only that”, or “when this happens blah blah” is a cop-out and a bullshit excuse.
Nothing is ever going to happen for you until you GET THE FUCK UP AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.
7) Use Smart Drugs
One thing that separates winners from losers is energy.
The rich have boundless energy and drive.
They work 16 hours a day, party all night, sleep 4 hours and then do it all over again.
Well, if you do NOT have boundless energy there is a way to get it and that way is called SMART DRUGS.
8) Aspire for Higher
Aiming to be average is a great way to become simply average.
Aiming for higher is a great way to become superior.
It’s all in the mind.
What you aspire to is what you will eventually BECOME.
Of course it takes ACTION along with your aspiration, but hear this: You are going to TAKE ACTION no matter what.
Most people will TAKE ACTION to be a faceless nobody who makes 50k a year working some shit job with “benefits” and two weeks vacation per year and one week sick leave per year, takes orders from some useless manager or some fat hog in HR and then dies a complete flat out nobody.
“I’m not greedy, I just want…“.
Fuck your “just”.
If you “just” want an average life then I can guarantee that YOU will definitely get it.
Winners don’t “just” want ANYTHING.
Winners demand a MUCH taller order than that.
And they’ll get it, too.
We all GET what we WANT.
If you just want an “average life” then that’s EXACTLY what you’ll get.
But look around at the average Joe and Jane, their lives are as enviable as AIDS.
I’d sooner eat a bullet than aspire to be just simply “average“.
Aim for more, aim to become above average.
Aim for the stars.
Maybe you only reach the moon, but you’ll be FAR above the rest of the faceless average Joe’s STILL stuck on Earth.
9) Howl like a Wolf
This is another one my of little secrets.
It’s impossible to feel sad or feel depressed or feel lethargic after you howl like a Wolf.
That’s a scientific FACT.
Do it RIGHT NOW and you are guaranteed to feel like a king and you are guaranteed at least 5 minutes of boundless positive energy.
Simply go do it RIGHT NOW.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”