In this article, I am going to reveal the SECRETS on How to Be a Player with 10 powerful tips.
In this post, I’m also going to be dropping some serious game knowledge… fast and to the point.
To say, I’m blunt in this post would be an understatement.
Pay attention, read closely, apply the knowledge and you’ll be on your way to becoming a true player.
#10: Girls Are Attracted to Men With Options
If you find yourself hemming and hawing to a girl about how you’re dating other girls, then your Frame is completely out of whack.
While you don’t have to be obvious, you also shouldn’t shy away from her questions with feeble attempts to appease her.
Yes, you are a man in demand and a man in demand… gets pussy and lots of it.
When a girl is aware that you’re being pursued by other girls, she will only step up her ‘game’ even higher and will be eager to please you.
On the flip-side, if you are NEVER in demand, then girls can sense this and will avoid you like the plague.
#9: Take Pride in Your Style
According to a Google survey, women are 3 times more attracted to a man wearing a suit and tie than shorts and a t-shirt.
I’ll let you ponder on that for a moment.
You don’t always have to wear a suit, but the jury’s verdict is in and it’s a clear decision:
Men who rock well-fitting suits get more Indicators Of Interest than men who don’t.
Enough’ said.
#8: The More In Control You Are, The More She Will Want to Lose Control With You
Don’t be a needy beta bitch boy clamoring for her attention.
Put out some effort to see her.
Does she reciprocate?
Does she NOT and do you chase her even harder?
If you find yourself chasing her non-stop, then you’re out of control and she has already slotted you in the Eager Beaver category.
Be in control of your emotions.
Be in control of how much Push-Pull you use.
Women feel extreme attraction for men who are cool, calm and collected.
Be that man.
Keep your emotions in check.
Let her be the one to lose control of her emotions… and become infatuated with you.
It’s a beautiful thing.
#7: Make Your Home Your Motherfucking’ Haven
Fuck having a ‘Man Cave’ in the garage.
Your entire apartment, or house is your ‘Man Cave’.
Pimp out your palace no matter how humble it might be… and create an atmosphere of casual and cool, clean and fresh, fun and sex.
#6: Women Are NOT Your Life, They Merely Add to Your Life
The moment a man decides to put his focus more on his significant other than his goals, she is already packing in her mind.
Be balanced.
Get girls, but DON’T forget your goals.
Having a great life as a man is a balancing act… and when you combine great player skills with a playboy lifestyle, then your life really opens up.
Don’t forget the star player in your life: YOU.
#5: Body Language is a Player’s Strongest Asset
Show me a strong player and I’ll show you a cat who can do more with his mouth closed in turning a woman on, than most guys can do running their mouth for 10 minutes.
If you don’t know how to work on alpha male body language and develop your voice until it’s masculine and paced, then stay tuned, because I’m going to show you how.
#4: Women Love Bad Boys
While that doesn’t mean to go out and get your ass arrested, it does mean that if you constantly get friend-zoned and treated as the Beta Bitch Boy Provider type, then you’re giving off too much of a ‘Nice Guy’ vibe.
Women crave the bad boy for one main reason:
He truly does NOT give a fuck if she likes him or not.
So what does she do?
She chases him with the hope that she will be ‘the one’ to reform his bad boy ways and he will come to his senses and settle down with her.
Good luck.
#3: Don’t Be a Slob
I recently turned down a potential coaching client because I told him he wasn’t ready yet (how many lifestyle coaches turn down money?).
To put it bluntly, he needed to lose weight.
Now, that’s not the issue.
The issue is that he refused to listen to me and get on an exercise program to lose the weight.
Don’t expect to walk out your door and pull dimes if you’re stuffing your face with Krispy Kremes every night and carrying around an extra 75 lbs.
Ain’t happening.
Keep up a good exercise regimen and be disciplined.
You don’t have to turn into Arnold in his prime… but stay toned, have some endurance for those all night fuck sessions and most importantly, do it because you give two fucks about taking care of the one body you actually have.
#2: The Best Players Take Risks
Take a risk.
That girl you keep eyeing in your calculus class?
Go approach her.
Without risking falling on your face, you will NEVER reach the heights of being a great player.
It’s okay to be scared, hell everyone gets nervous sometimes, but the difference between the winner and the loser is, that the winner will take the risk despite his fear, while the loser will give into his fear and do NOTHING.
Live life.
Approach girls.
Be adventurous.
Take risks.
Life is helluva short and regrets on your deathbed is no way to go out.
#1: The Correct Mindset is the Key To Becoming a Great Player
The key to becoming a great player starts with a man’s mindset.
Learn how to change your mindset, and you will learn how to not just become a great player, but also change your life.
Until next time.
Your man,
-Elijah “The Realist”